SMEP success buddies

wow girlies congrats on moving-up-a-fruit-day. I have my NT scan in 3 hours............nervous :wacko: i might be moving a fruit sooner than i think too. By my LMP im 12+2 today but at my private scan last saturday i was measuring 12+2 that day which makes me 12+6 today. Im waiting to see what my actual measurements are today before i attempt to move my ticker.

Hope you all have a good day. Oh and now i want a babymoon too xxx
Hey Tray :wave:

Eeeek! Another scan! Wot an exciting week for u!! Oooh let us know if they move you up! Smiley was moved up a good few days at her 12 week scan! And my OHs cousin was moved up over a week! How exciting for u!

LoL a babymoon would be great wouldnt it?

Smiley - you must have your 20 week scan coming up? Yes? xxxxxxxx
Ah Steph - pics are amazing!! We didn't have one for DS - my OH wouldn't let me. He said it was a waste of money for something we were going to get to see soon anyway....i'm in 2 minds whether to get one or not. I would love to, I think it would be great - but then... I want my yummy mummy bag more - haha!! Maybe the MIL will want to get one so she can come... she offered to pay for one last time, but OH still said no. (BOOOO!!) He said we could use that money for other, more needed things. Ugh, being sensible is annoying.

Yep got my 20 week scan next Saturday - cannot wait!!!! I keep forgetting about it, I can't wait to see him again. Really looking forward to seeing how much he's grown - Eeeekk!

I've got a wedding this Sat, and I am still needing something to wear - ARGHHH!!! I did buy DS some really cute suit trousers and a shirt and tie though, so excited about putting him in this! :happydance:

Certain - You are doing so well on the bargain finding!!! I love Gumtree as well, sometimes it's full of crap - but if you're patient you get some good bits!

Tray - Oooh can't wait to see pics of your bub again!! Yeh, they might move you on a few days then if they dated you differently at the other one. That's always exciting!

kbkb - beach place??? Even more jealous now!!! Ah, that will be so lovely for you. I bet you just can't wait to get away now!

x x x x
If anyone was going to order a yummy mummy bag there is code that gives £10 off - just enter VIP21 at checkout. Not sure how long it lasts for, but I just tried it and it works. . . .That's definitely my 4d scan out the window though :dohh: x
Oooooh!!! Aw thats me wanting a yummy mummy bag again!!! OH says he feels bad getting me a changing bag for christmas but im like "its sooooo much more than a changing bag" hahaha!!!

Aww i bet ur DS looks super cute!! Where r u thinking of getting something from to wear?

Aah thats so cool ur scan is next week! Im so jealous haha!! Cant wait to see the pics of him again!!

It IS soooo much more than a changing bag!! My changing bag was my whole life with DS, I didn't carry a handbag about - just this. So for the amount of use you get out of it - totally worth it... (Is it justified yet???)

I don't know!! I was hoping to just order something online and it magically look great. but I can't find anything (I've looked on Topshop, ASOS, DP's, Next, Newlook) Really stressing me out. How inconvenient to have a wedding when I am pregnant!

x x x x
ok girlies so i had my scan today and have been moved up 3 days im now 12+5, need to figure out how to change my tickers. However bubba was being a bit stubborn. S/he was asleep with its legs crossed in a budda position the whole time so the scanner lady couldnt get an NT measurement. I was sent for a walk to try to wake bubba or move bubba but it was a no go. Bubba was still asleep. So no NT measurements at all. I have to get bloods done in 2 weeks at my midwife to do the risk percentage thing that way.

Still here is another picture, i think i see a girlie nub again in this one.


  • 12+5.jpg
    31 KB · Views: 1
Yep, girlie girlie girlie :D Are you hoping for one or the other?

Ah, your bubba was just too comfy to move! Have they not said that they'll get you back in for a rescan of the NT measurements??

And yay to being moved up a couple days, haha - it's only a couple days but feels like a nice jump! :D x

TrAy- aww cute, she just wanted to nap :) lovely pic though. Im sure your results will be fine :) would be nice if they gave you another scan though.

Smiley - have you had any luck with shopping? I think jojo might have some nice stuff? i need to start thinking about a dress too, only 2 weeks until our work xmas party (very posh thing) - sigh!

