SMEP success buddies

Morning ladies,

How are you all?

kbkb - how you feeling? :hugs: hope the hics turn into something more productive soon!

Smiley - Glad to hear squiggle is still inside..had a moments panic then! How are you feeling now? Dont over do it! But wow, all organised...well done! Our nursery is now looking like a bomb has hit it..going to have to start sorting when im on mat leave I think. Im always so tired when I get home from work.

Steph - Hope you arent too snowed in up there? How was christmas dinner? Im actually quite jealous :p Have a lovely break!

AFM - babymoon was lovely, did some relaxing, sleeping, crazy golf (Im rubbish :haha:), pedalos, swimming - was great :) Then on Monday we went to Kiddicare for the BIG baby shop and we have got our pram!!! Its a silver cross 3D:

I love it and had great fun playing on Monday night! We also went and bought another cot....well its a cotbed so managed to justify it a little bit :blush: Its sooo cute though! It has winnie the pooh and piglet on it :) cant wait for it to arrive! So Im feeling a bit more organised now than before...
Hello ladies!!

Certain - ur baby moon sounds great!! Lol im im very impressed that u managed the pedalos!! Haha!

And woo hoo on the shopping day!! I love ur pram!! Glad uv been playing with it!! Hehe!! And ur cotbed sounds sooooo cute!! Lol im jealous of smileys organisation too!!

Smiley - yeah i absolutely loved the pic of ur DS with baby!! Eek! Looks like he'll be a fab big brother!!

Oh christmas dinner the second was yummy!! We even had Boxing Day leftovers yesterday haha! Very authentic!!

Kbkb - hope ur doin ok & managing to get some sleep!!

AFM - well im 30 weeks today! Woo hoo!! That makes me feel so much better!

OH is gonna head up my mum and dads loft today! Im so excited! My mum said there is loads of baby clothes up there too! Eeek! Cant wait to see them hehe!


Certain - Sounds like you had a fab babymoon! Hooray for the new pram - it's so exciting getting it isn't it. Enjoy playing around with it - I love the one you've gone for! Eeeek, not long and you'll have a baby to push around :D

Steph - Haha, Christmas dinner with Boxing day leftovers, sounds very authentic indeed!! Oooh enjoy going through all the clothes :happydance:

kbkb - Ermmm, you are breaking the rules by not checking in on a daily basis!! You could have had a baby!! Hope you're feeling ok today :flower:

Well i'm still feeling crappy - my chest hurts and i'm losing my voice now, but i'm sure i'll live! (Although I did tell my OH I thought I may be dying last night - haha - not dramatic at all)

Anyway, have a look at this - made me laugh a lot! I am not a cat fan, but considering getting one just to do this.

x x x x
Smiley!!!! That is actually hilarious!!! Im terrified of cats tho...u think its classed as child cruelty if i did it to Brandon?? Hahaha!!! Thats so funny! Where do people get these ideas? Hahaha!! :rofl:

Sorry ur still not feelin great! Sounds like a wee bug! Just u stay all wrapped up in bed!! :hugs: xxxxx
So i spent all last nite rummaging through all the baby stuff! I found so many things...the bumbo seat, a rocker, LOADS of bedding and blankets, Brandons swaddlig blanket and loads of clothes! There was so many outfits that i totally forgot Brandon had cos he hardly wore them! They r immaculate! Eek! So im just in the process of washing them all! Woo hoo! Also found quite a few bits of maternity wear! Yay!

Lol OH is like "oh great...more baby stuff" haha!! Xxxxxx
Smiley!!!! That is actually hilarious!!! Im terrified of cats tho...u think its classed as child cruelty if i did it to Brandon?? Hahaha!!! Thats so funny! Where do people get these ideas? Hahaha!! :rofl:

Sorry ur still not feelin great! Sounds like a wee bug! Just u stay all wrapped up in bed!! :hugs: xxxxx

Haha I love it! Na I don't think it would be child crueltly... no more than it being cat cruelty - do it!!

Well I came into work today, as I assumed I would be told about my maternity leave cover. NOPE. My boss is being a giant dickhead. Why is it so secretive??? Im so annoyed. You know that feeling when you're in work, and you just want to cry you're so angry?! Well i'm sat at my desk trying my hardest not to cry!!! I am still feeling like shit. What is the point? I feel like going to the doctors and getting signed off for a week and seeing how he likes it when I'm difficult. What is he even acheiving by being such a wanker?!

