SMEP success buddies

Hoping! :hugs: Glad to see things are still moving forward with you lovely. I can't wait till you pop in on us to tell us about your BFP! That's great news that you're ovulating fine, hopefully DH's sperm just needs a little hand and that'll be it!

Haha, I hate it when i'm typing on my phone and the text doesn't keep up!!

Steph - if you fancy a trip down to my house to help then you are very welcome :haha: I would much prefer is someone would just come and do all the sorting for me! OH is driving me insane. He just thinks everything will magicaly come together. He doesn't realise that we will actually have to do some sorting / thinking about how we are going to store things / actually buy some sort of storage for the bedrooms!!

The plan is to build the bed tomorrow and get him in it tomorrow night.....

I have to share with you all these beautiful booties that a lady on here (Karla1) has made and sent! :cloud9: I love them, they are SO cute and tiny!! (how nice is it to just make these and send them for people!) :flower:

x x x x


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Hey ladies :D

Hoping, helloooo :wave: its always lovely to hear from u! Glad that things are moving and hopefully it wont be too long before ur here telling us ur pregnant! Woo! Its scary how fast time has went...cant believe Kbkb is full term!

Smiley - those booties are ADORABLE!!!! That was really nice of her to do that! They are absolutely stunning! :kiss:

LoL aww men dont realise that things need to be organised lol! I think my OH thinks that we have about 6 months until baby comes! Nope...11 weeks matey!! Does ur DS's new bed have storage?

I was talking to my OH the other night to make a list of things that we still need to buy for babys arrival, just wee things like bibs and hats etc! And he says "Bibs? Aw yeah I totally forgot the baby will need bibs...altho, he wont need them straight away will he?" Im like..."We had Brandon 2 years the hell can you have forgotten all this stuff already!!!" :dohh::dohh:

I know, it was so nice of her! I hope my baby has small enough feet to fit in them though... haha, I forgot that DS had quite big feet and i'm sure his would have never fit into these!!

Yep, the bed has draws underneath - hooray! As soon as my OH has built it i'll take some photos and show you. . . . I am not looking forward to him putting it together. He is the most impatient man and hates anything like this. I do think it will take him all day - he just better do it properly! I have said i'll do it (i'm good at these sorts of things) but he's insisting :dohh:

Haha, your OH is funny. It's amazing how fast they forget things! x x x
LoL my OH has no patience what so ever for building furniture! He always goes in a strop and we will have an arguement lol! Always happens haha!!

Hows the organising going? Are you achieving much?

Im having such a lazy day! I have a huge pile of ironing and a kitchen to tidy and all I wanna do is lie on the couch lol! Brandons asleep so im just enjoying the quiet lol!

Hello ladies :wave:

Hows everyones Sunday going?

Ive just made £50 off of Gumtree! Ah woo hoo!! :happydance: Gutting the house and making money...I love it haha!!

Aaanyway! So was on the internet last nite and decided we would order the bedding set we had wanted for baby as the cotbed is getting delivered on Thursday so dont want it sitting bare for weeks! So the set we had looked at was a 13piece set for £80...but by the time u add the postage on it took it to £170 :saywhat:!!! Thats shocking isnt it?? So there was NO WAY I was paying that! And im so happy now because I managed to find Lion King cot bedding and it is stunning!! Its £70 and £30 postage cos its a shop in America but I dont mind paying that...its BEAUTIFUL :cloud9:!!! But there was no way I was paying £90 postage! Pfffft!

Ive attached a picture of it...i just love it! We havent ordered it yet but prob will over the next few days! Eeeeek! xxxxx


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Steph - I have a quick question for you. Does Brandon have a normal pillow and duvet? When did u give him a pillow if he does have one?

Sorry just panicking I've put DS to bed with a pillow and he shouldn't have one yet??

I'll read and reply to other posts ASAP! :hugs:

x x x

Yeah Brandon had normal pillow and duvet when we put him into a bed! So he wouldve been abt 20 months! He always slid of it at first anyway haha!!

Dont panic! I didnt know there was a certain age they had to be to have a pillow! Oops!

Good Morning!

Wow - Steph, you were awake early this morning!! Thank you, I had checked and everything said it was fine but then stupid MIL was moaning to OH that she didn't think he should be on a pillow... then she told OH to make sure we check on him - GRRRRRR!!!!! As if I wouldn't check on him anyway!! Stupid woman.

