SMEP success buddies

WOOP WOOP - HAPPY V DAY STEPH!!! :happydance:

Kbkb - Sounds like you are pretty clued up on the tricks to get baby turning!! Hopefully s/he co-operates soon!!

Steph - Where did you get your maternity skinny jeans from? Are they any good? I keep buying some but they don't fit the same as the normal ones!! So I have resorted to just buying a size bigger... they wont last for long though!

I've just ordered a load of stuff from Next for DS - I haven't bought him any nice new clothes for ages. He always just get's second hand stuff or things OH's mum picks up (which are never really that nice) can't wait for it all to arrive and to get him looking good!!

Oooh, no recommendations on maternity dresses i'm afraid - I had big probs trying to find a nice one for that wedding. Have you tried ASOS though?

Hmm bag packing? I'll prob pack it at about 34-36 weeks - I loved packing it last time, must have unpacked and repacked 100 times :D I will definitely be taking less than I did last time, I took so much stuff that was un-necessary!!

I'm off out tonight with the girlies :happydance: We are all going for a christmas meal at a local restaurant - can't wait!!

Oh and my apetite has come back with a vengeance!!! Just been looking at my weekly bump pics and it's alllll going to my face. :( After crimbo I have to get it under control!!! x x x x
Thanks ladies :hugs:

Aaaw I love all the baby clothes from Next! Most of Brandons clothes are from there! Beautiful! I always hit the sales for there and get most of Brandons clothes for the next size up! He has a bag full under his bed of size 3-4 stuff! Thats just ridiculous lol!

I just looked at ASOS...they have some lovely stuff but I dont think I wanna risk a dress arriving and I dont like it and then dont have any time to find another one! Ive ordered one off Next which will arrive in store 2moro...I just hope it sits nice! Blooming nightmare!

I got my skinny jeans from Next! My only bug bear is that they sit under the bump, and I ideally would have preferred over the bump but ah well! Im just happy to have them lol!

Aaw tonight sounds fab!! Yum yum! I love this time of year for all the cheeky meals we all go on haha! Hope u have a lovely girlie night!!

And I know how u feel about all the weight going to your face! I was like that last time! My face was huuuuuuuge! When I look at pictures of me back then I can hardly believe its me! My face is relatively unaffected as of yet but I doubt it'll stay that way! I still have cheek bones lol...but Im sure they'll go soon haha! My collar bones are slowly disappearing as my boobs get bigger (didnt think it was possible for them to get bigger lol)

Happy V-day Steph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee: :wohoo: We're all really progressing arent we?? It will be Smiley's V-day next week...

Smiley- I am so glad you're getting your appetite back! Eat up, girlie. No guilt!!! Indulllllge...

You girls are so organized about shopping and packing bags! I should be really packing mine now, but I am just useless :dohh: I think that's my new year resolution- pack bag on Jan 1 :haha:
Hey ladies!

Hows ur day been?

Kbkb - Thanks :hugs: I think its so scary how quickly we are all progressing! It really doesnt seem that long ago we were all symptom watching in TTC! And here we are!

Smiley - How was ur night out? Hope it was a good one?

Hows everyone else doing? Are we all getting excited for the fat man in the red suit coming :xmas6:

AFM - Had quite a good day at work today (shocking, I know!!) It was soooo busy but it was a good kind of busy if you know what I mean? All the customers were in good moods and it was just quite a good laugh! And I got my maternity leave sorted! So I am taking 4 weeks holiday starting 11th of March and then officially start my maternity on 8th of April! Eeek!

Im having a wee bit of a bummed out night though lol! OH is away to bed super early, DS is in bed and Im just sitting 'thinking' lol! Never good :dohh:! Just sitting thinking about my friend that moved to Australia and how much I miss her! Its totally not the same here without her at all!

But Im sure its just one of those nights lol! I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow morning so Im sure that will cheer me up lol! Xxxxxxxxx
Hello :xmas3:

kbkb - I honestly can't believe we are all this far!! How strange is it to think that not so long ago we were crazy symptom spotters and hoping for that bfp!! We'll all have our babies here before we know it! :happydance:

Steph - Ahhh, I know those days :hugs: It is hard around times like christmas especially cuz it's when you see all your best friends and family etc. I bet it is so hard not to have her around! Have you been skyping much? Ah a hair cut always makes you feel better though!

