SMEP success buddies

Steph - Firstly, Im so sorry to hear about your granny :hugs: Take it easy.
Eeeek a BOY! so exciting for you :) we are so rubbish at guesses :) My poor little girl is going to be inundated with boys :p I love the name Oliver Noah - Oliver is my fav boys name too and it was one of our top choices (along with Toby) - sounds perfect :) Would you shorten it to Ollie? Your bump is soo cute too :) And def go ahead with a boy nursery - blue all around - how about a pirate theme!?! :haha:

Smiley - I love Jasper too :) what lovely names you all have :)

kbkb - :haha: I love your attitude, I need to get some more like that. My DH is also a 'considerer' very annoying. Maya is so pretty :)

Well we have some ideas, Eleanor and Jenny but DH is sooo annoying and actually has strong opinions so I like lots of names but he is picky :haha: We havent actually bought anything girlie yet - Im not a huge fan of pink so lots of pretty reds, purples etc for us :) But we may be doing some baby shopping this weekend - although with the move happening we may not buy too much until we have moved, which could possibly be before xmas!!! eeeeeeek! :happydance:
Woooo :headspin: move by Xmas??? That's fantastic!!! I'm not a pink lover myself...i think my baby, if a girl will have more of the reds and purples too! or just white, I love white!!!

My pick is Jenny :thumbup: its really cute!
Hey Certain :wave:

Thanks very much, appreciate that:hugs:

I really should adopt urs and kbkb's attitude to shopping! I want everything NOW!! LoL! :dohh: I drive my OH crazy! I actually havent bought that much...yet! Except the pram lol! Loads of people are saying to me that its terrible that Ive got the pram in the house...but if I was re-using Brandons pram, it would be in the house too lol! Silly people!

Oh my gosh, I cant believe yous could be in ur new house by Christmas! :xmas6: How amazing would that be? Im so jealous :happydance::happydance: Aw I really hope yous get the keys as soon as possible! it next weekend u move?? Aaaah I really am so jealous of u ladies! I want a new house! NOW!! Haha!!!:haha: are lucky uz have a 'considerer'...I have a "naaaah dont like that, naaaah dont like about (insert some stupid name from an xbox game)"...LoL! My OH didnt like Brandon up until I was in labour haha!! I loved it from before we knew he was a boy but OH always said no!

Certain...I love your baby names! They are beautiful! :flower: Aaah how exciting! Which one is your OH preferring at the moment? My only worry with Oliver is that it is becoming quite popular...I dont want him to be in a class at school with 6 other Olivers Lol! But I checked the latest polls...its number 1 in England, but only number 8 here in Scotland! And I had to promise OH that if we do name him Oliver then it WONT be shortened to Ollie...even though I know that it will be OH who does shorten it lol! He doesnt want people thinking weve named the baby after Olly Murs lol!

Kbkb...Maya is a lovely name too! So girly! :flower:

I love both ur wee girls cute! I love girly girly names! :D

And I totally agree with uz aswell about the pink...If I ever have a wee girl, I dont think Il put her in pink! Purples and reds are beautiful!

Oh...and loving the pirate suggestion! But Brandon is absolutely obsessed with animals so I was thinking maybe of a jungle! We are sitting watching The Lion King just now and Brandon is running about the house with his lion toys roaring! Haha!! xxxxxxx
Aw I have to show u this!!

So I was in brushing my teeth and Brandon comes in with a lion teddy up his jammy top and tells me he has a baby lion in his tummy!!


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Awww steph - you made me giggle with the lion king - My DH is absolutly in love with that film! I have bought him a large Simba teddy as part of xmas gifts - hes wanted one for ages :haha: Ive also bought a cute simba snuggly for DD (eeek 1st time writing that!) :) LOL i love that pic - he is soo cute!

By the way this has got to be used more often - :xmas6: :happydance:
Haha! That is sooo cute u go ur DH and DD some Lion King presents! Ooooh DD!! Thats so exciting!!! Ive bought my OH The Incredibles for Xmas haha!! The Disney Store has a huge Simba range of clothing that I think I might need to purchase haha!

Oh and I kno...I just came across all the xmas smileys!!

:xmas1::xmas2::xmas3::xmas4::xmas5::xmas6::xmas7::xmas8::xmas9::xmas10::xmas11::xmas12::xmas13: :xmas14::xmas15:

Eeeeek, too much exciting stuff going on!!!

