SMEP success buddies

Yeah I feel the exact same way as u!! Its driving me insane! I do wonder if, if Brandon had been a girl...if people would have the same reaction if I was gonna be having two girls instead of two boys! A lot of people have said how I've missed out on 'a gentleman's family' which apparently is having one of each! LoL I'm like, I really could not care less whether I have a gentleman's family or not! As long as I have a happy and healthy family!! I'm just getting sick and tired of having to convince people that this boy is just as celebrated as Brandon was! I feel so sad for my poor baby that so many people were 'disappointed' that he is a boy! Of course, none of these people's opinions matter to me or my OH...I just hate how so many people can make you feel like you've let them down!

LoL thats my rant over too! But I just look at Brandon and think how could anyone not be happy for us that were gonna have another wee one like him! He is amazing, so affectionate and so well behaved! Altho, they do say you don't get two the same haha!!

Aw well Smiley...I guess theres always third time lucky for us, eh??:dohh:

hey ladies sorry need to go back and read all the posts i've missed since last been on. I've been working 2 jobs back to back for days so haven't had much free time. PLUS we announced our pregnancy to the world on my mums birthday yesterday so have been trying to keep up with all the well wishes, what an amazing feeling. I feel so blessed. Anyway i can now finally post some scan pics from my private scan on saturday so you guys can guess away. I have my offical NHS scan on wednesday too so more will follow this week eeeeeeeeek


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Tray! Amazing pics :happydance: I would definitely say you have a baby girl there!! I know our guesses haven't been accurate so far (hahaha) but your last pics shows a great nub shot and the skull / chin area is shouting girl!! Ahhh so exciting that you get to have another scan so soon - can't wait to see pics from that as well :D You sound like you've been very busy though, put your feet up!!!

Steph - Yep, I feel sad that people are going to be disappointed in something that they really have no right to be disppointed about!! but as you say, fingers crossed for 3rd time lucky - (Oh dear!)

Hope everyone is having a good Monday, mine is busy!! I have just handed in my offical letter of when to start maternity leave etc. Just waiting for my *******s that I work for to come back and moan - telling me I can't take holiday at the start of my leave etc etc.

Ugh, I hate the people I work for. x x x x
Hi tray!!!!

Woooo! Wot beautiul scan pictures!! Im so happy it all went well!!! Yay! Ok...seeing as how we have such an amazing track record at gender guessing (:haha:) then il have a wee go!! I think i will say a girl, the same as smiley! I compared it to brandons & this babys scan & it appears quite different! Lol so ur prob having a boy with the way this thread is goin hahaha!!

Smiley - Wen have u said u want to leave for maternity leave? The HR manager in my work must have forgotten im pregnant cos shes done NO risk assessments or sat me down to tell me or OH wot were entitled to! Its ridiculous! I have the last week of our financial year off as hols, so im gonna try take 3 weeks off at the start of the new financial year as hols and then start maternity leave! I would be due back the middle of january and then id still have 3 weeks hol to take between then and the end of march!

Thats my plans but wel see if it happens lol! Wots everyone elses plans?

Im working today, start at half 2 so i might go in and see wots happening! Xxxxxxx
BALLS! I just wrote out a reply and then it got lost - FML.

So i'm taking holiday from 12th march to 13th April, and i'll start maternity leave on 16th April! So last day will be 9th March - woohoo!!!! We don't have a HR department, so there's no-one I can check this with. And I do all the payroll stuff, so there no payroll department to speak to either :dohh: my boss will just send it out to a law firm to check I imagine!

I then do not plan on returning to work until 2013!!! x x x
TrAy - lovely pics :) what a cutie! So nice to have another one to look forward to as well. Im going to say :pink: coz I want my DD to have a girl buddy :haha:

Smiley - Sounds like a nice amount of time off, maybe they wont argue if they dont have anyone to ask? I know that my HR dep have said that I can take my holiday before hand as long as my boss agreed - tbh they have to pay me for it anyway so they may as well :) I am taking 4 weeks holiday from the 2nd March and officially starting my Mat leave on the 30th March (so just 1 day before EDD). However Im also thinking I may ask to take the rest of my holiday (2 weeks) before that so leaving mid Feb, but im not sure my boss will like that at all :( Im also handing my MATB form in today....eeeeek!

I picked up the nursery stuff and its in great nick, excited, its so cute! I havent had any more bad pains so it was prob wind :haha:

How are we all?
ok this gender thing is on my mind ALL the time now. OH thinks girl too but im back and forth between the two. I keep reading about skull and nub theories to try to educate myself. At our scan on saturday my OH filmed it. Im gonna post it here cause in the first 20 seconds or so when bubba starts moving i think i see the nub, either that or its the cord. I think in the video if it is a nub it looks like a girl nub. What do you guys think?
Hi Tray! Yep, I can see a VERY girly nub almost the whole way through that recording! (What a great idea to record it!!) I know i've sounded confident before, but if you come back and tell us you're having a boy I will eat my hat!!!! :D

Certain - Hooray for the nursery stuff!! It's all coming together now :D

x x x
:hi: girls!!

