SMEP success buddies

Hahaha!! Silly billy that u are!! Yeah...i totally fell in love with the Sola the minute I seen it in the shops! I would have preferred it in truffle but I wasnt gonna turn down a bargain just cos of the colour haha!

LoL i got a weeeee bit eager and excited once I decided that was the pram for us and bought the carrycot on ebay for £75! And then once I'd won that auction checked gumtree and found the girl selling the whole lot for £200! Haha! So now I have a spare carrycot! I'll send u down the one that has never been used though :D:D They are both in fab condition anyway!

If only we'd had this discussion I couldve checked the postage today while I was out! I'd imagine it will be about £15 as thats what the girl on ebay charged for postage but I shall double check and let u know! But yaaaay...its yours! I'll PM you just now :D xxxxx
No! Definitely couldn't turn that down - black is always a good choice anyway!

Thanks hun - you're a star!! :hugs: x x x
LoL u know its not a problem :happydance: Im soooo happy!!

I think Ive had the most exciting ten minutes of my life...

My OH just ordered my changing bag too :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Aaaaahh! Im in such a good mood now :D:D:D:D:D


Ahhhh that is such a beautiful bag!! You'll love it when it arrives, it's nicer again in the flesh! Will u have to wait till Christmas to open it? :D

x x x
LoL yeah hes told me that I cant open it til Christmas! I think cos its my main present he doesnt want me feeling that I dont have much to open on Christmas morning! LoL only 23 days to go! But then we still need to wait to April before we can use it!

My OH had wanted to get me Hollister vouchers cos I do love that shop...but I said it would prob depress me cos I cant use them til I lose baby he can just get me them for my birthday haha!! :winkwink: xxxxx
Yeh I spose that's fair enough - I'm terrible, I always want my presents early but am thankful on Christmas day if I'm made to wait :D And you've definitely done a good deal of putting off the vouchers!

x x x
LoL i always want my presents early too! I am sooo impatient! I also always wanna give my presents early lol!

How u getting on with ur xmas shopping? Are u still struggling with getting some people? xxxxx
And smiley....

In case i dont get a chance to come on 2moro before work...

Have a fab time at ur scan!! Cant wait to see pics of bambino & hear how it all went!!

Eeeeek! Scaaaaaan!!


Scan was AMAZING!! So, so amazing :cloud9: He was fully laid out, arms stretched out above his head and just taking full advantage of all the space while he can :D Everything was looking normal, all healthy and i'm soooo happy!

We weren't in there for very long, but we managed to get a good view of everything. Apart from his bits!!! :dohh: I could see a bit at the start of the scan, but when the lady went to check between the legs he had them sooo tightly closed you couldn't see a thing! (Not like his brother at all, his legs were wide open the whole time :D) I'm so glad we had the gender scan earlier or we wouldn't have known.

We are still sticking with telling everyone that we don't know for sure. We've said that we saw boy bits but then it couldn't be confirmed - just to keep that little bit of surprise for them.

I'm just so relieved he's healthy and no probs! He looks JUST like his brother though, their profiles are identical.

The second pic i've posted is DS1's pic - look how similar they are!! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Feeling very very happy :happydance:

x x x x x


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Aw smiley!! Little jasper (can i say that?) Is just soooooo cute!! And such a similar profile to his big brother! Do u sit and wonder if this baby is gonna be the double of ur DS? I cant imagine what this wee baby is gonna look like cos I just have images of Brandon as a baby! I have another girl from here on my facebook and she recently had her second son and he is literally the SPITTING IMAGE of her first son!

So glad that everything is all good!! We all knew it would be tho!!

I seen on ur facebook wot u were saying to people abt the sex...good move!!! Altho, ur techinically not lying lol! I like how everyone is asking if u convinced OH to find out? Haha!!

I was working til 11pm last nite but I am just absolutely knackered! I definitely think these shifts are slowly killing me! Thankfully Brandon didnt get up til half past 9 this morning but ooooh Im soooo tired!

Hows everyones weekends going?? xxxxxx
Hi Steph!

Eeeeek, calling him Jasper is making me smile!! :D We keep referring to him as Squiggle, mainly cuz I don't want to put OH off the name.. but it's lovely thinking of him as Jasper :D

Yeh, I can't imagine another boy looking any different to DS already - it's going to be so exciting seeing what he looks like. I'm sure he'll look exactly the same - haha!