How are you all? hope kbkb is enjoying lounging in the beach house :)

Im feeling quite emotional today :( actually cried this morn which is very unlike me. think the whole house thing is just getting to me. They are pushing to get us completed before xmas (think it looks good for them) but its so quick and were not even sure the deposit will be cleared by then! :( stressful :(
Hi Certain :hugs: Ah, I hate that feeling - when things are moving just that bit too fast. I'm sure everything will be fine though, but don't stress about it. If you can get it sorted before crimbo - great! but if you can't, then they'll jsut have to wait!

I have had minus luck with the shopping. I ordered a dress from DP's yesterday, so waiting for that to arrive today. It's not a maternity one though, i've just gone for a style that should hopefully accommodate my bump. I do have a backup dress at home, again - not a maternity dress but it will do the job if I need it to.

x x x
certain i wouldn't let yourself get too stressed, if it happens before christmas then great, if not then they will just have to wait. Simple as that. However this is prob one of those things that is easier said than done.

Bit pee'ved this morning as they never even mentioned or offered another scan to do the NT measurements. They just said that my midwife would do a blood test to do the risk factor that way and that i should book that appointment for 2 weeks time. Should i be worried now???

As for the gender thing OH really wants a girl. Im still on the fence, i will be happy with either but i think if i was truly honest i would be really happy with a girl too.
Morning Girls,

How are we all?

TrAy - I must admit Im a bit surpised they didnt offer you another one, but maybe its coz your low risk in other ways? Im sure you could request one if you wanted to. Aww, would be nice to have another :pink: on the team :)

So I have just had a meeting with my boss and she has agreed I can take all my holiday before my MAT leave, so my last day at work is the 18th Feb....sooooo excited!! little concerned I may get bored but im sure I will find some other bump mothers near us when we move.
Good Morning!


Tray - Yeh, i'm quite surprised they haven't offered you another scan. I thought the bloods were only accurate with the measurement? Maybe give them a call and see? But like Certain says - maybe as you're low risk they wont. I know it is different depending on which hospital you're at. The nurse taking my bloods at my 12 week scan said that some NHS hospitals don't offer the NT testing at all so I don't know?

Certain - Yay! that's what i'm doing, taking all my holiday off before maternity leave. How long are you having off / when are you going back? Nooo you wont get bored, just spend the time relaxing, seeing people and setting up ready for your baby girl!! I loved having a bit of time off before DS came - and I will thoroughly enjoy it this time :D

x x x x
Hey everyone!

Sorry Ive not been on the past few days, Smiley...thanks for noticing haha! We had my grannys funeral yesterday so have spent the past few days with family! Its been a pretty rough few days, sorry! :flower: Didnt wanna come on and bum uz all out lol!

Tray - Ur scan video is lovely and I would def stick with my pink guess! But, like the others are saying, I would be asking for another scan to try get the measurements! Im suprised they didnt book you in for one! But I have also heard of hospitals that dont do a scan until 20 weeks so maybe the hospital u are at are different! :shrug:

Certain - Sorry to hear uv been so emotional! They say the 3 most stressful things you can do in life is move house, get married and have a baby! And ur doing 2 at the same time so its no wonder ur feeling it! Just try make things go at ur own pace! The house will still be there after xmas so dont rush ureselves to fit in with the builders timetable!

And thats fab that you are gonna get to stop on feb 18th! Thats not long at all! Once Xmas is done, ul only have like 6 weeks to go! Im gonna try get all my stuff sorted this week in work so that I can cross that off my list!

Smiley & kbkb - Hows u ladies doing? Hows bumps getting on?

Smiely - Did ur dress arrive? How did it go? I have a wedding next month...29th of Decemeber!!