Steph - LOVE Oliver Noah, they were my most favourite names and I really wanted one or the other for DS - but OH was just not as taken. He started to come round to Noah, but then changed his mind at the end (Ugh, men!) but yes, love them together :D

Certain - In your new house by crimbo??? Daaaaa!!! How exciting!!! that will be so lovely for you guys. :D Really like your girls names as well, I think Jenny gets my vote as well. don't see a lot of Jenny's around, but it is so adorable!!

kbkb - Maya is a gorgeous name as well :D Haha, you make me laugh with how laid back you guys are! My OH would like me to be laid back when it comes to these things, but I just can't be! With the way this thread is going if we all think your having a girl you are definitely having a boy :D

AFM - I've just been out this morning and picked up a load of wool. Going to knit my Squiggle a nice blanket :cloud9: I tried to knit one for DS1 but half way through I dropped it all off the needles and lost it all. I couldn't face starting again as I was so angry!! But I think i'm finally ready to tackle another blanket - I am so old!

Oh and Steph - Brandon doing that is TOOO CUTE!! So funny - haha!! Bless him :D

x x x x
Aww Smiley!! Good on u for even attempting to knit!! I am rubbish at all sorts of crafts...but Ive got my mum and auntie on hand haha! My auntie knitted Brandon a blanket with his name, date and weight of birth! So Im hoping she does the same this time! U must have been so gutted last time when it all came off the needles! I wouldnt have had the heart to start again either lol!

LoL Smiley my OH would love it if I could be like Certain and KBKB and be all laid back! To be honest though, when I think back...I dont think I was so eager to buy stuff last time haha! Ive seen a lovely nursery interior range that I love...its called "mosaic transport" lol I'll be running that one by OH when he gets in from work hehe! He'l choke me lol!

Brandons having a nap and Im sitting here looking all kinds of baby stuff haha! Just realised I'll need a new changing bag too! Ooooh!

Where are uz all looking for baby clothes? xxxxxx
Ooh where is that nursery range? Have you got a link so I can nose? :D

Oh yes, I have already been looking at new changing bags. I had a beautiful yummy mummy pink lining one last time, and I really want another one! Just love all those bags! They are quite expensive though, but mine was a gift last time - so i'm sure that means i'm allowed to buy one this time?!

Ahh that's a good idea with the name etc on, I might do that - well maybe just the name as i'm sure i'll be too busy to fill in the d.o.b and weight!

I've been looking in Next and Pumpkin Patch - but to be honest, we have so many clothes I shouldn't really be looking. Will buy a few nice baby grows etc then prob wont buy anything else till he gets a bit older.... well this is the plan anyway. We'll see!

x x x

Thats the link for the nursery set! Mothercare have it but it seems to be out of stock online but there are a few other online retailers that seem to do it!

Aaw I love the yummy mummy changing bags!! I definitely think you are entitled to buy one this time! This baby needs to have the same as DS1 had...and if thats a mummy with a pretty bag then so be it! LoL uv got me googling them now!

Yeah I cant imagine ul have too much time for knitting once baby is here lol! So maybe just the name would be nice haha! If I was doing it myself I would just do the name!

We dont have any clothes of OHs stupid cousin :grr::grr: so we are gonna need to get a few things! I have a few wee vests and sleepsuits already...but Im not gonna buy too much! I dont wanna end up with so much that he doesnt wear them all! xxxxx
Oh I love that range!! Looks lovely!!

This is the bag i'm pining for this time :D Yep, I definitely think I need it!

Ah it's nice that you can get some new clothes though, I would be getting more if OH wasn't such an advocate of "we have enough stuff!" (Blaaaaaahhh!)

x x x x x
Aaaw! That bag is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! I want it! Hahaha!!

LoL look at these bloody men ruining our fun haha!! I suppose though...without them we wouldnt really be in the position were in eh? LoL! xxxxxx
Haha yes, I suppose we needed them to get here!

I know, I really want it!! Haha - you should definitely get it as well - it's too pretty not to be bought!! x
Hehe!! OH says he'l get me a changing bag for Christmas if I want!! LoL he thinks Im such a weirdo to get excited over a changing bag...!!

He didnt understand my excitement over my pram either! Ooooh my pram! I still love to look at it hahahah!! xxxxx
Morning ladies! Happy Saturday!! Hope uz are all good!!

Smiley - got a wee question for u... with ur DS1, I take it you have lots of clothes that fills the storage u have in his what are u gonna do when DS2 arrives? I have been gutting out Brandons room this morning and its kinda dawned on me that I have no where for babys clothes! We stupidly only bought a single wardrobe when we had Brandon (trying to cut expenses lol) but now could really do with another single, or a double! But Mamas and Papas no longer stock the furniture range that we have :( Just wondered if you are gonna have the same problem or if you were clever enough to have lots of excess storage?