Ah, I thought that was a good move as well - I technically have not lied at all! Just told them exactly what happened at the 20 week scan.... Just omitting any mention of the 16 week gender scan :haha:

Have you been at work today as well? DS is poorly at the moment, so he's not been sleeping well and wanting to get up early. We have a Gro clock though, so he's always good and waits till at least 7.15 - but when you're used to later it is tough!! how on earth do you get Brandon to sleep in till 9.30???

Weekend is going good though apart from the lurgy! Just snuggling up today with DS and watching disney films that my friend kindly brought over for us :D
x x x x
Awww poor wee lamb being not well! Its rubbish isnt it? Altho, I do love a wee duvet day with some disney films! LoL Brandon is just clearly very much like his mummy and daddy and SERIOUSLY enjoys his sleep! Altho, I think hes having a pretty big growth spurt! He had 3 weetabix for his breakfast this morning...all his meals and then another bowl of weetabix about an hour after his dinner haha! And he slept for 3 hours this afternoon!

LoL awww I know what u mean...we have 100% decided on Oliver for the name but were not calling him it! Its a wee shame cos weve just been referring to him as 'baby'! We were calling him Jellybean but I feel thats too feminine now for him haha! My MIL has Brandon and her other grandsons name up on the wall in her nursery and she is soooo desperate to go out and buy the letters for Oliver but I just keep saying please wait! LoL u never know, we might have a total last minute change of heart!

I was off today, thankfully! The place has been so crazy lately...obviously cos its coming up to Christmas! Im just waiting on Brandon to get to bed (hes currently having a total mad hour with all the couch cushions) then Im gonna wrap some presents! Eek! Just wish I could put them under the tree just now but Id imagine they'd be getting unwrapped 2moro by a certain little someone!!

I was thinking today...dont know if its much use to you but I have the attachments for the sola chassis for the carseat? Im not one for putting the car seat on the pram (plus we dont have the right carseat cos were using Brandons old one) so if u want il put them in with the carrycot? For free obv! But just let me know if u want them :D


How are we all?

Smiley - What FANTASTIC pictures!! so so cute :) must have been lovely seeing him again. I have a utrine doppler scan tomorrow morning (i think thats looking at the placenta) so im hoping to see Eleanor again tomorrow - FX!

Steph - I can imagine work must be getting manic - do you have xmas music playing? Im starting to get so excited! But were not doing many decs this yr as we will be away for xmas and were moving the day after we get back (MADNESS!!) but i refuse to not have any :haha: Aww yes i can imagine your presents not lasting long....couldnt you maybe put some fake ones under? then again maybe its best not to encourage it :)

Ive had a manic weekend, so feel like I need a holiday now :haha: we went to see War Horse in London on Sat, was amazing!!
Good Morning!

Steph - I would LOVE those carseat adaptor things please :D You are an angel! :kiss: I will pm you my address as well.

Certain - FX you get to see Eleanor again (Daaaa, have you 100% decided on this for a name?? LOVE it!)

Well i'm in work today. OH has stayed of work with DS cuz he is still really poorly. I feel so bad, but got lots of meetings this afternoon - though now I wish i'd have just said bugger them. Just had a conversation with my boss about maternity leave etc - he informed me that my main boss (the director) is furious that I am going off to have another baby.. when they've paid for all my study etc. Why did I not record this meeting???

So I can't wait to leave. I wish I could just tell them to stuff the whole job!!!

x x x x x
Hey ladies!!! :wave:

Certain - Aaaw Eleanor?? Is this the official name?? Eeek! How cute! What a beautiful name! Why do u need to get one of these scans? Im sure they'll let u see ur wee baba again!! What sonographer wouldnt?? I have to get one at 34 weeks to check the location of my placenta incase its attached to c-section scar!

Yeah work is playing xmas songs which i looooove! Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas is my ultimate xmas song because it reminds me of social dancing at school and everytime it comes on in work I get all giddy haha! But apart from that, the place is driving me insane! They still havent spoken to me about maternity I have no clue if I am allowed to leave when I want to! But tough luck...Im going haha!!

Smiley - That is shocking what ur work have said :saywhat: Who the hell cares if they paid for ur training...its not as if ur saying you wont come back after maternity leave (which would be lovely wouldnt it??) Aw everyday Im in I feel like telling them to shove their job where the son dont shine!! But I guess that whole 'needing to pay the mortgage' thing stops me eh?