My OH is out on his works do this eve, I am going to make him a bed up downstairs so that he doesn't disturb me :haha: Well that's the plan anyways... he'll most likely still bumble into our bed and i'll end up on the bed i've made downstairs!!

My night out last night was good, was so lovely to see everyone. We don't all get together that often, but when we do it's so much fun. We all just constantly laugh!! It was nice to see my friend who is preggo as well...I can't wait till she is proper preg though, it's going to be so strange to see her with a preg waddle etc!

I am SOOOO excited about the fat one coming!!! :xmas6: It really hit me today how excited I am about christmas - not just crimbo day, but the whole period - we'll be seeing all our family and I can't wait!!! Not to mention THE FOOD!!!

x x x x x
Ooh I forgot to say, Steph - I think we're starting mat leave on the same day... well my last day is the 9th March, but it will start on Monday 11th! Let the countdown commence!! :happydance:

x x x x
80 days and counting Smiley! Wooooo!! Its sooooo exciting!! :happydance: I seriously cant wait!!

Aw thats so good you had such a good night! I love a good girlie night out! How far along is your friend thats pregnant? How nice ul have a wee baby friend! I had one of them but she turned out to be a weeeeeee bit of a nutter so had to kinda cut ties haha :haha::haha:

Yeah its just really tough around this time not seeing her (not to mention my wee granny :cry:) but yeah weve been skyping! She sent me a wee christmas card and ive posted hers too...but I think I might have posted it too late! Its like...I forgot it had to go all the way around the world lol :dohh: Im putting together a wee box for her that il send in the new year...its got all the things I think shel be missing about mainly bottles of Irn Bru :haha:!

LoL my OH would never sleep on another bed haha! He'd be right up into our bed rolling about (throwing up no doubt!!) and snoring like mad haha! Altho, its not as if ive never rolled in the house in a complete state haha!! Just not for a few years lol!

Eeeek Im loving the Christmas excitment! Do u have a lot of time off work over the crimbo period? I have Boxing Day off which in retail is a huge achievement haha! All my family live 4 hours away so we are gonna go see them for a week in January and do our Christmas then!

Whats your fave food at Christmas? I looooove my MIL's roast potatoes and thats where we're going so Im sooooo looking forward to them haha! Yummmmm! Brandon is really excited about Santa coming! And he keeps saying hes getting a Barbie and a Ken! This is because he has all the characters from Toy Story 3 except from Barbie and Ken so hes got into his head hes getting them! And lucky for him...he is getting them lol! I get a lot of funny looks because ive bought my son a Barbie but if thats what'll make him happy then so be it :thumbup: xxxxxxx

Only 2 hours of work to go - then it's PJ's, food and merriness for a week!!! :happydance:

Steph - My friend is 13 weeks preg, so only 10 weeks after me - so will be so lovely when she has her baby as well :D Although, I am fully prepared for a lot of late night calls from her!!

Well my OH did not sleep in the bed I lovingly made up for him (by bed I mean, threw a spare duvet and some pillows on the floor of the lounge!) - but he wasn't that much of a pain actually so it was fine.

Ah I LOVE that you are getting Brandon a Barbie and Ken - that is so cute :cloud9: bless him!!! If that is what he wants, then that is what he shall have!

Eeeeek hurry up 1pm!!!!!!!!! x x x x x x

Ive managed to get a computer with internet!! woop so I can check in on you lovely ladies, i have missed you and its been 3 days! madness!

Glad to see your all getting excited for xmas - so am I :) eeeek!

Steph - I love that you are getting him a barbie and ken, i love toy story 3 so am rather jealous :haha: Also I just have to say that I now have a really bad craving for irn bru... thanks! Im going to have to see if I can get hold of some. i used to have it all the time when I lived in Bonny Scotland :)

Smiley - glad to hear your OH wasnt too bad - mine seems to be snoring loads at the mo, a poke in the back often sorts him out :haha: only half hr for you to go :) :happydance:

Kbkb - loving the New Year resolution - we shall be checking up on you :p :haha: Getting close, how you feeling?

