SMEP success buddies

Ahh Certain - Eleanor Juliet sounds so beautiful!! So pleased all was fine at that scan and you got to see her again :D

Why are we having such problems with our bosses on this thread? :nope: I know it's hard, but just focus on the date that you leave and can spend all your time away from work and with your beautiful daughter :cloud9:

I know, training should have nothing to do with it. He is just pissy cuz they will have to spend loads of money paying for this other guy to cover me - so are trying to get away with treating me like crap! He also suggested yesterday that it might be difficult for me to return to my current role as they will have to give the other girl who works with me more responsibility (she is nowhere near as qualified) so they wont be able to take it back off her when I get back...... just trying to scare me I think. I'm making notes of everything anyway, so if something were to happen then i've got a case.


Ok, back to all things happy:


x x x x x
Hello ladies! I hope you are all doing well. I know I've been very MIA. I've hadn't had much to say. Still preggo (10 weeks). Still getting morning sickness and now I'm taking prenatal gummies because I could barely keep down the others.

I hope everyone is gearing up for Christmas!! Chat with you later!!

BTW, very cute baby bumps!!! :winkwink:
Morning ladies!!

Certain - So glad everything went fab at the scan! How cute she was sucking her thumb! And the Eleanor Juliet is absolutely beautiful! I love it! Eeek! What is ur boss doing now to give u hassle?

Smiley - Hows DS doing today? I cant believe everything ur bosses are doing!! Its actually disgusting they would treat you like that!! Why are they being this way? Just to avoid paying more money? Is it a big company you work for?

Beauty - Hiya!!! Lovely to hear from you!! So glad all is going well with you :hugs:

Tray - Aw I can imagine it will be hard to give up teaching the children but you need to do whats best for you! And woooo to feeling flutters! Its such a lovely feeling :D

AFM - Well, thats me on holiday now :happydance::happydance: Spending the day in with DS to try teach him all abt doing a pee pee in the potty! Haha!! Ive rolled up all my rugs just incase haha!

I got my flu jag yesterday! My midwife was continually moaning at me to get it! My arm is blooming killing me now haha! But dont really have anything exciting to tell yous lol! xxxxxx
Morning Steph!!

Yaayyy to being off!! GOOD LUCK with the potty training - Some children take to it so easily and quickly - FX your Brandon is one of those :D I keep putting off the idea of potty training... it stresses me out thinking about it haha!

DS is STILL poorly :cry: This is day 6 of fever / bad cough / sore ears / infected eyes / general flu-like - I spoke to the doctor again yesterday cuz I'm getting worried that he's still so ill, but the doctor wasn't concerned at all, just said it's viral and we have to ride it out. I'm alternating calpol and nurofen every 2 hours though to keep his temp down etc... surely that can't be right?? but he said to continue doing that and it will go.

But we have some serious CABIN FEVER issues today!!

It's not a big company I work for, but it's certainly not small and has absolutely no money issues - it's just run by sexist men!!! :growlmad:

Beauty - Nice to see you lovely :hugs: Glad all is going well!

x x x x
Aw poor wee lamb! Hope he feels better really soon! Has the doctor seen him? I would def keep alternating the calpol and nurofen, thats what we had to do when Brandon was really not well! Wots his temperature been like? Does he seem like his usual self or is he miserable? Poor wee lamb! Ud think the doctor would wanna see him cos its been nearly a week!

The potty training is going OK...he really doesnt like the potty, he much prefers the wee comfy seat that goes on the toilet so weve been using that! He keeps going to sit on it but not actually doing anything! And hes had one wee accident but thats ok, he helped me clean it up! LoL! My main issue is that I dont know how often he normally pees cos he just does it in the nappy! And cos Ive done about 40000 pees this morning, Im confused as to how he can only have done one! Haha!! xxxxxx
Aw poor wee lamb! Hope he feels better really soon! Has the doctor seen him? I would def keep alternating the calpol and nurofen, thats what we had to do when Brandon was really not well! Wots his temperature been like? Does he seem like his usual self or is he miserable? Poor wee lamb! Ud think the doctor would wanna see him cos its been nearly a week!

