SMEP success buddies

Lol apparently, according to my pregnancy app that 22lbs is the average weight gain at 26 weeks, so at least im below average! Haha! I was never weighed at a midwife appointment...are they meant to do that?? Lol!

I didnt do anything to entice him to come early! I had taken a raspberry leaf capsule that day and had a cup of raspberry leaf tea before going to bed but that was it! Il def be doing the same this time haha!

Apparently the best way to bring on labour is to ingest sperm hahaha!! Xxxxxxx
Hi ladies,

So jealous of you watching One born every min - apparently I cant download it so I just have to wait until I have internet at home again :( grrrr. Glad it was good though. My colleague took great delight in telling me about about 10lb baby...ouch!

Steph your bump is so cute! I think it seems slighlt smaller than before but its hard to tell. well done on the weight gain- thats not much at all. I also havent weighed myself in a few weeks - dreading it. The mw has never weighed me either, just asked me at my very 1st appointment. Maybe she will do it next week.

Hmm not so sure about the sperm theory, just like the sex and curry, def seems designed by men..however I expect I will try anything I can nearer the time!
Lol certain!! I remember thinking that when I was pregnant with Brandon! But at 36 weeks, being the size of a whale...i absolutely refused to let OH near me haha!! I was like, i dont care if i go overdue...NO SEX!!!! Hahaha!!

Thats rubbish u cant see One Born Every Minute!! Can u access 4od anywhere? Xxxxxx
Morning Everybody!

Steph - Well I braved it and weighed myself last night. And i've put on 14 pounds since my first weigh in.... which on paper looks ok, BUT I had already started to put on weight before I was preg cuz of going on holiday etc so, in reality - i've prob put on closer to 2 stone from my "happy, fighting weight" :D Ah well!

I also drank lots of RL tea with DS, I actually liked the taste - Not one person i've spoken to said they like the tea, maybe i'm weird! I don't think it helped make him come early, but I had a pretty easy (as far as labour can be described as easy) labour - so will definitely be cracking that out again!!

Certain - how is your bump coming along? Pic!!!

Well my OH watched OBEM last night - he loves it almost as much as I do!! Haha! He also has a preg app on his phone (he's a big girl sometimes) - and was keen to tell me we have less than 15 weeks to go.....which isn't long at all. No shit! Gotta love him!!

x x x x

Smiley - Well done on braving the scales!! LoL we wont count before you were pregnant 14lbs it is! Well done :happydance: Wooooo! I asked me OH last nite how much he thought Id put on and you should have seen the look of sheer terror in his face :haha: He was like "...em...half a stone? No? More?" Haha!! He was terrified to answer haha!

Aw I really liked the taste of raspberry leaf tea!! I think I did add some sugar to it but I did like it! I dont know what to do differently to make my labour easier this time... I think one of my big mistakes last time was that as soon as I went on maternity leave, I literally lay on the couch the whole time, which caused Brandon to turn back to back!! Im really gonna make sure that I keep relatively active this time round! I havent been to the gym in ages but I am gonna go back next week and just walk...and get back swimming!

That is soooo cute about your OH!! I cant believe he has a pregnancy app! That is seriously cute!! LoL! Its good that hes so interested lol! I love how hes telling you how long you have if you havent been counting haha :dohh:!!

My OH almost had a heart attack when I told him that was us in 3rd trimester haha!! He couldnt believe it! He was like "It didnt go this fast last time!!" LoL!! Silly man!

Yeah Certain...we wanna see a pic!!!!! :hugs: xxxxxxxx
Hahaha! Bless your OH!! I asked my OH the same question last night - haha, I think he displayed the same look of terror you're describing!! He just stumbled over his words and was like "err, recently? couple pounds..." - Pahaha. I guess that is a loaded question!!

Ahh, yeh - that is actually a good tip. To stay as active as possible. When I went on maternity leave last time I did LOADS of walking. I don't do any exercise of any kind usually, so this is really out of character (I am very very lazy) - but I swear it helped. OH was off a lot too in the last few weeks cuz of all the snow we had (excellent timing) so we just went on loads of walks! Haha in the snow!

Haha, OH's are funny aren't they! It is so strange that we are all coming into the home stretch now though.

kbkb - how are you?? You are not allowed to go too quiet nowadays or we will think you have gone into labour!! :D

x x x x
Hey girls!!!
Steph- I do agree you're looking smaller this time around than you were with Brandon! its so cute of your OH to be tracking the pregnancy app :cloud9: they are such sweeties .Mine too is super sympathetic and always trying to make me more comfortable now that I am so huge...he wont even let me load the washing machine because the bending is uncomfortable. Makes me really feel for girls with nasty tend to see a lot of those on BnB

Smiley- hey where are your 14 lbs???!! you look all belly to me, you dont seem to have put on weight anywhere else! u still look so tiny!