Girls- i am so jealous of your leave, you leave only a week after me! Im still thinking I may move it earlier, we shall see.

So - my excited news....we have completed!!! Going to pick up the house keys in about 20mins :happydance: Im so relieved it all came together in the end, had a few worried days but its all done :) got a couple of bits of put in the house but the main move is on the 30th - I am sooo sick of packing and I think I may have pushed it a little as my back is hurting and Im feeling zonked. :( silly me, were heading down to the inlaws in Bristol after we get the keys so im hoping DH will drive most of the way so I can nap :)

Will try and pop in again soon - my parents have internet...woop such luxury :haha:
YAY!! Lovely to hear from you Certain, and so pleased you can pick up the keys before christmas!! :happydance: Eeeek you'll be in your brand spanking new home ready for the new year! x x x
Hey ladies!!

Smiley - I am soooooo jealous ur finished work now! Bet ur over the moon!! Im a 9-5 tomorrow and then thats me done lol! Woo! Whats ur plans for 2nite? Anything exciting? Do u have any plans for christmas eve? Thats so nice about ur friend! LoL aw is this her first? Yeah ul prob get a lot of calls and texts! I remember when my SIL had her baby, she used to phone me during the night constantly to ask me questions...even though Brandon was only 3 weeks old haha! She thought I was an expert haha!

Certain - Eeeeek :happydance: thats sooooo exciting uv got ur keys! Aww a new year in a new house! Im so happy for yous! Just please take it easy with the move, its hard enough moving, never mind when your 6 months pregnant!

Aww I think if you want to, you should move your maternity leave forward a few weeks! I def think stopping at about 36 weeks is a good idea! It means u have a few weeks to make sure everything is all organised...and u can have some well earned R&R!

AFM - Got my hair cut! Wooo! It badly needs coloured but I just dont wanna do it...have any of uz coloured ur hair while pregnant? I dyed it the week before I found out I was u can imagine it needs done again lol! Then went and bought a few wee stocking fillers for OH (socks, chocolate, a scratchcard etc) then went and met a girl who I was selling jewellery too off of Gumtree! So had a wee productive afternoon! Just finished wrapping the stocking fillers!

Hope uz all have a lovely christmas eve's eve :xmas8: xxxxxxxxxx
I meant to ask certain - where abouts in scotland did u live?? Xxxxxxx

Aww Steph not long now until your fin :) I lived in Stirling for a year about 3 years ago :) loved it!!

Yeah all very exciting! Had a really good journey down to Bristol so thats good - just starting to feel very christmassy :) we've decorated the tree :xmas16: (in laws always do it later) and made mince pies - going to watch Nightmare before christmas soon then pub this eve :) lots of fun. Im feeling pretty tired though, last few days catching up with me!

Have a lovely break :xmas12:
Merry Christmas girlies!! Hope you all have a wonderful day 2mrw!! Loads of christmas love x x x x x x x x
Hey everyone!! Hope uz all have a wonderful christmas tomorrow!

Smiley, hope DS loves every minute of it!!

Hope santas good to u all!!

Lots of love! Xxxxxxxx
Hope you girls had a LOVELY Christmas!!!

How exciting to be in your new house , Certain!!! :yipee: Many many congratulations! Try and rest and not over do things over the move period, i know it is easier said than done!

Steph- Never got my hair coloured, I was told not least the books say no!

smiley:flower: how are you, friend??? Your OH in a separate bed story really made me laugh :haha:
Hi can I join? I have a SMEP baby on the way!

Due August 22nd, fell pregnant on my first proper cycle after stillbirth!
Welcome feeble! Of course you may join. I will add you to the list. Congrats on your bfp, and so.sorry to hear of your loss :hugs:

Kbkb- thanks, moving on Fri! Madness :-) enjoying a break at the mo now. Did you have a lovely xmas?

Hope Santa was good to you all, I've been very lucky!
Welcome feeble to our chatty thread! sorry to hear of your stillbirth :hugs:

I had a great time, lots of family and social occasions over the weekend , though I didnt take any time off as such (exhausted it all in early Dec :haha:)

Certain-did you notice you have <100 days to go???? Exciting, eh?

Hope you all got lovely gifts!!!!
I'm going crib shopping on Saturday...yayyyy!!!!!

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