Morning Ladies :)

Smiley - ooo I love that changer bag - I hadnt even thought of one yet :)

Steph - cant help you much but have you looked on Gumtree or Preloved for more of the furniture set?

AFM - 21 weeks today, very exciting! also me and DH are off to pick up some Humphrey corner nursery stuff being sold on Gumtree soon - sooo excited, its soo cute :) Is anyone else suffering from heartburn? Ive got loads of gaviscon now - its keping me awake :( Also last night I woke up with really bad pain by my bellybutton which went down t my yoohoo, my bump was really tight too, it didnt last long - could it be a braxton hick or is it waaay too soon??
Helloo!! Happy 21 weeks!! Only 19 more to go! Wooooo!! :happydance:

Yeah I checked them both...I JUST missed out on furniture on Gumtree! Someone beat me to it! Typical lol!

Aww I love Humphrey's Corners stuff...its so cute :D:D Were such wee bargain hunters hehe!!

I was really suffering with heartburn last week and didnt have any gaviscon so had to just suffer...then I buy gaviscon and havent had any the past few nights! But at least Im prepared for when it strikes again!

And I cant really help too much on the pain! I would have thought it was too early for Braxton Hicks but I really dont know if thats the case at all! I remember having them last time but I think it was once I was in my 30 odd weeks! U could maybe phone ur midwife for a wee double check!


Steph - Ha, I wish we had been that forward planning - but we're not! But, we don't have a particular furniture range, so we're just going to get an extra set of drawers etc that goes with what we have, shouldn't be too much of a problem! It's just organising DS1's toys etc to make room for rest of this furniture to go!

Certain -ah that's exciting! The Humphrey's corner stuff is lovely!! I haven't really been suffering with heartburn - have got a bottle of Gaviscon from the docs just in case, but it's not been an issue so far!

Ooh I don't know what that might be? I would've thought too early for B.hicks, but who knows? I didn't get them last time so I can't really comment on them!

I have been having big trouble sleeping these past few nights. I keep waking up at like 3/4am and not being able to get back to sleep for hours. It's so unlike me, i'm sleep mad!!!

x x x x
Hello ladies :wave:

Smiley - thats so good that uz can just get different furniture! Im jealous! We have a wee white bookcase in Brandons room so Im thinking a wee white set of drawers would look okay! And white pretty much goes with everything so I think thats gonna need to be the way forward lol!

I wonder why ur not sleeping much Smiley? Are u going to bed a lot earlier or anything? U must be absolutely shattered, especially running after DS!

Certain - How did u get on picking up the nursery things? Eek! Have u had any more pains? Hope not!

Hows everyone else getting on?

AFM - Well im getting really fed up these past few days! Loads of people have come up to me looking all sympathetic and saying "ah well, never mind, if you have any more then you might get ur girl"... :grr: I dont understand people at all! Just because I THOUGHT baby was a girl does not mean I WANTED a girl! So many people do not believe me when I say Im over the moon! Sorry for the rant but its really driving me insane! :growlmad:

Apart from that I dont really have much to report... I think I might be nesting because these past two days I have been tipping the house upside down and binning soooo much stuff! Today, I am tackling my mountain of ironing that Ive been ignoring for the past week lol! :iron: My OH came home from work last nite and couldnt believe how tidy the house was haha!! :haha:

Hi Steph!

I was going to ask you if you've had any comments like that actually. Even though we haven't told anyone we know, i've been saying I think it's a boy (like I have done for the majority of the way through!) and the other day one of my friends looked at me all sad, and asked "Ah, would you be happy if it's a boy?" - I just can't get over people. Then her and my other friend sat there saying, "I really want you to have a girl, I hope it is!" Now I know, part of this is my fault as we could tell them we're having a boy and stop them saying "they hope it's a girl", but i'm sure if we did then we'd get the "well, you might have a girl next" comments - ARGHHH!!!

I'm at my limit now of people saying anything re: a girl, and the next person is going to get a rage of hormones!!

It just seems to be the way that girls are far more celebrated (by most other women anyway - I find the guys are "the more boys the better" - but are just less outspoken about it) I think if we were having two girls now we'd be getting the "Oh how lovely, they'll be the best of friends"

Ok, rant over. (For now)

x x x x

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