SMEP success buddies

Right...Im not joking here but these women tonight (apart from the lady in the red) are making it look ridiculously easy here!! At my next consultant appointment Im gonna speak about the chances of me getting a water birth! I was desperate for one last time and I really really want one again!

I felt really sorry for the lady in the red, she was clearly traumatised from her previous labour! Poor wee lamb!

This "How to be a good mother" looks awfully interesting! These women look craaaaazy! xxxxxx
Hi Ladies....

Eeeek we managed to get TV back just in time to watch OBEM - :happydance: but wow, what was with the highheels?! but didnt she do well? just raised her eyebrows a few times -very impressive. Was so sad for the lady in red, she was really struggling - I def think Im going be like that, yelling at everyone. Her OH was pretty good with her though. My DH managed to walk in just as they pulled the baby out of the 3rd woman - he was like "its blue- why is it blue!?!" he was really upset thinking the baby wasnt ok. I had to reassure him until the camera showed the pink baby :haha: bless him.
Love that show!!!
Yeah the woman in the pool did so well! Her OH was annoying the life out of me! I warned OH "U ever call me good girl during labour and I will punch you" haha!! Yeah felt really bad for the girl in the red! OH said there were bits of her labour that reminded him of me :blush: LoL i dont ever remember screaming but he said I went through a wee mad hour haha :haha:!

Aw god bless ur OH, thats so sweet! I think the wee baby was just in shock! I cant believe how quiet the woman was and her wee girl was 9lb 12oz! Yikes! Id've thought i would have at least let out a wee 'ouch' haha!

It really makes me want to be in labour though! I cant wait! I loved being in labour last time (up until a certain point lol) but I really enjoyed timing contractions and 'breathing it away'!! Ooooh makes me all excited!

Certain...I wanted to share these pics with u cos ur OH is a lover of the Lion King...I think the wee cream onesie would look lovely on a wee girl too! xxxxxx


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Morning girls!!

How is everyone?

kbkb - no early labour??

Steph - Those little sleep suits are amazing!! SO cute!

I am in work and booooorreeedd!! Got so much to do, but I keep on putting it off. :dohh:

Someone save me with something baby related to look at! :D x x x x
LoL hey Smiley :wave:

Booo to being bored at work!

LoL I went out to the shops with Brandon today for a bit! Got baby some wee socks, booties and scratch mits lol! And took back a wee cardigan that someone got Brandon for Christmas! It was lovely, but they got it aged 4-5! Whyyyy? LoL!

Have been looking for a new cotbed, stalking gumtree haha! Ive seen this one though that Ive totally fallen in love with:

Its lovely! Im not sure I would use the cot top changer as we have the changing unit has a drawer underneath haha!! LoL OH said to me last nite "whats the obsession with drawers all of a sudden" :haha:!! Just wish we had some money to go and buy one! Bloody skint this month cos OH has to get his car MOT and service etc...then we had to buy that bed lol! xxxxxx

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend?!

Steph - that cot is beautiful! Haha, draws are the way forward from now on :haha:

I am still trying to organise my house! Our room really needs sorting! We have a lovely gliding chair with a footstall that is currently in DS's room - but that will need to come out of there and into our room.... but there is just nowhere for it to go!!

I said to just get rid of it, but OH wants to keep it. He's right, it was an absolute godsend in the middle of the night (the comfiest chair EVER!) but I just don't know how to fit it in! As well as having to make space for baby to sleep in our room :dohh:

Arghhhhh!! It's all getting too much!

My friend found out there are having a boy today :happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay! I was hoping she would have a boy, otherwise my boys would have been massively out numbered by girls in our little group! (Im the only one with a boy!) so will be nice to see another little boy running around :cloud9:

I think my other friend is going to be a bit upset though, she is desperate for a boy this time and it's looking like another girl (she's only having 2 children). But we'll see!

x x x
:wave: girls...Sorry am feeling really low energy and queasy today... *mondayyyyyy* but just to assure you no early labour!!
Hope it passes...yuck. i thought i was over it in 1st tri
:wave: girls...Sorry am feeling really low energy and queasy today... *mondayyyyyy* but just to assure you no early labour!!
Hope it passes...yuck. i thought i was over it in 1st tri

Ahhh sorry you're not feeling great :hugs: I do like it that you've checked in though so I know you haven't had baby!

Hope you feel better soon x
Hello ladies!!

Did everyone have a good weekend?

Kbkb - glad to see ur still here haha! Sorry ur feeling so rubbish tho! Ur probably just tired! R u still working?

Smiley - im totally feeling ur pain of trying to make things fit! Not good! Ur chair does sound amazing tho so if u can keep it, i so would!!