Certain- wassup???
Aaaww kbkb! Ur OH sounds lovely! Lol thats so nice of him to make sure ur always comfy! Lol! I do really feel for ladies who dont have nice OHs...or no OHs for that matter!

Aw Smiley I am definitely gonna walk walk walk then! I def want a labour like ures last time! u have any sort of birth plan? Xxxxxc
Awww yeah, i'm so glad everybody seems to have wonderful OH's - it makes me sad hearing some stories from other ladies!

Steph - have you got to have any more appointments now to decide about the vbac? Or have they already given you the go ahead? I hope you get to have a stress free birth!!

kbkb - Ahh :hugs: - lots has gone to my thighs and my face!! Oh and my back... back fat is the most annoying!!! I think side on photo's are the more flattering of angles!

Ugh, i'm at work and i'm soooo bored!!!! I keep looking at the calendar and working out how many more times i'll have to do various things before I go on mat leave!

x x x
My consultant said i can attempt a vbac if i want but i have an appt on 1st of march to get a growth scan and check the location of the placenta! I think, if the baby is back to back, they prob wont let me go naturally! Tbh, im not pinning all my hopes on doing it naturally! Im trying to keep the thoughts of, if i do it naturally, great! But as long as the baby is out safely i really dont care!

Lol its only 9 weeks til we start mat leave! Eeeek! I have 24 shifts left cos i have a weeks holiday at the end of january! 9 weeks isnt long at all! Xxxxxx
Morning ladies!!

Ok!! OH and I were talking last night about decorating the boys rooms and OH was saying how he isn't really fussed and hes happy to go along with whatever I want! So I was saying how I didnt know whether to do blue with a transport theme, or a (nice) green with a sort of jungle/safari theme and all of a sudden OH perks up and starts getting dead excited about a jungle theme :haha:

So weve agreed to do a jungle room! Brandon looooves animals, especially lions so Im sure he will love it! So, naturally, Im now like a woman obsessed haha! Trying to find things online etc haha!

Ive seen this bedding set but Id like some honest yous think it looks cheap? I want the room to be cute etc but Id still like it to look 'classy' (I dont know if thats the right word I want to use!!)

Wot do uz think? xxxxxxxxx
Eek! I just ordered this for Brandons new bed once hes up to a single bed!

Im telling u! Im obsessed!
Steph - I think the jungle theme is amazing!!! Love the bedding sets in those links :D x x x x
Oooh ive seen so many more bedding sets now! Theres too much to choose from!! LoL! Ive warned OH hes in for a night of jungle talk hahaha!

Hows everyones weekend been? I was off work today but me and Brandon just spent the day doing house work lol! xxxxxxxx
Good Morning!

Steph - How was your night of jungle talk? Lots and lots of pics of all decorating choices please :D

So... Squiggle never sleeps! Haha, and he has the biggest kicks on him! I never got woken up when I was preg with DS, but Squiggle is waking me up loads - last night I just couldn't believe how powerful these kicks / rolling about movements are - he's still so tiny! (or at least, he should still be tiny!)

My OH also planted an unwelcomed seed last night - we were saying how lovely it's going to be for DS and this baby to have each other and have a brother to play/fight with etc and OH laughed and said "can you imagine if it's a girl now" - Errrrrrr - What business do you have starting those doubts in my head???

We couldn't get it confirmed at the 20 week scan and it's now playing on my mind. (Not that we wouldn't be happy with a little girl, just when you find out the sex and get used to that it would need a readjustment wouldn't it!)

I'm looking at the 16 week gender scan pics and there is absolutely no way it's a mistake. There is very very clearly boys bits (penis and scrotum, willy and balls, bangers and mash.... you get my drift!) So I know there is no way any of that is disappearing, but now my crazy pregnant mind is worrying!! Arghh!! Stupid OH!!

x x x x

Aw Smiley...give ur OH a slap :haha: LoL i do know what you mean though...would be such a huuuuge surprise if it turned out to be a girl lol!! But if you can definitely see boy bits then I wouldnt worry! I had a panic moment when you all said I looked smaller than when I was pregnant with Brandon cos apparently your bump isnt as big with a girl than what it is with a boy! But like you said...I definitely saw "bangers and mash :haha:" at the 20 week scan!