Traybaby- how exciting !! I'll join the others in saying its a :pink: bump but our track record really has been super lousy!! Sounds like you got some lovely family time right after, that is really wonderful :cloud9:

Certain/Steph- wow,you handing in maternity forms already!!!! super organized of you. I'm being asked by my boss when I want to go, and I'm like 'ummm, maybe feb 1...not sure"i wanna work till the last day for sure, I dont think I could sit @ home n wait, I'd kill somebody :haha:
I hope I can (physically that is)

Smiley- OOh, are they cribbing that you'll be away? tell them to stuff it :grr: and not raise a :hissy: anyway, you shouldnt feel guilty at all. How lovely that you can be off for a year,I hugely envy you UK girls...

But i'll be off two weeks from Monday to settle in after we move and take a babymoon with DH!!!! :dance: :yipee: soooo look forward to it!
Happy Mango day, smiley!!!
Happy Cantaloupe day, steph- FABULOUS you have crossed 20 weeks :dance: :yipee: :wohoo:
Happy squash day to me!! finally the purple monstrous aubergine is gone...
Eeek - Thanks kbkb! 19 weeks!!! WOWEEE!!

Hooray for now being an aubergine any more :happydance: A babymoon and time off sounds amazing, are you doing anything nice or just enjoying your new house?? I am very jealous!! x x x
Oooh I love Wednesdays!!

Happy Squash day kbkb!! U only have 5 fruits left! Eeeek!
Happy Mango day smiley!!
And Im gonna wish myself a happy cantaloupe day hahaha! 20 weeks! Half way there! Woo hoo!

So kbkb, how long do u get off once baby is here? Ur wee babymoon sounds like a lovely idea! Aw Im so excited for uz moving into ur new wee family home :happydance::happydance: xxxx
Hey Smiley!!! i'm going to spend a week to settle in, set up and enjoy the new place...then We're going away to a friend's beach place :cloud9: for a week....I am so frazzled with the move right now, I just want my vaca!!!!
How's your day, mango girl?

Steph- yayyyyy for half way-We get 4 months off, i am hoping i can stretch it to 6...but I dont have confirmation of that yet
Aw hopefully they let u stretch it to as long as possible! Fingers crossed!!

Im currently looking into booking a 4d scan for baby! We had one when we were pregnant with Brandon and it was amaaaazing! But they r quite expensive....oh I dont know what to do lol! Might see if we get any money for xmas and we could put it towards that! LoL! xxxxxxxx
Morning fruity ladies so exciting your all moving on up :)

Kbkb -so pleased to hear you are getting away for a bit, beach house sounds lovely. Me and DH are going for a babymoon the last weekend of Jan, but just to centre parks :haha: wow 29 weeks, so exciting!

Steph - me and DH have decided against a 3d scan but if you had one before it would be nice to have one for this LO :)

AFM - Im so excited, think we may have just been able to get the crib I wanted from Mothercare for £30...eeek I love a bargain, esp with all the moving costs :( Im starting to find myself getting tired quicker again now :( but I think it may have something to do with the fact that DD likes to move LOADS around 3am!! It even woke DH up last night (she kicked him in the back :haha:) oh well, nice quietish weekend coming up....hurry up :)
4D scan would be marvellous!! You can see the face and features etc quite clearly right? I want one too!!!! Maybe i will set one up just for fun!
Morning Certain :wave:

OMG what a bargain!! How the heck did u manage that one? Haha we are all such bargain hunters!!

That is so cute that DD kicked DH in the back! Haha! Nice to see shes sharing her kicks between uz haha!! I havent reached a stage yet where Ive had more energy! I remember it when I was pregnant with Brandon, but I wonder if I dont feel it this time because I have Brandon to run after if you know what I mean? Just make sure ur getting plenty of rest :D

Yeah Im thinking if I had one for Brandon, I really should have one for this wee baby! My wee brother is always saying that the first baby gets loads and the second doesnt...I guess he feels hes missed out on something lol! So I dont wanna do that with this baby!

Yeah kbkb, the 4d scans are amazing!! I'll attach some pics of Brandons! It was amazing sitting there with my family ( we got to take 6 people with us) and they all said he was his daddy double! Just amazing!! :D xxxxx


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Awww, that's so cute!!!! :hugs: he has such a peaceful content look about him!!

Certain- You go girl, what a good deal!!!!!
Awww steph, you are testing me....I really want one now, they are soooo cute!! But I am having so many normal scans I feel bad having a 4d one - maybe I could have it as my xmas pressie!?! :haha:

Lol yeah I am lucky - good old Gumtree :) Although DH is telling me to stop looking for a while coz all the stuff we get we will have to sensible! *sigh*
Ugh men and their sensibleness (is that a word??) Haha! Aw uv really gotta love Gumtree! Its my new favourite past time haha!! Im currently gutting out the house! Having a major clear out! I keep thinking to myself "hhhmmm...would anyone buy that??" haha!! I was looking to do a carboot sale before xmas but all the ones around my area have stopped for the year :(

Im thinking I might ask for a 4d scan for xmas instead of my yummy mummy bag! Haha!! xxxxx

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