The potty training is going OK...he really doesnt like the potty, he much prefers the wee comfy seat that goes on the toilet so weve been using that! He keeps going to sit on it but not actually doing anything! And hes had one wee accident but thats ok, he helped me clean it up! LoL! My main issue is that I dont know how often he normally pees cos he just does it in the nappy! And cos Ive done about 40000 pees this morning, Im confused as to how he can only have done one! Haha!! xxxxxx

No, everytime I ring the doc he doesn't give us an appointment!! So how he can judge I don't know, it's annoying. But he does seem to be a bit better... just last couple hours he seems a bit perkier. He has been very miserable though, just wanting to have cuddles and not much else.

Haha, I bet it is hard to judge - I wouldn't have a clue how many times a day DS pees! And bless him for helping you clean it up - haha, you have him v.well trained :D

Ok, so I took a photo this morn being 21 weeks so I can compare to DS1's bump pics - haha. I've been really excited about the comparison, not sure why - will be fun to see though :D

x x x x


  • S V B - 21 WKS.jpg
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Oh my gosh! Happy 21 weeks!! Ur a banana!! That must mean Im now a papaya! Wooo! :D

Aw i would've def thought that the doctor would have wanted to see him! Hopefully hes on the mend now tho! Is he eating okay? Poor wee lamb!

Is the picture on the left u now?? I would def say you are bigger this time...but not by much! Its a totally different shaped bump this time! Eek how exciting!

I dont have a pic to compare with til 26 weeks :( So still need to wait for my comparison!
Yep, left is squiggle bump - I agree im def bigger, i feel much bigger than this pic lets on! I'm generally a lot rounder this time!!

Oooh happy papaya week!! :happydance: oooh i'm looking forward to seeing your comparison as well :D Do you feel like it's different this time?

He's been off his food - not so much to really worry about, but he usually LOVES his food, so that's when you know he really is ill. But he has just eaten some lunch which is better than what he has been doing - FX!

x x x x
Aaaw thats good! Hopefully hes gettin better than! Haha Brandons the same, if he doesnt eat his food then theres usually something wrong haha!

I definitely feel bigger this time but I dunno...loads of people say Im not actually that big! I'll take a picture later on and show you! I dont think I have a proper bump...I still think I just look fat! Haha! xxxxxxxx
Oooooh! OH is just off the phone!

He got an email from the place he had an interview for and they have said they definitely will offer him something but it will need to be in January! :happydance::happydance:

Im so happy!! And so is he!! Yaaaay! OH currently works in Sainsburys too! I got him a job there after he was made redundant...I knew Sainsburys wouldnt go into administration so its a safe job!

But aaaah I am sooooo happy! There were various positions that the guy said OH could fill, one of which would involve him sometimes having to travel across the UK and be gone for a week or two at a time! OH wasnt too sure about being away but I told him I'll be fine! I have a lot of friends and family who would be able to help if I needed it! My MIL is very good to us and helps out a lot when we need it! And the money would be sooooo much better than what he is on just now!! Eeeek! Im so excited!

Ahhh Steph - That is great news!!!!! YAYYY!!! :happydance: I bet you're both well chuffed :D Yeh, it's not ideal maybe having to travel away, but like you said - you've got good friends / family! Eeeek, that's such good news!

Yes, let me see your bump pic - I very much doubt it looks fat... it didn't the last time u posted a pic!! x x x
Yeah we are soooo happy:cloud9:! It'll be a massive change for us! Its much easier for us to arrange our shifts around each others to minimise hassle for MIL when watching Brandon...but there is no career prospects for him at all! He was asked to go into the management training scheme but its just not for him and I'd hate for him to be more miserable than what he is! Hes an IT guy :comp: lol!

Ok...heres my bump pic!! I just dont see a nice bump at all!! Its soooo flat looking at the front lol! And it still goes flabby when I sit down! Whats that all about??!! :shrug: Haha!! xxxxx


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Ah I love your bump!! You look so neat and little :D

Yeh, it's much more important to find a job that you enjoy if you can! So he'll be working in IT at the new one? x x x
LoL aw thanks!! When I look at my 26 weeks pic with Brandon...I find it hard to believe il be that size in 4 weeks...but u never know! I ended up massive in the end so Im expecting to put a lot on in the third tri lol! We shall see!

Yeah this is an IT role! Its for Wiseman Dairys, the milk company! OH loooooves milk! We go through so much and he was so excited when he came home from the interview because they have a massive fridge just full of milk that u can help yourself too! Haha!! It actually is his ideal job haha!! xxxxx
Yeh i'm looking at my bump with DS and in a few weeks time it really takes off!!