LoL thats so cute that Squiggle is giving massive kicks! I still feel as though my kicks are relatively small! Altho, you can sit and watch my tummy move now which I loooove doing!! Cant believe he is waking u up though...they must be bloody powerful! :happydance:

Ooooh Jungle Talk was good! OH doesnt really get excited lol! He was just saying "yeah thats nice...oh i like that" lol while I was bouncing about Brandons room acting as if Im Laurence Llewelyn Bowen haha!!

So here is what we are gonna do... paint one wall a nice green colour and the rest a kind of biscuit brown...

Ive attached some pictures of the duvet Ive ordered for Brandon and then the nursery bedding set for the cot! The bundle you get is get the quilt, bumper, fitted sheet, 2x window valance, nappy stacker, toy bag, two pillows and 3 canvases to hang on the wall - all for £88!! BARGAIN!

And the other picture is a sticker you can get for the wall! I think its soooo cute! We'll either put that over Brandons bed or Babys cot! (I still feel really weird calling him Oliver)! Brandon has loads of lion teddys and toys already so they can all go out on display! And Im gonna get a piece of rope and tie it from one corner of the ceiling to another and hang wee monkeys from it! I cant wait to get started...just need to get some money lol! Think I'll be hitting up Gumtree again haha!



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Evening ladies!

Well...wait til u hear this!!

I was having a great wee day, totally gutted Brandons room! The only thing I didnt do was hoover under Brandons cotbed! So OH comes in from work and says he'l quickly move the bed and give it a wee hoover!

Ten minutes later, OH walks into the living room to tell me hes snapped Brandons bed :saywhat: so as I type, neither of my sons have a bed! We were gonna turn the bed back into a cot when baby came and buy Brandon a single bed!

So were gonna need to go tomorrow before I go to work and get Brandon a new bed! Im gutted! I loooooved that cotbed! It was from a beautiful Mamas and Papas range that they dont make anymore :cry: We were gonna claim the house insurance but we STUPIDLY set a ridiculously high excess to lower the monthly payments because "we'll never claim"!! :dohh::dohh::dohh:

So it looks like were all squeezing into our bed tonight haha! Brandon is currently sprawled out in our bed...I dunno how we'll all fit haha!! Xxxxxxx
:wave: girls!!

I do apologize for being MIA on and off...I cant keep pace with you energetic ladies. I'm getting so slow :dohh:!! I promise I'll just say hi so you rest assured I'm not in labour :thumbup:

Steph- that is such a gorgeous room!!!!! And for such a bargain price. I totally love the bedding, the walls, the duvet EVERYTHING! and you know me...i am not someone who gets too excited at baby shopping :haha: Sorry to hear of your bed fiasco,hope you all fitted!

Smiley- How wicked of your OH to plant that doubt, :haha: bangers and mash! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you crack me up.........

Its fabulous to have a high on testosterone LO, eh? :bodyb:

I'm nearly 36 weeks, and this one is showing no signs of slowing down on the frenetic activity. Over the weekend, I was doubled up a few times because LO was hitting my pelvis tons . My mum nearly thought I was in labour!

I have been FINALLY getting my ducks in a row! My mum is really artistic and has made tons of embroidered quilts, sheets, babygrows and onesies for the LO. That finally got me into action. OH and I went shopping and we bought caps, mittens, socks, baby toiletries, a bath tub and some very cute jumpsuits. I will put up some pics! and with one of my MONSTROUS BUMP. My mum is wincing looking at my size, and swearing it's a boy...I had barely put on 6-7 kilos ( i think 13-15 pounds) until month 9, now its really speeding up. I put on like 2.2 pounds last week. Doc says he would be worried if I didnt, so I guess all's well. He also thinks I'm likely to go full term, maybe a bit overdue..Ah well. As if i wasnt big enough already. 1 month more of kicking fun. LO is not yet engaged , although it is head down and slightly oblique ( Doc was amused, says this one is NOT in a hurry to come out).
I'm beginning to realllllllly SLOW DOWN...I am still exercising on my ball and doing the elliptical, but daily household chores are just such an ordeal! So glad my mum's around to help out.Is this normal or this is just me being lazy???

Certain- wassup with you??
We dont get to make a birth plan. Here the Doctors drive the process much more than the mother. But the good part is that my Doc is very old fashioned and keen to keep things as natural as possible.
If the baby has no issues with the cord messing with its neck, and is engaged properly-Doc has assured me we'll go natural and deliver vaginally. so now it all depends on the baby's position which we'll ascertain at my growth scan around the 15th
:) All i know is, I am going for that epidural!!! I dont think I could handle it without...:haha: i am such a wuss

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