Anyway! What have you managed to sell?That's great!! Ahh that's crap about the postage costs on that bedding, how on earth can they say it costs that much to post???? Crazy! But I LOVE the Lion King set you've found, that looks lovely!!! :cloud9:

Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend??!!

x x x x
:wave: girls!!!

Hopingitwill- You're such an absolute sweetheart to come in and check on me ...:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Thank you, I am all well...really got my FX for you and sending loads of :dust: :dust: :dust: your way....things are definitely looking up based on your update.

Smiley- i have the bump and scan pix, just waiting for some pesky colleagues to move away before i put up ;) How did your massive organizing weekend go? Tray- lovely scan of your little gal, bet you're excited about getting another peek in at the next scan. Hope they find everything this time!

AFM- Scan went off well. LO is head down , very close to the cervix but not engaged. based on that, it is looking like I'm going full term at least if not overdue!! the doc says everything looks on track, just that baby is in no hurry...And I'm measuring about 36 weeks 1 day (about a week or so behind)...:grr: :brat: so the wait just got longer :haha:
Baby weighs 2.77 kg (6.2 pounds), doc was pretty happy about that and said i could expect a 7 pounder :) at birth

Ladies-Any comments on my baby's weight? do you think all looks fine based on your experience?

Steph- i like the build a bear idea :thumbup: a friend's daughter has a birthday comin up, I may just take her to do a session there (steal steal :))
Good Morning!

Wow - Steph, you were awake early this morning!! Thank you, I had checked and everything said it was fine but then stupid MIL was moaning to OH that she didn't think he should be on a pillow... then she told OH to make sure we check on him - GRRRRRR!!!!! As if I wouldn't check on him anyway!! Stupid woman.

Anyway! What have you managed to sell?That's great!! Ahh that's crap about the postage costs on that bedding, how on earth can they say it costs that much to post???? Crazy! But I LOVE the Lion King set you've found, that looks lovely!!! :cloud9:

Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend??!!

x x x x

I thought the no pillow rule was only for infants , but what do I know :rofl:
I love the LION KING bedding...i think it's the one baby item that has gotten me totally excited!
Hello kbkb!! Eeeeekkk I am too excited about the pictures that you are almost about to post!!!! :happydance:

That's great your scan went well, and looks like baby is going to be a lovely weight :cloud9: Everything sounds great!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!

Yeh, i'm sure it's only little ones that shouldn't have a pillow - but that's my MIL... will make you worry even when you've no need! :dohh:

x x x
Hello ladies! Happy Monday to u all!

Smiley - How did DS go with his first nite in a big boy bed? Lol yeah i dnt think the pillow should be an issue lol! MIL's just like to be like that!

Kbkb - i cant wait to see these pictures! Glad the scan went well! Its so strange to think your baby thats much already! I was only 6lb 8oz when I was born...and i was a week late lol! Eek! Thats good they r predicting a nice healthy 7lbs for birth!

AFM - Lol well i was up so early cos i started work at 7am today! I had the worst sleep ever tho! I was REALLY breathless, i dnt know if it was just baby pushing up against my diaphram or wot! And then when i did eventually fall asleep...i woke up an hour later with leg cramp! Lol i couldve cried when my alarm went off haha!

Hows everyone elses monday been? Xxxxx
It went really well, he went to bed with no fuss and didn't get out of bed once! He did wake up earlier than usual, but we have a gro-clock and he didn't get out of bed until the moon changed to the sun! He was so good!

Haha, I was really pleased - but i'm not expecting it to be that easy every time. I'm just waiting for the battle to commence when he starts getting out of bed. We'll see how tonight goes...

Oh breathless isn't fun. Have you mentioned it to the midwife? I cant breathe through my nose at night and that's keeping me awake... so annoying!

I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow - she rang me to change it from Thursday! I'm so excited, I haven't seen anyone for ages!! I am keeping my FX for a growth scan referral!

Certain - Are you about? How was your weekend? You're due to get the internet at your home very soon aren't you? :happydance:

x x x
Aww im sure ur DS will do great!! Brandon chanced his luck on the 2nd nite by getting out of bed but we jst took him back thru and he never did it again!

Im gonna mention the breathlessness on weds! Need to go back to get my urine tested so il mention it then! I never has breathlessness with Brandon! So annoying! Aw i hate the nose stuffiness! I have it every morning but il eventually have a nosebleed then it all goes away! Lol pregnancy is so magical haha!

Oooh yay i hope u get referred for a growth scan! I got measured last weds and she said i was bang on for 28 weeks! I thot i wouldve been bigger than that! Cant believe were at the stage of measuring the bump! Its 5 weeks on thurs til my growth scan! Cant wait!

