SMEP success buddies

Smiley- Ditto for the pressure on lady bits!! Ow, that hurts!!!!!!!!! But the good news is probably that your LO is head down already

I was hoping this might be the reason for it! Just thought it's quite early to already be head down - but I hope so!
Ya post me the RLT Link smiley....i have been reading some, but I have loads to learn!
Hi kbkb :flower:

RLT - Is doesn't actually bring on labour, it just helps for when you do go into labour. It is meant to make your contractions more effective and also help in the pushing stages of labour..... there is a great thread on here about it actually, i'll get the link for you.

Ahhhh, you are a little one aren't you!! My cousin who just had her baby this morn - he is 3 weeks early - she's about your height and very slim as well, her little boy was 6lbs 6oz - which I thought was pretty good going for being so early and how small she is! She only put on a stone throughout the whole preg as well :D so thought the baby would be teeny!

x x x

Oh wow, 6lbs 6 being 3 weeks early...hmmmm..
I'd say I should be around the same at tomorrow's scan then?? :thumbup:Good, that gives me a benchmark! thanks Smiley!!!:hugs:
Ya post me the RLT Link smiley....i have been reading some, but I have loads to learn!

That's the link! :thumbup:

Oh wow, 6lbs 6 being 3 weeks early...hmmmm..
I'd say I should be around the same at tomorrow's scan then?? :thumbup:Good, that gives me a benchmark! thanks Smiley!!!:hugs:

Ooooh i'm excited to hear how your scan goes tomorrow!! :happydance: Will you get pics? and more importantly will you post pics for us to see?? :D

x x x
:haha: Smiley- I know i am the world's worst picture put upper....I deserve that

I am not sure I get pics but I will 100% put them up if i do...I owe you a full term bump pic too...OH bought me a new berry yday...i am hoping that makes it easier and galvanizes me into action!

thanks for the link!! i'll read it now
Haha! Yes you do owe us a bump picture as well!

I was thinking girls - Will you post pics of baby on BnB? I'm not sure I will. . . I mean, I take off all pics of my face in any bump pics because you can't control who sees what on here, so seems like I shouldn't really post pictures of my baby... but I obvs want to show you all pics of the baby (and would love to see your bubs after all this journey!)

SO - Steph, you are on FB anyway, so you're not a prob - but if anyone else wants to FB befriend, let me know - I think i'll only put pics up on there of him when he arrives :cloud9:

Or if not FB, then email would be the way forward!?

What are you all thinking?

x x x
Speaking of bump pics...

Here is my latest little comparison! Yesterday's bump is the left :D x


  • S v B 27 weeks  (2).jpg
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Hellllo ladies :wave:

Hope uz are all doing well!

Smiley - I dont think I will post pics of baby up here! The only people I wanna show him off to is u ladies so yeah, I think Facebook and email is def the best ways! So im the same as u...if anyone wants to add me on Facebook...let me know!
I loooove your bump pic btw...its such a nice shape! Im so jealous! I would say you like slightly bigger than last time, but not by much!!
That would be cool if baby was head down already! Aaaand how nice for your cousin!! Eeek! New baby!! What did she call him? Speaking of names...have u and OH came any closer to a decision on the Jasper vs Oscar debate?

Kbkb - OMG cant believe ur still going to the gym! I am awful! I really do need to get back! Its just finding the time! U go girl!! :bodyb:

AFM - not much to report really! Been sooo uncomfortable lately! I cant believe I still have 12 weeks left to go! Aaaah! I know Im not THAT big compared to what I was at the end with Brandon but I feel huuuuge! Il post a bump pic! Its really sprouted over the past 2 weeks! And oh my god, the movements I am watching are unreal! I think the young man has been having some discos in there haha!! :headspin::headspin:

Ive stopped work for the weekend! Im not back til Monday which is just great! I never get full weekends off! But of course, OH is working all weekend! So looks like a weekend of housework lol! :hangwashing::dishes::laundry:

Ooops forgot to attach bump pic!!...

The pic of me in the pink top was 2 weeks ago and the one in the black top was yesterday!! I think Im maaaaassive!! xxxxxxx


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Steph - How amazing is your bump!!! That 2 weeks growth is pretty noticeable :D Love it! How are you looking in comparison to Brandon's bump?

Yeh I still think i'm looking bigger this time, OH is convinced i'm smaller (based on the angles being different :dohh:) but I think maybe he's just trying to make me feel better!

Nope we are still no closer to picking between the names, i'm going to take them off the fridge though as OH came to me and said he has a new favourite name.... I think seeing the names every day is making him question them more than he should be!!!! His new favourite (apparently) is Sam... I don't dislike it at all, it's just I don't like it eve half as much as the others and definitely can't picture this baby being called Sam!

Anyway, I'm not going to mention it again to him until the baby arrives - then that will only be to tell him which name i've chosen - hahaha!

Oh the new baby cousin, he is called James - he's so sweet!