How is DS doing 2nite? Is he loaded with the cold? Poor wee lamb! I always like one of us to be off with Brandon if hes not well! Hope he feels a lot better soon :hugs:

Those car seat adaptors are yours :thumbup: I got ur address...forgot I might be needing that :dohh: Havent heard from OH's step dad but I can promise it'll be posted by the end of the week for u!

AFM - Was at work today and was soooo sore! My bump and back have been soooo sore today! I definitely need to phone the physio and see about getting some sort of back support band or something! I am really looking forward to my aqua natal on wednesday night! I hope it helps!

Im only in work for 3 hours tomorrow as I have some spare holidays to take...and thats me off til next Tuesday! So my big plan for the week is to potty train Brandon! I am totally dreading doing it, just because its new! I feel like a total expert at parenting in everything else because we have conquered a lot of the hard things...getting him off his bottles, weaning, moving him into a bed etc...but now Im back to the scary feeling of not having a clue what to do! Really hope it goes well

hey girlies just popping in to say hi. Im working two jobs right now so my next day off is mon 19th dec!!!!! and trying to get xmas stuff organised in what little spare time i have means very little B&B time :( still on my next day off (2 weeks today) im getting my gender scan eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

hope everyone is well xx
Hey tray!!

OMG u must be knackered! How the hell do u manage it?? But how fab that its only 2 weeks til ur gender scan! Eeeeeek!! Have u got any wee feelings as to what u think?

i'm swaying more towards girl these days. Ive started feeling little flutters these last few days too which is amazing :)

I am knackered working so much hours but wanted to work as much as i could for as long as i could to save a bit more money, But my doctor has advised to cut back a wee bit. So im quitting my job as a primary school teacher as i only teach on a thursday & friday (primary 2 class, 5/6 year olds). My last school day is fri 23rd dec. It'll be really sad to say goodbye to my kiddies but teaching is a really stressfull & time consuming job. So next year i will just have one job WOWSERS!!!! it'll be strange just having a 40 hour working week.
Thanks Steph :hugs:- honestly no rush, just when you get the chance is fine! Also, I was thinking that depending on what day you send it I might need to give you my work address?

Yeh DS is still loaded with cold /flu and he's got an eye infection in both eyes now! :dohh: So he's still sad and poorly - I'm at home with him today, and we've already watched Nemo twice!

I know, I thought my bosses wouldn't get any worse but they just do! As I work in accounts I also saw an invoice yesterday to their solicitors showing that they'd had advice on maternity and flexible working (meaning, they are trying to not have to give me the same deal that I get at the moment) and also that they have revised their maternity policy and had it checked / re-worded. This is so that I don't receive any bonus whilst im on leave. I was able to receive it last time as our bonus were contractual (maternity rights) but it seems they have changed bonus' so they're not and they don't have to pay me any. Not sure what else has been changed in the policy but i'm so angry at them!!!!

Oh well - nothing I can do :shrug:

Steph you should definitely go and see someone about your aches - there are some good support bands that I know have helped people so you need to get one!

Tray - I can't believe you are working 2 jobs, you must be shattered!!! It will be sad when you leave your teaching job but I think that extra bit of rest will be much needed. And working a regular 40 hour week is hard enough as it is!! Not long till your gender scan though :happydance:

x x x x

Wow Try how do you do it!? Im so tired just with one job - you should def take your docs advice and cut back soon. wow flutters...yey! :happydance: its lovely isnt it?

Smiley - aww sorry hes so poorly, but I have to say, amazing choice of film :) I cant believe your work, thats so so unfair! Grr silly employers, I hope you can still get what you should! Your training should have no bearing at all!

Steph - :hugs: sorry your hurting, you should def see the physio - Im sure they will be able to help you. Is there anyway you can get mini breaks to put your feet up? Its nice you have some time off now - at least you can get the training out the way :) very exciting!

Kbkb - how are you!?!? :hugs:

AFM- so I had my utrine doppler and all is perfect :) shes soo gorgeous! she was sucking her thumb again, :haha: Yes were pretty def on Eleanor now, thinking Juliet for the middle name after my Grandma.
Im still having huge dramas with my boss, just wish i could leave! She makes me so upset and stressed. :(

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