SMEP success buddies

Hiii tray :wave:

Hows u gettin on?? Lol i think u and certain r the only pink SMEP'ers!! Lol! Xxxxx
Steph - Def practice your speech, write down your bullets points of things you want to get across so that you don't forget things when you speak to the lady on the phone! I hope they will let you! Are you going to ring her today??

Certain - Oh gosh, I am right with you on the horrible bosses! I would go and see the doctor and get signed off - I can highly recommend it :D As soon as I came out the docs on Friday I just felt like the biggest weight had been lifted in not having to worry about work this week. It will be even more of a relief for you in that you wont have to go back then until your maternity leave is finished! I'm glad you've put in a complaint - what did she do?

Tray - Hello! Hope you and your little girl are doing good :flower:

kbkb - If you get a chance to pop in and see this - I hope you are your baby boy are well!! :hugs:

AFM - Yep, my boss emailed me this morning. Just to say that he'll rearrange our meeting today for next Monday and to keep in touch this week to let him know how I was feeling. It was surprisingly pleasant - but I know he (and the others) will be cursing me all week!! Oh well.

I am so far enjoying my Monday off, have been and done a big Tesco shop, cleaned a bit, now i'm sat down with a cuppa and some biscuits and watching J.Kyle. Will prob have a little nap afterwards.... :D

x x x x
Smiley...ur day off sounds great!! Very relaxin! Did u get a wee nap?

I didnt phone her 2day...i was too nervous lol! Im gonna write down everything 2nite & phone my mum and practice!

I think OH is kinda freakin out now which i do feel bad about but i think this is one of the rare occassions where i need to be a bit selfish! That sounds terrible doesnt it? But i know that on the day, if im relaxed...hel be relaxed!

smiley - thats good that ur boss emailed u back all friendly! Lol who cares if they r all talking about u...ur the one whos sat and had a great day! Haha!

YAY!!!!! Kbkb, I'm so happy you and baby boy had a safe delivery and are doing well. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! :yipee: :wohoo: :happydance:
Good Morning!

Steph - Are you making the phonecall today?? Good luck!! I think you have to be selfish in this situation, I know its not nice to think your OH is not entirely happy, but you are the one who has to do it so you need to be in the place you are most comfortable!

x x x
Morning everyone!

I phoned the woman...turns out shes the head of the midwife unit! She said that they do allow women to go up there but it really needs to be my consultants decision! I suppose shes got a good point, she was saying that she cant make a decision without seeing all my notes from previous labour...and becos i dont exactly know why things turned out the way they did, she would be reluctant to say whether or not i have a chance!

Ive got an appt with my consultant on 1st of march anyway so i guess il jst need to wait and speak to her!

Wots everyone doing 2day? I need to go get some cupboards are BARE!!
Ah I guess that's fair enough - hopefully you can speak to your consultant and make her see that's what you want, and it'll be reassuring to know that if she agrees with you then she obviously thinks that's a good option. Fingers crossed!

I have no plans for today, I am at home with DS and finding it very hard to get motivated to get us dressed to go anywhere.... I think we may be heading towards a PJ day at home!

I have just had to put his 2 favourite softies (muslins) in the wash and he is pretty unhappy about it! He keeps going out to the washing machine and just watching them going round - it used to be that he wasn't attached to any softie in particular, but suddenly these 2 have become EVERYTHING! He's a funny little thing!

I bought Squiggle some lovely big muslins and have given one to DS,in the hope of him being attached to a nice one - but he's not having any of it! :dohh:

I did a big Tesco shop yesterday as we had no food at all.... I just love it when the fridge and cupboards are full :D

x x x x
Morning ladies,

Steph - glad to hear you had a good call. It often does end up being the consultants call in the end - lets hope they are sensible about it and let you go :) It is important that you a relaxed. We learnt about the difference in delivery unit and midwife led units at NCT yesterday - was very interesting but I dont think they will let me go midwife led. Have fun shopping -I find I keep buying random things at the mo that take my fancy last min :doh: oh well :)

Smiley - ooo your day sounds so lovely. jealous :) Glad your boss' email was ok. Oh my boss is just a huge bully and only picks on me in front of everyone - its lots of little things and its just not acceptable. On the plus side she is out of the office for most of this week (very unusual) so i get some restbite! I will see how I feel when i see the midwife on thurs - 8 days isnt really very long...!

So today is my obstetrition appointment...feeling a bit nervous but also excited. Hope they make a decision!! I have also come out in a red, bumpy itchy rash :( on my arms etc - pretty sure its just excema sort of thing (although I dont get excema) but I will show him anyway.
Did you ladies see about Lexi's baby? Im so sad about it, she has had such a hard time of it. Its made me quite emotional and a bit scared about my LO - will be glad to see her on the scan later! I will try to update you asap but will prob be tomorrow morning (app wont fin until 6pm and no internet still....grrr).