Thats lovely ur friend has found out shes having a boy! Eek! So nice that ur two will have a wee buddy!

AFM - well OH and I are now talking about putting the flat on the market! I love my home but it just isnt working anymore! We were talking abt putting a new kitchen in (it badly needs it) but whats the point when we want to move? So think were gonna get some estate agents up this week and next week to get the place valued! Its prob the last thing we need these days but we could really be doing with more space!

And were going to see a cotbed on weds! A girl from gumtree is selling that mamas and papas one (without the drawer alas) but its £150 for the cot, luxury mattress and cot top changer! Eek! Lol OH is totally fed up of me and gumtree haha!

Hows everyone else? Xxxxxx
Morning Ladies,

How are you all?

Steph - Lol I know the feeling with Gumtree, each day its like "ive seen this and..." :haha: poor men! Sounds like a great bargain though! Wow you are brave considering moving now! I would prob suggest waiting until DS2 is here but im not sure if that would be any easier! Im still recovering from the move, but at least you could seriously nest :) would you be looking for another flat or a house? how exciting!! Those sleep suits are sooo cute - we have a simba snuggly for her but would love a little grow too!

Smiley - try to rearrange is soo stressful, hope you manage to get it all sorted :) Lovely to hear about another little boy on the way :)

Kbkb - hang in there :hugs: hope you are starting to feel better, make sure you take it easy x

AFM - well I had my baby shower on Sat - was so lovely, my sister threw a sort of English tea party with mini victoria sponges and tea in posh china...just lovely. we played some silly games, and baby eleanor got some lovely clothes :) was great fun! Made it all quite real!!
Im feeling a bit rubbish today :( heartburn is making me sick which is horrid and I find it soo distracting - hope it passes but ive eaten so many rennies! Oh well.
We have also just found out that the company DH works for is closing the office - but its ok he isnt losing his job - he will just be working from home! He is a webs developer so can do it from anywhere really. This means he will be home while im on mat leave too. Its good news but Its taking me a while to get used to the idea...dont know why but I had always imagined i would be on my own with her for a while...strange, silly hormones!

wooop Im now a squash!! :haha:
thanks for all the sympathy :hugs: ladies!

:yipee: :yipee: :yipee:-am full term today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:
:wohoo: :wohoo: Congrats on being full term kbkb!!!!! Eeeeek hope baby doesn't keep you (and us) waiting too much longer! Can't believe only a few weeks till your due date! x x x
hey kbkb congrats on reaching full term :happydance: WOWSERS

Sorry i have been MIA but i was pretty poorly over new year and the weekend just passed i was down in london visiting my heavily pregnant sister (35 weeks) as it was her baby shower. But im back and getting back into a normal routine........except i may be developing SPD :-( my doctor is hopping its just some pregnancy related ligament pain and that it will go away and not turn out to be SPD but i have to go back to the doctors in a weeks time.

How are all you wonderful ladies doing. Certain how's the new house, have you started nesting yet. I bought some sample pots of paint yesterday as we are going to start doing up the nursery.......finally :happydance:

AND i have my 20 weeks scan today :-)
Hello ladies!!

Tray - hellooo! Sorry to hear uv been poorly! Hope ur on the mend! How was ur weekend? That must be so much fun that u and ur sister r having babies so close! Did she enjoy her baby shower? Aw gosh I really hope ur not getting spd! Fingers crossed! My midwife thot i might b getting it but i think it was jst ligament pain cos its not as bad now! And how exciting today is ur 20 week scan!! Please let us kno how it goes! Woooo!

Certain - aww uv had ur baby shower! Im sooo jealous! Did u enjoy it? Eek! I really wish i was having one lol! We sooo wanna see pics of wot u got! Hehe!

Have u started nesting yet? I am big time! Its definitely getting me lol! All i wanna do is declutter haha! Even if there isnt that much clutter! Haha!

Kbkb - aaaahh cant believe thats u full term!! Thats sooo exciting/scary cos it just really shows how quickly time passes! Wow! R u still working?

Smiley - hows u doing? Did u find somewhere for the chair? Only 7and a bit more weeks til maternity leave!! Ah woo hoo!!!

AFM - well OH and I have definitely decided to put the house on the market! :happydance: i dont wanna get all excited tho cos it will prob take a while to sell cos of the market! We r gonna paint the kitchen & put down a new floor and then get ppl up to value it! I cant wait! The house that i want is still for sale! Its been on the market for abt 8 months now! Lol!

Got my 28 week midwife appt this afternoon! And going to see this cotbed at half 12!! Ahh im excited!! Xxxxxx
Hey ladies!

How'd ur scan go tray?

