SMEP success buddies

well folks we are team......:pink: its a girl. She was being really stubborn and not laying in the correct position but after a lots of jiggles and some jumping we got a sneak peak. The sonographer wants to do a re-check on hogmanay just to make sure but she was pretty happy that it was a girl. Ive posted the money shot where you can see the 3 white girly lines and a wee 4D face profile eeeeeeeeeeek im having a daughter.

congrats certain, fingers crossed everything goes smoothly on the 23rd


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Hey ladies!!!

First of all:

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TRAY!!!!! A beautiful wee girl for u! She looks soooo cute in the picture! And id def say that was a girl! Eeeek! Are uz over the moon? Have uz thought of any names? I hope u and ur OH enjoy ur celebratory meal!

Certain - yaaaaay on exchanging contracts! I really hope the timing all goes to plan cos u dnt wanna have all ur furniture but no roof! Im sure it will all go to plan tho!! Eeeek im so excited for u!

Kbkb - lol dont worry abt breastfeeding! Lol some people take to it really easy, dont worry abt it!

Smiley - well done on finishin ur shoppin! Lol i felt like that with Brandon so got him a Mickey Mouse toy lol! Im gonna get him some Cars cutlery and a Cars plate that he can have his christmas breakfast on lol! Haha i can just imagine u sittin in the car park waitin on the shops to open lol!

AFM - i went back to work today, still feel rubbish! Im gonna get an early night 2nitr...once ive done the ironing! Im working til half midnight tomorro so i am gonna be seriously knackered! But my manager text me today to see how i was feeling & she said that in the new year shes gonna make it that im at a desk! Thank god! And i went up to my HR manager today and said "wel need to have a wee sit down to disuss when i can start my maternity leave" and she said "hhhmmm...yes" and just walked away! Now im sure its law that u have to have told ur employer and sorted out mat leave by 25 that right? Cos if so...that leaves me 9 days!!


YAY! Congratulations Tray :happydance: She looks so cute!!!

Certain - Hooray for exchanging contracts!! Eeekk, it's all go now! :D

Steph - Yeh you have to have put it in writing by the time you are 25 weeks pregnant. So even if no-one has sat down with you, you need to have informed them that you are pregnant (in writing) when your baby is due and when you intend on starting maternity leave. I would just get it written up, then if they want to negotiate which day you actually leave on then they can do - but you need to make sure you've put something down!

AFM - I have a day off today. I proper day off. DS is at the childminders (she has swapped his day this week) and I don't have to be in work - sooooo I am sat in my pj's having a cuppa watching tv. :xmas12: I have no plans to do anything today, I might even go and have a nap!!

x x x x
:flower: Girls!

Tray- So exciting about your :pink: bump!!!!!!!!!! Many congratulations! that's a cute scan too

Smiley-Yayyyyy for a PJ day ..get lots of R&R esp that DS 1 isnt around either!

Certain- Congrats on being closer to your dream home!! It is really stressful until you finally move into the new place.. Having done the move@ 30 weeks, I totally understand what you're going through. FX it all will work out well :hugs: and you'll absolutely be delighted to be in your new space! Nothing like your own digs

I'm loving the new place despite the longer commute now. My feet were swelling up last week because of the longer commute..but a lot better now.

Steph- :kiss: how's the hand, love?? I hope they're not going to contest your time off.. Give them a proper tantrum :grr: if they do!

Aaahh okay! Il type up my letter tonight in work and give it to HR! My manager is really good, shes like "take it whenever u want, do whats best for u" so i know she wont have an issue! Its just the rest of them! Ah well, il hand it in 2nite & see wot they say!

Aw im so jealous of ur official day off!! I dont start til 4.30 but OH doesnt finish til 4! So i have Brandon all day! But il go for a nap when he does lol!

I think Brandon is comin down with a cold! Hes got a wee snotty nose and he looks all puffy! Im gonna get him packed with calpol! I want it gone by christmas lol!

