Hey everyone!
Sorry Ive not been on the past few days, Smiley...thanks for noticing haha! We had my grannys funeral yesterday so have spent the past few days with family! Its been a pretty rough few days, sorry!

Didnt wanna come on and bum uz all out lol!
Tray - Ur scan video is lovely and I would def stick with my pink guess! But, like the others are saying, I would be asking for another scan to try get the measurements! Im suprised they didnt book you in for one! But I have also heard of hospitals that dont do a scan until 20 weeks so maybe the hospital u are at are different!
Certain - Sorry to hear uv been so emotional! They say the 3 most stressful things you can do in life is move house, get married and have a baby! And ur doing 2 at the same time so its no wonder ur feeling it! Just try make things go at ur own pace! The house will still be there after xmas so dont rush ureselves to fit in with the builders timetable!
And thats fab that you are gonna get to stop on feb 18th! Thats not long at all! Once Xmas is done, ul only have like 6 weeks to go! Im gonna try get all my stuff sorted this week in work so that I can cross that off my list!
Smiley & kbkb - Hows u ladies doing? Hows bumps getting on?
Smiely - Did ur dress arrive? How did it go? I have a wedding next month...29th of Decemeber!!
AFM - Well...ive not been much company recently! My mood swings are up and down! I am just sooo fed up with life if yous know what I mean? Work is really getting me down and all I wanna do is phone in sick 2moro! Im meant to start at 6am and just really cant be bothered!
And my SIL is being an absolute bitch recently! She is normally 'difficult' to be around, but the past week has been outrageous! Her and her OH have a boy 3 weeks youger than Brandon but they both live off benefits when they r more than capable of getting a job! They bring in more than me and OH combined and have less outgoings...and yet constantly moan to us that they are skint! They just bought a new tv for their bedroom...I dont class that as being skint! And yet they will sit and say they cant afford Xmas! They bring in just under £3000 a month on benefits! Lol im totally having a rant now but im just so sick of her! And she isnt happy because we didnt take up her suggestion of Reece for a name! Aaaah! But of course, for keeping the peace sake...I need to keep my mouth shut! Its just driving me up the wall!
Oh my god...Im so sorry! I didnt mean to ramble on but I had to get it off my chest! I could write forever about how much she is annoying me! Aaaahh!!!
Anyway...hope uz are all okay!! xxxxxxxx