Thank you for all the good wishes,ladies-

. I cant believe I am this close either! Its like 'where has all this time flown???' and then i know the answer is that it flew by while i was moving

I'm still working...I really have a desk job and a nice gym at work, so I figure i'll keep coming in as long as i physically can. Of course, I leave really early and take an hour off for my ball exercises in the gym during work hours , so i do cheat a lot!
Steph- get that move out of the way, girl!! Go for it now, while you still have the enthu and the energy! how awesome that the place u want is still available! You're gonna love being in a new place with the new LO,
Tray- so good to hear from you! Do hope the glucose is just a one off....I sympathise with you on the SPD , sister. while i dont have SPD (i.e. no clicking pelvis), my tailbone goes really numb when i lie down and its really painful to get up or turn over. Is that SPD you think? Should i mention it to Doc? A bit late in the day I am

I hope you feel better!
Certain- Wow, looks like you had a really fun baby shower

Just how lucky are you?? 20 days to mat? Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice . as for leaky boobs, well the good way to think of it is at least you should have no BF issues!!! how are you coping? just pads or any other tricks you have learnt?
I have no leaks , wondering if the milk will come in??? will it know when to?
I have mixed thoughts on the RLT actually...i want the LO to cook full term. I'm really little like 5ft 1inch, so it would be nice to have a 7-7.5 pounder,which for my weight is only possible if i go full term i think?? So content to wait for now. I may reach for it in desperation in 40 weeks and no sign of LO
Smiley- I LOVE your shopping spirit girl....send some of it to me so i get off my lazy butt!!
i get my GROWTH SCAN tomorrow!!! we shall know if LO is engaged and how i am measuring and a baby weight estimation