SMEP success buddies


Nah nothing too serious to moan about with they winds! They've gone now thankfully! Im just dreading getting together with the neighbours to see about getting the fence and wall fixed! Money money money! And ...our sky is out :cry: LoL! So been sitting on hold for over an hour trying to speak to someone! But in the grand scheme of things, thats not too bad is it?

Thats such a shame about DS!! I really hope it doesnt turn into a chest infection! Glad hes feeling a bit better today tho! U just been keeping him in and wrapped up? Wee lamb! :hugs:

LoL Smiley i wish i could be as relaxed as u about xmas shopping!! I honestly couldnt cope! All ours are wrapped up haha! Altho, if it was up to OH, everyone would get their presents in the carrier bags they came in haha!

I just got Ross Noble tickets!!! Do any of uz like him as a comedian? I love him! So excited to go see him! I go everytime he comes haha!

Meant to add...thats good uv got ur work night out! Just dont sit anywhere near the ppl you dont like lol! Is it a proper xmas dinner ur getting? Yum yum!! xxxxxx
SMILEY!! Pink Lining have launched their new summer 2012 range! Aaah! Even though I probably would have still picked the same bag...this annoys me haha! Especially as they gave me a 15% off code! Rage!! xxxxxxxx
Gahhh!! I have just looked at the summer range - LOVE THEM ALL! The one called "peppermint at the bottom of the garden" or whatever it is, is the one that I had for DS :D

I would have still picked the one I went for though, so this pleases me :haha: The 15% off does not please me!

Hahaha, I saw your status about Ross Noble and had NO idea what it was - i'm glad you've said it's a comedian! I have never heard of him, he's good? Maybe i'll do some youtubing!

Yeh its a proper dinner and band night - we have a seating plan unfortunately, but I have scoped it out and I think we're ok! x x x

Smiley - ooo nice christmas meal, we have ours next Thursday, its a very posh do at Queens College in Cambridge. Must admit I did have panics about what to wear but think I have it sorted now. We also have a seating plan :( sucks! Glad to hear DS is starting to improve, poor thing, hope it continues to get better. I have a poorly DH at home who is, of course, dying from his cold :dohh: Hope i dont get it now!

Steph - well done on the xmas shopping - I think were pretty much done too :) just a bit more wrapping to do :xmas10: getting excited now :happydance: Ooo I like him! We went to see Chris Addison (from Thick of It?!) last night, was very funny - I do love live comedy! Have lots of fun!!

AFM - yeah the heartburn does bother me a bit but keep gaviscon close by at all times :) nevermind, she will be worth it im sure. Also cross with my boss as she said I could move my hours 9.30 -5.30 so I can get the later train when I move (not so crowded etc) but now she has changed her mind (AGAIN) so I will have to get the busy train and bus - its so rediculuous, there is no reason at all why it would make any difference to her!! :devil:
So on the plus side it looks like we will be exchanging contracts today!! :happydance: cant believe it! very exciting!!

Aw smiley...i cant even bring myself to look at the bags!! Mine has just arrived and OH is sticking to his word and not letting me see it! Aaaah! I wanna see it! He came out the room saying "its a different colour to what i thot it would be...." Aaaah just let me see it!

Haha yeah ross noble is a comedian! Hes hilarious! The first time u see him ur kinda like..."eeeh wtf is he talking abt" but i love him now! And certain, i have seen some of chris addison, not a lot, but he looks funy!! Also have FRONT ROW seats to Jimmy Carr but thats not til 2013! This baby will be 1 haha!

Ah exciting that uz are exchanging contracts today! Eeeek! Im so excited for u!!

Its a bit crap of ur boss to all of a sudden change her mind! Did she give u a reason as to why u need to stay the same hours? Surely...8 hours of work is 8 hours of work if u kno wot i mean?

Haha Steph - that would be killing me! just ask for a glimpse of it... maybe just ask to see a little patch and keep the rest covered up:haha:

Wow, front row seats is good going!! That is so strange to think that these babies will be one by then - all of this build up will be a distant memory!

Certain - HOORAY for exchanging contracts!!! What a lovely Friday task that is :D That's so exciting!!! oh, your boss is so mean - has she given a reason for chnaging her mind? (Other than just being a bitch!) Can she even keep changing her mind? Surely if she's agreed that's it. :shrug: So annoying!

x x x x
Hehe! I got to see it! He said he wanted me to check that i liked it cos he thot it looked totally different to the picture (it looks the exact same...if not sooooo much prettier) but im still not allowed to play with it! I wanna open it all up and put stuff in it! Haha! Im such a loser!

Aw i kno it will be so weird, we'll all have had our babies 1st birthdays and il be like 'wooo off to see jimmy carr' haha!