A girl on my facebook had her baby boy this morning! Hes so cute! Makes me wish i could speed up time!

When it rains it pours!!! 4 bump pics,sorry if they're not very good quality :) this is the best I could do by myself (DH was laughing his gut out watching me, not helping at all, silly man)
I had my boss hovering around me all day yesterday, sorry for the delay...i could only be patient and wait to upload them:coffee:

can you believe, these are the only bump pix of me i have???? i am stunned by how huge i look.this is going to be one huge baby, huh?:wacko: and i do think i have dropped (though :cry: i dont have a pic to compare it to!!)

steph-I was 2 weeks early and only 6.2 pounds at mum is super worried how on earth I am going to birth this one!!! I am getting congested in my nose and the darn leg cramps ALL the time too! so annoying...poor you, hope you get some :sleep: today

smiley- so cool to hear of your gro-clock, show me a pic please? I like the idea! And awesome that DS stayed put in bed :thumbup: keep us posted on your MW appointment, hope you get a growth scan!!! You have to be lucky to see much because the baby is quite big and squished up, but its cool to see baby features! I saw a ton of hair on baby's head too...


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Hellooo my lovely ladies, so sorry for the delay - not had internet at home (but should arrive today!!) and was manic at work yesterday!

kbkb - wow you look great! lovely bump but shame there is no comparison, you will just have to compare to your next baby bump :haha: how are you feeling? its great LO is already a good size, well done you!

Steph - yey for sleeping in a big bed, thats great! what a step forward! I wouldnt worry about a pillow, hes old enough and strong enough to wake himself up now. Sorry to hear about the breathlessness, def ask them about it, it could be the baby's position but worth getting it checked!

Smiley - aww my cousin has a groclock for her DS and its great! such a good idea. Hope your appointment goes well today! all very exciting!

AFM - had a lovely weekend thanks, went down to devon to pick up my parents old car! :happydance: so thats exciting - was so lovely to see them, Im close to my mum so miss her quite a bit! Im starting to get really tired these days and Im def growing! DD is still wriggling loads and obviously she bigger and stronger so sometimes its uncomfy, she certainly doesnt seem to want to go head down yet! Still, not long to go with work, then I can relax and nap! :)
What you think of my 30+2 pic? :) 1st one 30+2 and 2nd one is 2 weeks ago!
wow beautiful bumps girlies. I hope everyone is well today.

Just checking in to say we had our 20 week scan part 2 today to check her spine and heart as they couldnt see them properly last week. But they were able to check them today and she's perfect.

Love the Lion King set
Kbkb - no worries! I had a really big tummy too when I was preggo with my daughter in the 3rd Tri. She weighed 7lbs 6oz. Just try to relax....everything will be just fine!! I can't wait for your baby to get here!!! YAY!!!! Have a very safe delivery!!!! :hugs:

Certain - Ooh, baby is growing very nicely! The 2 weeks made a big difference in belly size. That's great!!! Baby seems to be very healthy!!!! YAY to 30 weeks!!!!!

I hope all of you ladies are doing well. I have my gender/down syndrome scan in a week in a half on the 3rd of February. I'll keep you posted on the gender. Any guesses????
Morning Everyone!

BnB is not being kind to me today :nope:

kbkb - HOORAY!!! It's so nice to see your bump - such a beautiful bump!! I can't believe that you are so close to the end now :happydance: I don't think you look particularly huge though, I think you are looking just right!

Certain - Hello! Lovely bump as well :D When is your last day at work? I can't wait for mine!!

Steph - Have u got midwife today? Hope it all goes well, let us know!

Beauty - I will have a stab in the dark at a girl.... but that's not based on anything seeing as you haven't had a scan pic yet! I'm excited to know though! Are you hoping for one or the other?

AFM - Yaay! DS stayed in his bed all night again, and he didn't wake up early this morning... his clock actually woke him up :D He also had the longest nap yesterday with no fuss - so pleased he's taken to his new bed so well!!

I also have my midwife appointment yesterday, all was fine. She said i'm measuring bang on for 28 weeks. She also said that she's happy to send me for a growth scan so will organise that for around 35 weeks YAY!!

She's such a lovely midwife, I would really like for her to deliver my baby but we'll see how big he's coming up first as she only delivers at the midwife unit and I might want all the drugs in the world if he's looking huge!!

Hope everyone else is good today :flower:

x x x x x

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