I have pulled a sickie today :blush: so I might be able to go over and see him, but I totally don't want to be the annoying visitor who intrudes - so i'll wait and see how they're getting on first. I know what I was like with visitors (and what i'll be like again) - I just don't appreciate anyone till i've been settled for a few days!

Ooooh a whole weekend off for you? Enjoy it!!! Don't do housework.... just laze... and look at new baby things :D

x x x x
hi girls my scan went really well, all the major organs and limbs were there. Except she was laying breech so they couldnt see the base of her spine as it was way down in my pelvis. Plus she had her legs up over her head that created a shadow over her heart so they couldnt see all of its functions. So i have to get another scan next weeks to check those 2 things. Nervous but means i get to see her again.


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Tray - aww ur scan pic is so cute! Ur little girl is lovely! And yay to getting another scan next week! Im sure everything is just perfect! Woo hoo!

Smiley - i think im smaller than wot i was with Brandon! I only took two bumps pics when I was pregnant last time so the nxt time i can compare is 36 weeks! But im a totally different shape! I was all round big with Brandon whereas i actually still have a waist this time lol!

Aww lol wot is ur OH like? Totally out to confuse u haha! Lol my grampa is called Sam so i obv like the name hehe! But it sounds like ur not a fan lol! We still cant come up with a middle name for Oliver!

Ahh good on u pulling a sickie!! Woo hoo! I love it! Aww im sure ur cousin would love to see u! I was the total opposite from u...all i wanted was visitors! I think i was too scared to be left alone haha! Il probably feel different this time tho cos im gonna want brandon to bond with his brother...eek!!

Ahh Tray - Your baby girl is beautiful!! I definitely wouldn't worry about the extra scan, it's great you get another chance to see her :cloud9:

Steph - Ahh I know, what is my OH trying to do to me?? No I do like Sam, and Samuel was very high up on my list to begin with - just that i'm still very pro Jasper or Oscar!

Yeh I really want to make sure that DS is able to bond with his brother without having a million other people about. I do love that people want to come over, just i'm quite conscious that we're going to need a bit of extra time this time on our own to make sure the big introduction goes well!! It would also just be nice to have the first day to ourselves (purely selfish on my part)... but i'm sure we'll have people over as soon as we get home! :dohh:

x x x x
Aw im the exact same! Would love for the first day to just be ours! We have already said absolutely no visitors at the first visiting at the hospital! Brandon deserves that first hour all to himself! But yeah, the whole first day would be great!

I was wondering, are u going to buy DS a present from baby? Or get DS to buy baby a present? We were thinking of getting Brandon to go to Build a Bear Factory and he could make the babys first teddy! Xxxxxx
We are definitely going to get DS a present from the baby! I hadn't actually thought about a present to the baby from DS though - but I LOVE your bear idea... I might steal it! Its a really good idea :D x x x
Hehe! I like that idea too! Wel prob take Brandon into Build a Bear in a few weeks! Just hope he doesnt want to keep it himself haha!

What do u think ul get DS from baby? Xxxxx
Not too sure actually, it's his birthday next month so will wait until after then and see if anything crops up that he wants... Not that he's really old enough to ask for stuff yet, but i'm sure there'll be something that he likes!

Eeeeeeek his new bed just arrived!!! I can't believe it! The mattress looks huge, he is going to look so little in it.

So I have one MASSIVE mission this weekend to sort out our room, his room, and the loft.... it is going to be a busy weekend! x x x
Ooooh exciting!! I wish i could help...i loooove organising!! Im so sad that weve sorted out the rooms! Lol! Altho once the new cot is delivered il get to do some lol!

When r uz putting DS into his new bed? Lol i kno wot u mean...Brandon looks absolutely teeny tiny in his bed!

Dont be going mental tho with the sorting out...dnt knacker ureself out!

I dont know what to do today! Im meetin a lady off gumtree at half12 to sell a dress so il go a wee walk with Brandon after that! Maybe pop into the wee mothercare and spend my gift cards hehe!!

Hey girls- thought uveitis pop in snd say hi and see how you are all doing especially you kbkb as was thinking theother day that it must be getting close to your due date. Can't believe how quickly time has flown. I have not really bern on b&b as been using fertility friends as i can dpeak to others in a similar position yo me but qhen i am typing away on it i often think of you girks so wanted to say hi! Another girl I work with who started ttc after me had a baby girl a couple of days ago.... And of course af decided to show 3 days early to just rub it in a bit. Slightly easier to handle though as hot my first consultancy at infertility clinic so hopefully things will start moving pretty quickly in terms of treatment so please keep your fx crossed for us. I had progesterone levels checked and showed I am def ovulated so looks like dh sperm the issue and might need a helping hand to get to the egg. Wed will tell. Just a bit of encouragement... My friends labour was over and done with in a couple of hours so hope all yours are as quick! She said it was just straight to hospital then baby just arrived! I know most of you still have a fer weeks si I will pop back (if you font mind) to wish you all luck at a later date, but just wanted to wish you alk the best kbkb - bet you can't wait to meet your beautiful baby x
Sorry for typos ... Am having delayed words appearing on iPhone and text box won't enlarge so can't see clearly!!

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