Hows DS doin? Xxxxx
Ahhh yay!! They are so much nicer in the flesh aren't they :D

He's not too bad thanks, definitely getting better!! His eyes are looking so much better this afternoon now! x x x
Aaaw thats good! Glad to hear it!

My wee nephew and brandon were playin last nite and he fell and split his head open (my nephew, not brandon) so he had to go to a&e and get his head glued! But hes been sick today so they took him to the doctors and they r away back up to a&e! They think he may have fractured his skull! Poor wee lamb! Hes 3 weeks younger brandon! Wee lamb!

Hes a total wee tornado! Constantly falling over etc but this is the worst hes been!

Awww Steph thats awful about your nephew, I really hope he is ok! Im sure they will be able to keep a eye on him in the hosp. Im sure he will heal really quickly at that age! :hugs:
Im glad you got to see your bag :) i wish I could see my xmas pressie- i know its a phone as mine died and Im having to use DHs old crappy one :( wish I could have my new one now!

Its my V DAY!!!! cant believe it!, Ive been waiting for this for ages :) Im still a papaya though...want to move on up...:haha: Here is me and my 23 week bump :) This is what im going to wear to my work party, hope it will be ok!
Awww! Certain!! U look loooovely!! Ur bump is beautiful! Eek!

And HAPPY VDAY!!!! Eeeeeek!!! Its such a big milestone isnt it? So happy for u! Aaawww...nxt week must be my last week of changing fruit every week! Boooo!
Haha aw i was using a crappy phone for aaaaages until i was due an upgrade! My good one was stolen...that'll teach me for not having any kind of insurance! Haha! Only 15 days til Christmas! Eeeek! I am sooooo excited!

They let my nephew out last nite, they said he is fine! But my SIL says hes really bad! So i dnt kno if this is jst my SIL being dramatic like she always is or if the wee guy is really ill! I wouldve thot the hospital wouldve kept him in if they were concerned! I go over and see him today for a bit! Make sure hes ok!

Wots everyone up to 2day? Smiley, how was ur nite out? Did u have fun?

Im goin to toys r us...i was lookin at Brandons presents last nite and jst feel he needs one more thing! I dunno wot yet tho! It jst doesnt look very much...! And il pick him up some books! Then me and OH had planned on a wee date nite in with a take away and the xfactor, but the winds blew my sky dish & it cant get fixed til 21st of december lol! Aaah! I cant believe im gonna miss the xfactor final! Haha!

HAPPY V DAY CERTAIN!!! Lovely outfit, lovely bump, lovely photo :D

Ahh Steph - Sorry to hear about your nephew, that's such a shame bless him! Glad he's out and they've given him the ok - Hope he does seem ok when you go see him! You would've thought the docs would keep him in if not, but it is worrying.

My works do was alright actually, wasn't really expecting much from it - but the food was delicious and the table I was on was probably the best. We just all had a good laugh! OH really enjoyed it, which is always nice as he usually moans about having to go to any of my works do's (knowing what *******s most of them are!) but yeh, it was good!

I am feeling awful today though, obviously didn't drink any alcohol but feel like I drank a couple bottles of vodka! My throat and ears are killing and i'm SO tired. Going out does not agree with me in any way... I hope i'm not getting DS's illness though??

Tonight I shall be curling up on the sofa with my duvet and watching X.factor :happydance: OH is out tonight for one of your friends b.days - i pulled the can't go cuz lack of babysitter card - teehee! My friend said she would come round and just chill with me, but to be honest - I just want to have a bath then laze about on my own... haha, how sad is that!!!

Oh Steph - Can you watch X.factor on the internet?? If you have Sky then you can watch Sky on your computer!!

x x x x
Hey :wave:

Glad ur night out was a success! LoL my OH never used to come with me to work nite outs! Ours is 2moro night, he is going but Im not! LoL my department is having their own night out next Saturday so Im going to that one! I really dont wanna socialise with anyone from work that I dont need to haha! And plus, it gives OH a nite out away from me...he doesnt get them very often lol!

Sorry u dont feel well :hugs: I felt soooo hungover when I went to my friends leaving do (even tho I hadnt drank) lol maybe its just tiredness or something...or merely being in the same room as alcohol! Haha! Ur wee duvet night sounds fab!!

I checked out watching Sky online but ITV isnt one of the channels...but OH has found an app on his phone that lets me watch it haha! So hes gonna do the ironing while I watch the X Factor on a tiny screen lol! Wild saturday nights all round :haha:

I went to Toys R Us and ending up buying Brandon a Mickey Mouse toy lol! But thats it now...I cannot buy anything else haha! I think im gonna need to go to chirstmas shoppingaholics anonymous haha! Im gonna do a big clearout of all his toys 2nite I think! He has a big bob the builder construction site sitting in my living room that he doesnt even play with anymore...but I cant bare to throw it out because its a total waste! But needs must! Think I'll donate them to a local nursery or something!

