:wave: girls!!
I do apologize for being MIA on and off...I cant keep pace with you energetic ladies. I'm getting so slow

!! I promise I'll just say hi so you rest assured I'm not in labour
Steph- that is such a gorgeous room!!!!! And for such a bargain price. I totally love the bedding, the walls, the duvet EVERYTHING! and you know me...i am not someone who gets too excited at baby shopping

Sorry to hear of your bed fiasco,hope you all fitted!
Smiley- How wicked of your OH to plant that doubt,

bangers and mash!

you crack me up.........
Its fabulous to have a high on testosterone LO, eh?
I'm nearly 36 weeks, and this one is showing no signs of slowing down on the frenetic activity. Over the weekend, I was doubled up a few times because LO was hitting my pelvis tons . My mum nearly thought I was in labour!
I have been FINALLY getting my ducks in a row! My mum is really artistic and has made tons of embroidered quilts, sheets, babygrows and onesies for the LO. That finally got me into action. OH and I went shopping and we bought caps, mittens, socks, baby toiletries, a bath tub and some very cute jumpsuits. I will put up some pics! and with one of my MONSTROUS BUMP. My mum is wincing looking at my size, and swearing it's a boy...I had barely put on 6-7 kilos ( i think 13-15 pounds) until month 9, now its really speeding up. I put on like 2.2 pounds last week. Doc says he would be worried if I didnt, so I guess all's well. He also thinks I'm likely to go full term, maybe a bit overdue..Ah well. As if i wasnt big enough already. 1 month more of kicking fun. LO is not yet engaged , although it is head down and slightly oblique ( Doc was amused, says this one is NOT in a hurry to come out).
I'm beginning to realllllllly SLOW DOWN...I am still exercising on my ball and doing the elliptical, but daily household chores are just such an ordeal! So glad my mum's around to help out.Is this normal or this is just me being lazy???
Certain- wassup with you??