Well when he wants to know a return to work date he can FUCK off. Seriously.

Sorry for the language..... he's just made me so angry.

x x x x
Weve just posted at the same time smiley!!

OMG!! Ur boss really sounds like a dick!! U should go get signed off...make them realise how valuable u are!! See at the end of the day, if they dont organise ur cover for when ur off...who cares? See as long as u get to go off and have ur baby, dont carr about them! Do not give the place a 2nd thought! I cant stand my workplace or 99% of the people there but i make it known that i couldnt care less & the only reason im there is to pay my mortgage and put food on the table & they jst leave me to it!

I hate the fact that ur sitting nearly crying :hugs::hugs::hugs: dont let them do that to u! Why dont u just say u still feel crap and just go home? Xxxxxx
Smiley - :hugs: oh you poor thing :( what a beep! Is there anyone else you can talk to? maybe HR? Most def dont give him any slack and I love the sick leave idea! keep smiling hun and dont let him see your stressed..what an idiot! :hugs:

Steph - wooo glad you had so much stuff! Im looking at a bouncer/swing on gumtree at the mo...really want it! Lol I have to admit the pedalos were not easy, DH did most really :haha: each time it squashed the bump but was good to get out on the water :)

AFM- work is so manic at the mo. Im now 'training' up my replacement but its so hard. She is lovely but my boss is mad at the mo because we have a paper coming out in 'Science' tomorrow so this week has been full of BBC interviews and filming etc. In case you are interested our research will be announced on the 10pm news tonight - Dr Karen Ersche is my boss and we did the study together - They are quite exciting findings :) so nothing can get done at the mo as she is too busy...quite stressful really.
Ive been getting some really painful BH over the last couple days - is that normal at this stage? It makes my bump really tender and hard :(
Haha we did just post at the same time!

Ah sounds like you had a great sort through of stuff, it's lovely realising all the little outfits you'd forgotten about isn't it! Haha, I bet your OH was pleased with the finds! :D

I honestly do not know why he is acting like this. I can only assume it's because he's pissed off about me actually going on maternity leave - which he's made no secret about.

I am just trying to remember exactly that though, only 5 more weeks then i'm out of here!! Just would have been nice if it wasn't going to be so miserable for these 5 weeks!!

x x x
Smiley - :hugs: oh you poor thing :( what a beep! Is there anyone else you can talk to? maybe HR? Most def dont give him any slack and I love the sick leave idea! keep smiling hun and dont let him see your stressed..what an idiot! :hugs:

Thanks Certain. We don't have a HR department, or i'd be straight over there. There isn't anyone else to talk to about it either - SO frustrating!

Ooh I will tune in to see what the research is!! :D

I didn't get any BH with DS, but they're def very normal - not nice though. I've had the odd one this time already! Just getting ready for the real thing :flower: x
Aw smiley, it would be nice if they made ur last couple of weeks nice and relaxing for u! At the end of the day, ur going on maternity leave whether he likes it or not so whats he gaining from acting like a total prick?

Certain - ooh ur job sounds exciting!! I will def tune in 2nite! And dont worry about the BH! I had LOADS of them with Brandon! They used to stop me in my tracks! Not as bad as the real things but id still class them as sore! Lol! So dont worry about them! Just shows ur nearly there! Hehe! Eeeeek!!

I know, I don't know why he thinks this is the way forward! Well I am going to be just as difficult.... I've booked in a docs appointment for tomorrow and will definitely be playing up the ill / stressed card (maybe cry in the docs office) and see if she'll sign me off. That will make me feel better about the whole thing!

x x x
Good on u!! How does ur work deal with u going off sick? I know that if i get signed off sick after 27 weeks, they just start ur maternity leave! Sneaky that way!

But good on u! I think u deserve a week off! And yeah, definitely a few tears in the doctors office to be shed! Wont do any harm hehe!! Xxxxxx
To be honest they wouldn't know that they can force me to start maternity leave early. But if i'm only signed off for a week then I don't think they can make me start it - I thought that's only if I was signed off for the rest of my time at work leading up to the date I go? So i've got 5 weeks left, if I was signed off for 5 weeks then they can make me start mat leave now.