Haha, that's so funny! It was obviously meant to be the place he works :D

Managed to get a doctor's appointment for later today - FINALLY!!! Now watch DS make a miraculous recovery and be absolutely fine when I take him in....then have doctors thinking i'm just a paranoid mum!!

x x x x
Aw thats good uz have got a docs appointment!! LoL yeah thats always what happens tho isnt it? Hopefully they give him something a bit stronger than calpol! When Brandon wasnt well they gave us a much stronger paracetemol which seemed to work wonders! Let us know how u get on!!

Brandon woke up from his nap about half an hour ago and said he needed a pee pee. So i took him to the toilet and he sat there for ten minutes...nothing! I take him off the toilet and he goes on the bathroom floor :dohh:

Hey girls hope all is going well with your pregnancies. My best friend has just had a baby boy... We had not discussed any names with each other but couldn't believe it when she gave him the same name I was hoping to give mine if I had a boy! I then told her my girls name and it was also exactly the same they were going to give the baby if it had been a girl (she didn't know the sex) Freaky or what? Afm just had dh sa back. Not great news though count ok morality and morphology both low (26% when should be 50% and 10% when it should be 30%). Looks like we are going to have to get referred to fertility clinic so doesn't look like I will be joining you guys anytime soon! We are meeting with doctor on Monday to discuss course of action... So in meantime am going to have to keep stalking you guys every now and then to solve my baby need addiction. Hope that ok?
Aww Hoping, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear that the news wasnt great, but hopefully things can start moving soon and it wont be too long before you are here :hugs: Of course you can keep stalking, we love to see you popping in :)

Steph - I am soooo pleased for your and your DH!! Thats great news :happydance: It must be so nice for him to be in a job he will find more fulfilling, and I agree with him about the milk at the mo...anything to help the heartburn :haha: also loving your bump pic, so cute :)

Smiley - i hope DS is feeling better today, poor thing. and if not then the doc had better do something!! FX xx
Hey :wave:

Hows everyone doing?

Hoping -So nice to hear from u!! Sorry that the news from the doctors wasnt what u were hoping for but dont give up hope! Hopefully this will get the ball rolling and very soon u will be sharing your BFP with us! Please pop in and let us know how the heck ur doing!!

Certain - Thanks :hugs: Hes really happy! Just need to keep our fingers crossed that it doesnt fall through come January! But positive thinking!! :happydance: LoL is ur heartburn bad? Im hoping I get a big bottle of Gaviscon as a stocking filler haha! It only seems to be at night I get heartburn!

Smiley - Hows DS doing? Hope hes feeling better!!

AFM - Well...its been awfully awfully windy here haha! Had 100mph winds! The wall in our back garden has blown down and our wheelie bin is in the next door neighbours garden haha!! OH and I dropped Brandon off with MIL and went and finished our xmas shopping!:xmas12: Thank god its all done now! I was getting annoyed haha! Weve also decided to leave the potty training for now...dont think Brandon is quite ready! He was standing this morning and I could tell he was bursting for a pee but he didnt wanna do it...he kept saying his tummy was sore and begging OH for a nappy! So we decided theres no point in getting him all distressed about it! We'll just do it in the new year once hes ready!
Good Morning!

Steph - I was wondering how you are getting on up there in the winds!! Hope nothing too serious?! Has it calmed down today? Noooooo stop telling me how organised you are with your christmas shopping - I have still not bought one single thing :xmas1: Next week I shall hopefully be getting on it though!

DS is a bit better today thanks, the doctor didn't give us anything when I took him - just confirmed he now has croup, but did warn that it sounds like he could be getting a chest infection - Arghhh!! But (FX) he has woken up a bit better today, so hopefully that is it!

Ahh, if Brandon is not ready for the potty training then that's fair enough. Bless him!!!! You can't really force these things can you, when they're ready - they're ready!

Hoping - :hugs: Sorry the SA didn't come back as well as hoped, but it is not as bad as it could be! and that is good news that the ball is rolling now, so hopefully wont be long now! Yes, always pop in whenever you feel like it - we love hearing from you :xmas4:

I have got my works christmas do tonight - not sure if i'm looking forward to it or not... it will be good, but there are some obvious people i'd rather not spend my evening with!! Ah well, the food will be good :xmas12:

x x x x

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