Well the midwife found glucose in my urine at my appointment so i need to go back next week and give her another sample! Really hope it was just a wee one off!

kbkb -Woop :happydance:full term how exciting! :) how are you feeling? drinking any raspberry leaf tea yet!? :p

Try- How was the scan!?! :) sorry to hear you have been ill - take it easy. I really hope your sister is ok - the mw is keeping an eye on my back/hip pain too to make sure its not developing, I hope she can rest even with the pain.

Steph - sorry to hear about the glucose, Im sure its nothing to worry about. They have found it twice in mine now but havent told me to stop eating sweet etc. Also my glucose test was 7.3 which apparently is slighly high so they are just 'keeping an eye' obviously nothing too much to worry about :) That is soooo exciting about the house! FX it sells quickly and you can get the house you want too - maybe cheaper if its been around a while!?! :)

AFM - yes wanting to nest BIG time but struggling as we have got all our stuff yet. Were going to do a big baby shop at Kiddicare on the 30th (we both have a day off) so we try to get it all then, then I can start nesting :) Ive got 20 working days so exciting - just as well really, im getting sooo tired and fell asleep at 8.15 yesterday! missed OBEM!! shocking!!
Also is anyone else leaking? Im having to wear pads now as its going all over the place! is that normal at 30weeks?!
Morning everyone!! :hugs:

Certain, I totally missed your post about your baby shower!! So glad you had a lovely time - baby showers are fab :D Yeh, I think leaking is normal... annoying, but normal. I have been leaking a bit since quite early on - not enough to need pads, but enough to notice. It's just you getting all ready for baby!

Hooray to the shopping day, that will be a fun day!! :happydance:

Steph - That's great news about the house. Ahhh how exciting for you! I am so jealous - as if all of you have / will have new houses!! Don't worry too much about the glucose, it's probably just a one off and will be gone the next time. I had that with DS once, had to do a fasting test and it was all fine!

Tray - How did you 20 week scan go?? Pictures! :flower:

AFM - Well I am all fine! My cousin had her baby this morning, she had a little boy - I was convinced they were having a girl!!! Haha! Shows what I know!
Can't wait to go and meet him :cloud9:

Oh, I am having some mega pressure down below :blush: It's really uncomfortable!! And my errmmmm, bits.... seem to be all big and swollen :shrug: (Sorry tmi)

x x x

Thank you for all the good wishes,ladies-:hugs:. I cant believe I am this close either! Its like 'where has all this time flown???' and then i know the answer is that it flew by while i was moving :rofl: :rofl: I'm still working...I really have a desk job and a nice gym at work, so I figure i'll keep coming in as long as i physically can. Of course, I leave really early and take an hour off for my ball exercises in the gym during work hours , so i do cheat a lot!

Steph- get that move out of the way, girl!! Go for it now, while you still have the enthu and the energy! how awesome that the place u want is still available! You're gonna love being in a new place with the new LO, :winkwink:

Tray- so good to hear from you! Do hope the glucose is just a one off....I sympathise with you on the SPD , sister. while i dont have SPD (i.e. no clicking pelvis), my tailbone goes really numb when i lie down and its really painful to get up or turn over. Is that SPD you think? Should i mention it to Doc? A bit late in the day I am :dohh: :blush:
I hope you feel better! :hugs:

Certain- Wow, looks like you had a really fun baby shower :yipee: Just how lucky are you?? 20 days to mat? Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice . as for leaky boobs, well the good way to think of it is at least you should have no BF issues!!! how are you coping? just pads or any other tricks you have learnt?
I have no leaks , wondering if the milk will come in??? will it know when to? :shrug:

I have mixed thoughts on the RLT actually...i want the LO to cook full term. I'm really little like 5ft 1inch, so it would be nice to have a 7-7.5 pounder,which for my weight is only possible if i go full term i think?? So content to wait for now. I may reach for it in desperation in 40 weeks and no sign of LO :haha:

Smiley- I LOVE your shopping spirit girl....send some of it to me so i get off my lazy butt!!

i get my GROWTH SCAN tomorrow!!! we shall know if LO is engaged and how i am measuring and a baby weight estimation :dance: :dance:
Smiley- Ditto for the pressure on lady bits!! Ow, that hurts!!!!!!!!! But the good news is probably that your LO is head down already
Hi kbkb :flower:

RLT - Is doesn't actually bring on labour, it just helps for when you do go into labour. It is meant to make your contractions more effective and also help in the pushing stages of labour..... there is a great thread on here about it actually, i'll get the link for you.

Ahhhh, you are a little one aren't you!! My cousin who just had her baby this morn - he is 3 weeks early - she's about your height and very slim as well, her little boy was 6lbs 6oz - which I thought was pretty good going for being so early and how small she is! She only put on a stone throughout the whole preg as well :D so thought the baby would be teeny!

x x x

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