Ive been thinkin the past few days...are uz gonna buy babies a wee snowsuit type thing? It snowed last april up here but by may was really nice so he would only get a few weeks use out of it! But i dunno... What are uz thinkin of doin? Xxxxxxx
Hello kbkb :flower: Thank you - i'm def just r&r'ing all day :D

Steph - that is a good question, I don't think we'll need one down here... but, I think we've prob got one from DS1 anyway, tough call though!! How soon will u be going out once baby gets here? I plan on staying inside for a couple weeks (haha) so by then we'll be in May, so prob even less need for one?? :shrug:

You have reminded me that I have a MONSTER task of sorting all ds1's clothes out at some point... post crimbles.... Ugh, how can 1 boy have SO many clothes!!! It's crazy! We have 6 bin bags in the loft and boxes over at the MIL's!!

x x x
Girls, wonder if you can share some info from your previous pregnancies...LO is still breech @ nearly 33 weeks. I'm getting a bit you ladies remember when your boys engaged?
Girls, wonder if you can share some info from your previous pregnancies...LO is still breech @ nearly 33 weeks. I'm getting a bit you ladies remember when your boys engaged?

I don't think DS got himself engaged till about a week before he came - it wasn't until about 38 weeks! Are they going to keep checking to see if your baby has turned? There are some "moves" you can do to encourage him/her to turn, but I wouldn't worry just yet... there's still plenty of time! x x x
Hey kbkb!

I wouldnt worry too much about the babys position just now...Brandon didnt engage til 37 weeks...and I had him at 38 weeks! I know someone tho whos baby was breech but actually turned in labour and they were absolutely fine! My midwife always told me not to worry too much abt the baby position until ur actually in labour! Its easier said than done tho! Brandon turned back to back in labour...wee monster!! So try not worry!

Smiley - lol aaaw i wish i had kept all Brandons clothes! It'll be so much fun for uz to go through them all "aaaaw remember that, i cant beleve he used to fit into that" haha! I really dont know whether to buy one or not! I suppose its not as if im gonna go out straight away, id prob wait about a week or so! I suppose it depends on whether or not i get a csection...hhhmmm! Il maybe just leave it...there will always be wee pramsuits in the shops wont there? Xxxxxx
Hey kbkb!

I wouldnt worry too much about the babys position just now...Brandon didnt engage til 37 weeks...and I had him at 38 weeks! I know someone tho whos baby was breech but actually turned in labour and they were absolutely fine! My midwife always told me not to worry too much abt the baby position until ur actually in labour! Its easier said than done tho! Brandon turned back to back in labour...wee monster!! So try not worry!

Smiley - lol aaaw i wish i had kept all Brandons clothes! It'll be so much fun for uz to go through them all "aaaaw remember that, i cant beleve he used to fit into that" haha! I really dont know whether to buy one or not! I suppose its not as if im gonna go out straight away, id prob wait about a week or so! I suppose it depends on whether or not i get a csection...hhhmmm! Il maybe just leave it...there will always be wee pramsuits in the shops wont there? Xxxxxx

Yeh you'll definitely be able to get one if you find that you need one! Aww, I didn't really think of it like that - it'll be nice to see all the cute things he used to fit into... but there is a lot of crap mixed in with it! I should have been stricter with throwing things out. Oh well, will be a nice winters eve (or ten) job!! x x x
Aaaw yeah id have so much fun doin that! I wish we had never given away Brandons stuff! I kept some wee things that were sentimental, like what he wore home from hospital...but i wouldnt put that on this baby! Thats brandons, if u kno wot i mean?

I dont know what to do about the rest of the brandons clothes! OHs cousin still has most of his baby stuff, from 3-6 months onwards! I dnt really want the stuff back after seeing the state of the newborn stuff...but its the principle ya know? Haha! They found out they r having a wee boy too so i know she'll def put up a fight! Xxxxxx
Ooh I think you should definitely get it back... i'm pretty stubborn and the whole principle of it would defo get me!! Even if you don't use it, it's yours and they should give it back!

Yeh we had a lovely little going home outfit for DS, which I wouldn't throw away but this baby will have his own going home outfit! OH MY GOSH I want to go baby shopping nowww! I hope there are some serious January sales on baby stuff :D

x x x

TrAy - yey!! another beautiful little girl on the way!! :happydance: so excited for you! and it looks pretty clear to me. What a cute shot of her face :)

Glad you are planning on relaxing Smiley - have a lovely day or tea and TV :) Yeah shopping was good, got a skirt and 3 tops (didnt plan on the tops but nevermind). I got one of their wrap tops which is complicated to do, but fits nicely and I think it will stretch :) feeling flumpy today though :(