I'll double check!

I just had a little meeting with this bloke and he asked me how I was - and I cried. Gahhh!!!! Did not want to cry, but you know what it's like when you just can't stop yourself!! I do feel a bit better having cried and ranted to him though :D

x x x
Aaww bless ur wee socks! Feel so bad for u that ur having such a rubbish time! At least its nearly the weekend! Yeah i kno wot u mean abt making u start mat leave early!

Do u have any other bosses u can speak to? Or is it just this one guy?

Lol that poor guy must have not known wot to do when u started crying! No one likes to see a pregnant girl cry! Xxxx
Ahh i'll be fine, just all hitting me today cuz i'm feeling a bit crappy. Less tolerant than usual I guess!

I've just done some employers law research and they cannot force you to start maternity leave unless you are 36 weeks and only if you are signed off with something pregnancy related....It must be slightly diff in Scotland then is it?

Either way, I am good to go to bring out the tears tomorrow!

Haha, I will have totally calmed down by tomorrow and will be feeling fine so wont actually get anywhere with a doctor!

Oh I know, I did feel a bit sorry for him - he didn't know what to do! But he was sweet, and joined in ranting about the boss :D

x x x
Lol theres nothin like a good rant to make u feel better!!

Tbh im not 100% on the law, i just go by what my HR manager said altho she is extremely useless so shes prob talking nonsense! I know its only if ur off with a maternity related illness! So yeah, i foned in with a cold then id be ok! But theres a girl in my work who is a week ahead of me and she has had a hell of a time of it! She has had 7 previous miscarriages and 1 still born so was pur on bedrest thruout this pregnancy and i know that at 27 weeks they started her mat leave! Its a bit rubbish i think though...27 weeks is really early to go on matleave!!


Steph - 27 weeks is very early to force maternity leave, they must have a different rule for up there!

kbkb - WHERE ARE YOU? I am concerned / excited that you might have had the baby :D

Certain - I missed the thing on TV about your research last night, I was in bed so early - can you tell me what it is? I'm so very intrigued!

AFM - Well I feel better today. :blush: I am still going to the doctors later on, but the illness is lifting - hooray! I got home last night, managed to drop a giant glass dish onto my toes which was a perfect addition to my day!! They are all bruised and sore today :growlmad: but as soon as DS was in bed I got into the bath - it was HEAVEN! Then all was right in the world again :D

Oh my OH asked DS what is in mummy's tummy and he replied "Squiggle" - amazing! I was then talking to DS this morning cuz i'd put on a pair of trousers that were far too small, so I said we can give these to Squiggle can't we - and he said "I love Squiggle" :cloud9:

I don't know if he really knows what he's saying, but it's cute all the same!!

x x x x

Smiley - how did u get on at the doctors? Did he/she sign u off? Hope so!! Cant wait to hear ur boss's reaction to u going off sick!! Hehe!!

That is adorable abt ur DS saying he loves Squiggle!! Brilliant!! Brandon always talks about "baby oliver" but i dont think he properly understands that pretty soon there will be a baby oliver here lol!

How is everyone else getting on?

Kbkb - Smileys right...ur breaking ur promise haha!!

AFM - Well i appear to have thrush!! I apologise if thats too muh information but for most of today ive been like a big disgusting man!! Sneaking off to the toilet and having a good ole scratch!! How embarassing is that?!! Does anyone know of any good treatments? OH went and bought me Vagisil but its rubbish!! Lol!

Sorry for the TMI!! But its all i have on my mind lol!!

Oh Steph - get some Canesten!!! Get the 2% stuff, it's a little miracle worker!! I had to get some the other day, had to totally lie and say I wasn't pregnant though or they don't give it to you without a prescription. Which is so strange cuz they will prescribe it at the drop of a hat, I just didn't want to wait for a docs appointment!

Well I did get signed off for a week :happydance: My doctor was brilliant, he just asked me how long I wanted him to sign me off for and what I wanted him to say the reason was! He was really understanding though and could see i'm not well. The appointment wasn't until this evening though so there's no-one in work to speak to, so i've had to email my boss about it - i'm just waiting for a response now! Email is prob not the best way forward, but it's either give him a heads up, or call in last minute on Monday morning to tell him.

x x x

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