SMEP success buddies

Hiii ladies!!!

Hiya Feeble!! Of course u can join us! Huge congratulations on ur BFP! I am so sorry to hear abt ur loss... :hugs:

So how the heck was everyones christmas? What did we all get? I can honestly say that this was the best christmas of my life! Brandon totally understood what was going on and was soooo excited! He was totally spoiled! And i got my changing bag so am a very, very happy girl!!

And id jst like to wish Smiley a happy V-day!!!! Xxxxxxx
I got

An IPad
New pyjamas
Bubble bath
A baby carrier
A new jumper
Some new gloves
Some boot covers

Great Christmas!

Though I have to say I bought all those gifts myself... With oh's credit ;)
Happy V-Day Smiley :wohoo: :bodyb: :dance:!!!!!!!!

Looks like everyone drew in the loot! Way to go!
Hello girlies!!! :hugs:

Well somehow (AGAIN) I managed to unsubscribe from this thread so didn't see any replies till I thought i'd just double check today!!

I had a fantastic christmas!!! Has been so much fun, and have loved getting round all the family. DS has been thoroghly spoilt - we have loads of stuff just sitting in our living room as we have nowhere to put it. Really need to sort his stuff out!!

Feeble - Welcome!! Yay another smepper! Very sorry to hear of your loss :hugs:

Thanks for the V-day congrats guys :happydance: I can't believe we are here!!!! How fast is time going???!!

Well I am in work this morning - booooooo!! We don't have to take any holiday over christmas but we have to all put in half a day each, so this morning is my half day. I plan to catch up on BnB and do a little bit of online clothes shopping :happydance:

Oh and my bump is HUGE!! I am HUGE!! I think it's about 85% food, 15% baby related though.:dohh: x x x x x
He is the happiest baby ever! All cos of the name of course! Lol
:D must be the name! How old is he? How many weeks pregnant are you now? I am not good at working out from dates!

x x x
He's 17 months, I am 6 weeks pregnant x i was due to hae a little girl in January but she was stillborn in September...
He's 17 months, I am 6 weeks pregnant x i was due to hae a little girl in January but she was stillborn in September...

Ah i'm so sorry, can't imagine how hard that must have been :hugs:

Aww 17 months is such a lovely age, my DS is 22 months now - but 16/17 months was when he got so much fun! Not that he wasn't fun before, just I really remember him beginning to learn so much at that age!!

x x x
24 weeks bumpity bump!


  • Squiggle 24 weeks (2).jpg
    Squiggle 24 weeks (2).jpg
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Happy new year to my fave smep girlies!! I hope 2012 is kind to u all and full of fun :D x x x x x x
Hello ladies!! I havent really been on much recently! Having major withdrawls haha!

Smiley ur bump is gorgeous!!

Happy New Year to all of u!! And roll on 2012 - the year of the Smeppers babies wooooo!

Happy New year to all the SMEP gang!! :hugs: :kiss:

Smiley-awesome bump!

Getting really close now....I have 1 month and a few days left only!
baby is head down :yipee: :yipee:
Happy New Year everyone! I was back at work today! Boooo!

Kbkb - cant believe u only have a month left! Thats amazing! I cant wait til u have ur wee baba! And thats fab that the baby has shifted! Looks like all ur wee exercises paid off! Woo hoo!

I had a wee bit of blood on the toilet paper wen i wiped 2day! Got a wee bit of a fright but this happened last time around the same time when i was pregnant with Brandon! It was a cervical erosion! Ive felt baby kick loads today so i know hes ok!

Hi ladies,

Happy New Year and what a year it will be for all of us :) Hope you all had wild and uncontrolled parties!? I was all tucked up in bed :haha: not so wild but I was exhausted from the move.

kbkb - wow I cant believe how close it is for you now! thats amazing. So pleased to hear LO is in the right place.

Steph - eeek thats a bit scary, have you got it checked out? good that he is moving lots to reassure you :) my DD is such a wriggler! I can see my bump rippling, its sooo strange!

Smiley - amazing pic, love it :) so cute! Im starting to feel a bit like a whale, and all my colleagues 'wow your huge' and 'look how its grown' isnt helping...

Feeble - wow sounds like you got a good haul of pressies at xmas :) great stuff. How you feeling? not too sick i hope! :hugs:

Aw certain...ur new year sounds just like mine!! Are u properly moved in now? Eek how exciting!

How r u feeling these days? I kno wot u mean about feeling huge lol! I dont think people really realise wot they r saying when they go on about how big we are lol!

I didnt go get checked out...i know it isnt anything serious... It prob is the same as wot I had with Brandon! I know i really should have... I might phone the midwife 2moro and see if i can get an appointment! I nearly fainted the other day too! Was at a wedding the other nite and all of a sudden got really dizzy, really hot and couldnt see anything! If OH hadnt of caught me, id've went down! Was really scary...and not how i wanted the wedding to go lol! I dunno wots goin on with my wee body!

Btw, im 26 weeks that me in the third trimester??

Aww steph, best get it checked out with the mw, its always good to check these things even if it was ok with DS1 :) :hugs: fainting is never nice :(
Its a bit confusing, my app said i was 3rd tri at 26 weeks but BnB says 27 weeks but I would say you are :happydance: how exciting!

Btw- have you had to book in for a glucose test? I had to drink lucosade and have bloods taken last week, then i have to see the midwife again next week. Is that just routine? I dont like lucosade...yuk! and they wanted to do it on moving day, so was a right hassle but nevermind - fx its all ok!

Yep all moved in - just living with boxes now but we're getting there. I love being in our own place - very exciting! maybe get some pics soon! also got a new bump pic to pop on at somepoint.
Yeah I think I will go get checked out...I was stupid for not doing it straight away but I was at work and didnt want to cause a scene for a small amount of blood... stupid I know!:dohh:

I havent been booked in for a glucose test! I cant even remember if I had one last time... but I dont remember being told to drink Lucozade or anything so Im gonna assume I havent had one :shrug:! When do you get your results? Is that to check for Gestational Diabetes?

Aw so glad uz are all moved in! LoL living out of boxes is great fun isnt it? Haha! NOT! Would love to see some piccies! And a new bump pic...seeing as how ur so huge these days :haha: Il upload my 26 week one tomorrow! I have a 26 week bump pic of when I was pregnant with Brandon so will definitely compare them! Someone asked me in work today 'shouldnt you be showing by now?' LoL so i unzipped my fleece and they were like 'woooow uv done well hiding a bump that size' haha!!

:wave: girlies!!

Steph- GO TO A MIDWIFE NOW, girl!!! You got me all worried. Even if you had it with Brandon, its best to show any bleeding and get yourself reassured. I'd say get your blood pressure and sugar checked as well since you were feeling faint. It could be totally benign but best to be safe than sorry :shrug: The glucose test is for gestational diabetes. It is horrid! you have to drink so much of just pure sugar it made me feel like puking for 2 hours after....

I'd say 3rd trimester is 27-28 weeks :haha: just a wee bit longer. Argh, 3rd tri is feel so HUGE!

Certain- Happy 3rd trimester!!! and a big congrats on the move! I'll bet you were so knackered, you'd have been grateful to just sleep on New Years! It is an amazing feeling to be in your own home,though. WELL DONE, you! :hugs:

Ok, snap poll-how many of us cheated over the holidays? I for one, confess to having half a glass of champagne on New Year's Eve...I felt really guilty after though.I've only done it once before in my pregnancy so I hope its OK???and just 1 glass of wine earlier.

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