Steph - I think you should prob pop it in writing soon as they can be a bit strict on the 25 week thing, esp if they are being funny about your training etc. You are always allowed to change it if you want to nearer the time.

kbkb - thanks, I cant imagine it at 30 weeks, so glad you are all settled now :) aww how exciting you are thinking about breech etc - im sure LO will turn soon - get bouncing on your ball :)

AFM - Im getting really nesty - dont want to be packing I want to be tidying and buying baby things!! Oh well, not long and I can get to it :) I had a glass off bubbly last night to celebrate contracts - was the nicest thing ever!! Oh how I have missed it - but it went straight to my head :haha:
Just to let you know I will have internet access for the next couple weeks, so dont panic if I dont check in much - I will try to as much as poss though -I will miss you ladies!
Glad shopping was a success Certain! It's amazing what difference it makes having a few nice things that fit nicely :D I have just had delivered 3 tops I ordered and they are all great - v.christmassy as well, so will actually have things to wear for going out / meals etc. Not feeling as huge as I was before they arrived!!

What wrap top did you get? Where is it from? I keep looking for wrap tops but can't find any!

Ooh I cannot wait to have a little glass of something at christmas. I will prob have a little christmas Baileys :D Ahh i'm so pleased all your contracts are exchanged - such great news! and it wont be long before you can get all proper nesty :happydance:

x x x
Smiley, here is the link to the shop:

They come in loads of colours and ive only got the black but will prob invest in another soon. I got the medium size. They have really good reviews as well...Im now going to look at the guide to doing it up....
Oooh thanks Certain! I really want one! You went for the medium size yeh? It fits well? I can never work out what size to get! x
yeah I got the medium and its great. Im a size 12 normally. because its so stretchy and flexible it doesnt really matter too much, but I think more material is best as we are expanding :)
I also got the tartan skirt on there!
Girls :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for the words of reassurance! I feel a lot better about baby being breech now. I am doing a lot of pelvic tilts, figure 8's and draping forward moves on my Swiss ball since 20 weeks :haha: guess sometime the baby should get the message and get moving! From whatever I've read, they advise NOT to bounce on the ball unless you're certain baby is head down,or it may just engage avoiding the bounce, but doing all 4's and other tilting exercises like nobody's business ;)

Nice shopping day, Certain!! I wore wrap tops until 30 weeks after which a lot of belly just started peeping out of the fold :rofl: . But they were super comfy way to go......I am glad you had a glass of bubbly, I thought I was the only one being bad when I had a glass of red to celebrate my new house.You certainly earned it. Remember the :drunk: and :wine: smileys from TTC??

Merry Xmas and happy holidays to everyone!!!!
Good morning everyone :wave:

How are we all today?

Kbkb - Hopefully baby will shift position soon but dont worry too much about it if he or she doesnt! Sounds like ur doing all the right things!! I cant believe you only have 7 weeks left! Thats amazing! Im sooooo excited for you!!:happydance:

Certain - Those tops are lovely...hhmmm...might need to get myself a few of those haha! I got myself a pair of maternity skinny jeans...finally! I live in my skinny jeans in the winter and I was soooo lost without a pair haha! But now I have some Im happy! LoL I can just imagine how quickly the glass of bubbly went to ur head haha! Id prob be rolling about the floor after one sip!

Smiley - Lol I cant wait for the January sales!! Im debating about whether to hit the Next sale...I just dont know if I want to spend Boxing Day morning wrestling with other mad mothers haha! Ive already bought this babys 'coming home' outfit! Well...Ive bought two and now cant decide what one I like better! :dohh:

Ive got a wedding next week and I ordered a maternity dress online and it is HORRIBLE!!! Its just like a big bin bag on me! I felt so bad for OH cos he was trying to be nice without saying...thats disgusting haha! Does anyone have any recommendations on where to get nice maternity dresses? I dont wanna spend a fortune on it cos il prob never wear it again!

Alsoooo...when is everyone gonna start packing their bags? I know its prob way early but its been in my mind recently! I didnt pack it last time til my waters broke! Was not fun! Im sitting on the toilet leaking everywhere while shouting stuff at OH and hes running about mental trying to find it...not a smart move! I will be more organised this time!! Haha! xxxxxxxxxx

TODAY IS MY V-DAY!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:


Happy 23 weeks to you Smiley!!! :happydance: xxxxx

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