AFM - Well...ive not been much company recently! My mood swings are up and down! I am just sooo fed up with life if yous know what I mean? Work is really getting me down and all I wanna do is phone in sick 2moro! Im meant to start at 6am and just really cant be bothered!
And my SIL is being an absolute bitch recently! She is normally 'difficult' to be around, but the past week has been outrageous! Her and her OH have a boy 3 weeks youger than Brandon but they both live off benefits when they r more than capable of getting a job! They bring in more than me and OH combined and have less outgoings...and yet constantly moan to us that they are skint! They just bought a new tv for their bedroom...I dont class that as being skint! And yet they will sit and say they cant afford Xmas! They bring in just under £3000 a month on benefits! Lol im totally having a rant now but im just so sick of her! And she isnt happy because we didnt take up her suggestion of Reece for a name! Aaaah! But of course, for keeping the peace sake...I need to keep my mouth shut! Its just driving me up the wall!

Oh my god...Im so sorry! I didnt mean to ramble on but I had to get it off my chest! I could write forever about how much she is annoying me! Aaaahh!!!

Anyway...hope uz are all okay!! xxxxxxxx
Aww Steph :hugs: you can still come here - up or down mood, that's what we're here for! Hope your granny's funeral went well (as well as funerals can be!)

Oh hun, I could rant allllll day about this!! People like that really annoy me. 1) there's the issue I have with people being on benefits if they don't need to be. (through laze) I think we have a great benefits system in place, but for those that need it!! and 2) do NOT moan if you are getting all your money for nothing. You're outgoing's are less than mine and you're incoming's are greater! I have no patience to listen to people moaning about how "little" or "skint" they are when I know that the majority of people have much less and work harder for it.

Ugh! Luckily I don't know many people in this situation.. at least, none that I have to be around and tolerate. I can imagine it's difficult to bite your tongue!! I don't think I could!!

ANYWAY.... Yes, my dress did arrive :D I managed to order one, but it only came today and i'm not sure what I think about it... I will have to judge it again in the morning when my hair / makeup is done. Not really got many options though!! :dohh: x x x
Aw smiley! Totally on the same wave length! I honestly dont know how her and OH are related! They r totally different! She is unreal! She always goes on about how she doesnt understand how mothers can leave their children to go out to work...aaaah! Im like "well i need to cos otherwise my son wont eat!!!" We take turns at buying nappies for OH's mums house cos we r over there a lot cos she watches Brandon...SIL had bought nappies this time round and then txt OH sayin "we had to take nappies back from mums becos we are so skint so ul need to take some over" it took all my strength to not txt her tellin her where she can shove her nappies! We r planning on potty training Brandon in a few weeks as i have a week off so she'll be screwed then wen its only her son who needs nappies!

I agree our benefits system is fab for those who need it...but she claims incapacity benefit becos she is "depressed"! Shes not! No way! Shes just a pain in the arse! Aaah i need to calm down!

Thats good ur dress arrived! They always look MUCH better when u have ur hair and make up done! Im sure ul look lovely!

Im thinking abt headin to my bed as i need to be up at 4.30am haha! Im such a party animal
A xxxxxx
Smiley - have u ordered ur changing bag yet? If u go on mummy and little me website and sign up...u get 15% off them! Its only valid til 28th November tho! They have the one u want :D xxxxxx
If anyone was going to order a yummy mummy bag there is code that gives £10 off - just enter VIP21 at checkout. Not sure how long it lasts for, but I just tried it and it works. . . .That's definitely my 4d scan out the window though :dohh: x

Is that on the pink lining website? Or the john lewis one?? I clearly never went to bed haha! xxxx
Busy weekends girls? :)

Steph - :hugs: for your grannys funeral. Sounds like a your SIL is a right pain to me! I agree with you guys about benefits, great for people who need them but really bugs me when people take advantage!

Smiley - At the moment im planning on taking 9 months off (4.5 months full pay and 4.5 SMP), so that will start from 30th March. If I want I can take another 3 months unpaid but we will have to see how money is nearer the time. Im hoping to only go back for 3 months then leave as I dont like my job. How long will you have off?

kbkb - hope the house move is going well - let me know any tips :)

Thanks for the boost ladies, sort of starting to feel better, although still seem more emotional than normal. Just want to have def timeline for the house move - dont like uncertainty like this. Had a really exhausting day shopping yesterday and we collected the crib :) however I do now have all my xmas pressies!! yey! Nice quiet (if not lazy due to housework) day today - still in PJs...:haha:

Hope you have all had lovely weekends!

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