Who do u think is gonna win X Factor?? I think Little Mix! xxxxx

Haha, I can just picture you trying to watch it on an iphone! Ah well, at least you'll get to see it... it'll be repeated a million times as well so if u do want to watch anyone again you can! Yeh I am rooting for Little Mix... although, not overly blown away by anyone this year :shrug:

Ah the big pre-crimbo toy clear out! Won't u want to keep the good stuff somewhere (loft maybe?) for DS2? Bob the builder construction site sounds amazing!!!

Hopefully putting up the tree / rest of the crimbo decorations tomorrow :xmas9: Ooh ooh ooh and going to see some real life reindeer!! Although knowing where we live they will probably be dogs with sticks strapped to their heads :xmas12:

x x x
Hahaha! Yeah that would be my towns kinda reindeer haha!! That sounds fab tho! Ur wee one will love that! R u getting all christmassy now? Ooooh how is DS with the decorations? Ours are slowly coming down one by one thanks to Brandon haha! Well...not coming down, but moved! Randomly finding baubles in the bathroom sink etc haha!! Were going to see Santa on Monday morning before OH goes to work! it terrible that I didnt think of keeping any of the toys for when baby is older?? :dohh: What a terrible mummy I am! Yeah I think I'll put all the best toys in grannys loft! I dont have a loft...:growlmad: so storage is constantly an issue in this house haha!!

Nah ive not been too excited about anyone this year either! I did like Craig, was gutted when he left! Go Little Mix haha!!

Haha, the only reason i'm thinking about what toys to keep is cuz I keep getting the "wasteful" speech off OH!!

Well we haven't got any decorations up yet, so - so far so good with DS! ha! I'm sure he will be pulling the tree and everything else down as soon as it goes up though :dohh:

A friend on facebook has just had her little boy today and posted a pic - he is toooooo cute!!! How is it possible to feel THIS broody whilst actually pregnant?? I can't cope with pics of brand new babies :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

She has chosen the same middle name as Jasper's - i'm just keeping my fingers crossed this other girl who is due any day now does not choose Jasper as a name... that would be most annoying!!!

x x x x
LoL awww i know what u mean!! I am ridiculously broody which does sound insane cos we are pregnant haha! I even feel a pang of jealousy when new people announce their pregnancy! What is that all about??

I cant imagine this girl would choose Jasper as a first name...Jasper is very uncommon! Well, up here it is anyway! I dont think Ive heard anyone name their baby Jasper until you! Makes me wonder why though cos it is such a lovely name! It would be such a big coincidence if she does name him she having a boy? Would it make u reconsider ur name choice if she did?

OH's cousin and his wife are due the day after us and found out the other day they are having a boy and she text me to let me know...I asked her if they had thought of any names and she said "we dont want to tell you our name choice incase yous decide to use the same name"!!! I text back saying "well weve chosen our name so even if you do decide on the same name as us, we wont be changing it!!" I was raging haha :grr:!! They live in Leeds anyway, miles away from us so my wee Oliver would never be near their wee Oliver lol! Altho, her dad has recently died so she might put his name (Terrance) in their sons name somewhere. They have a wee boy just now, hes called Alexander :flower:

Bloody hell!

Just read a thread in 3rd trimester where a girl had to be induced at 28 weeks because her baby weighed 10lb 3oz at that stage!! WTF????????

Well this is the thing, she doesn't even know if she's having a boy or a girl yet (she has one girl already) - but (I only remembered this today!) ages ago we were both commenting on someone elses status suggesting boy names... and she said that if she'd had a boy she wanted to call him Jasper, I was then saying yes I really wanted to name DS Jasper but OH didn't want it...

So to sum up - it's a long shot, but would be just my luck!!! But, IF they had a boy and IF they called him Jasper - I would still stick with it... that's definitely this bubs name :D

Gosh names is such a minefield, we're lucky cuz none of our friends have children or are ttc yet - so we don't have to worry about picking the same names in that sense. I do remember when I was first preg with DS one of my friends reeled off a list of names and said you can't have any of these cuz they are my names... Errrrr - I will choose whatever name I like thank you very much. You can't baggsy a name when you're not even pregnant!!!

Haha, i'm glad you text that back though! :haha:

Oh actually saying that, I totally forgot about one of my friends (really good friends) who is pregnant!! Hahaha - what a terrible friend I am!! She did say to me the other day what sort of names were we thinking of - and for boys we have v.different tastes! x x x x

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