How are you all?
Oh good luck at your appointment Certain! Let us know how it goes, hopefully you'll get a nice scan as well :D Your boss sounds very nasty, but i'm glad you are getting a bit of a break from her whilst she's not there. I do still think that even though there's only a few days left, you should not spend them stressed with her - so see how you're feeling!

Oh I did see about her baby, she had such a rough time - My heart truly goes out to her :cry: Whenever I see stories like this i'm always so naive and just think that everything will be fine, when that's not always the case at all. :nope:

x x x
Hey :wave:

Ive just seen about Lexi's baby boy there! That is so sad...I geniunely thought everything would be okay! I thought after everything shes been through, surely she deserved some sort of happiness at the end :cry: It really puts into perspective just how lucky we all are!

Smiley - ur DS is so cute! Brandon has never been attached to anything like that! Wot a terrible mother u are for putting them in the washing machine :haha: Im totally feeling ur jammie day idea but I need to go out! Im going to the gym 2nite with my friend and I realised I need some maternity joggy bottoms! So will be going shopping after food shopping!

Certain - I was gonna ask when ur appointment was...let us know how u get on! Im sure they will make a decision today! They cant leave u for much longer without knowing...we dont have that long left :winkwink: I would def make sure u get the rash checked out too! I know it probably is nothing to worry about ur definitely best to get it looked at!

AFM - Im feeling a lot of 'pressure' downstairs yesterday and today :blush: I keep feeling like a wee arm is gonna start dangling out or something lol :blush:! I know that sounds ridiculous! Im hoping that baby has turned is now getting into position! I have the midwife tomorrow so hopefully she'll let me know! And been getting tonnes of braxton hicks too! I remember getting them loads with Brandon too but im not sure if it was as early as this!!

Btw...does anyone know anywhere that sells a pack of baby hats? I cant seem to find hats anywhere unless they are attached to an outfit...

I just want a pack of white hats lol!!

Ahh the pressure!! I've been having that for a couple weeks now, I've been moaning about it a lot on my journal - haha! It's maybe not quite what you're describing in that everything for me is so achey and kinda swollen down there... But I am really feeling the pressure!

Also, BH - I have just started to get lots, last night I was getting loads - v.strange! I would like to think this means I won't go to 40 weeks, but seems a little too hopeful :D

Oh baby hats, I got some white ones the other day from mothercare - they do lots in there, only packs of 2 though I think. x x x x
Yeah thats exactly the same as how im feeling!! Really...puffy down there lol!! Lol il need to go over and read ur journal!! See all the moaning! Lol! Haha!!

Aw i hope the braxton hicks mean we go early!! I had loads last time & went at 38 weeks so heres hoping its the same this time round!!

Oooh mothercare...why did i,not think of there??!! Thaaaanks! Im going there today actually to see abt the swimsuit so il pick some up! Yay! Need to take back some Moses Basket bedding as well cos i bought some then realised i have about million sheets and blankets lol! Xxxxxx
Hi Ladies,

I'm sorry, I'm out of the loop. Who is Lexi and what happened??? :sad1: Sending prayers anyhow...

Certain - any news???? I can't believe you're 32 weeks!!! My, how time flies!!!! I hope you get some good info at your appointment.

Steph & Smiles - I hope those BH ease up for a little while. Hoping you both go in early with very healthy babies! Have fun shopping, Steph! Have fun on jammie day, Smiles!! :hugs:

AFM - I do have scan pics but I don't have a scanner :haha: I might have to take a pic with my camera and upload that way. Still not sure about a name...naming boys seems so hard to me :shrug: We are leaning towards Justin. Sleeping is very hard nowadays, which is weird since I haven't even made 20 weeks yet! Ugh!!!! I have to sleep sort-of sitting up because my hips tend to ache if I lie on them for too long. Oh, the agony :brat: Oh well, just hoping baby is healthy. I can feel him moving more. I can't wait until OH and DD can feel baby moving as well so they can stop bugging me about it. :rofl:
Hey Beauty!!

Lexi was a girl on the 3rd tri board whos had such a hard pregnancy! Shes really had a tough time of it, i think she'd been on bedrest becos she had been in early labour for ages! But they decided to c-section her at 34 weeks but its so sad, her poor wee boy died in her arms at an hour old! Its so sad!

Justin is a lovely name!! Picking a name is so hard isnt it? Were really struggling with a middle name! Just cant seem to agree!

Aww i know wot u mean abt hip pain! I had it at abt 20 weeks too so its def not unusual! Poor u tho! Just take lots of niiiice long baths! Aw it'll be great when ur DD and OH can feel and see baby move! Brandon loves feeling his wee brother kick! Altho i still dnt believe he fully understands!

Im just back in from the gym and OMG im soooo regretting it! My poor wee (not wee...huuuge) bum is killin me! And it really hasnt helped the pressure in my puffy nether regions haha!!

Ah least i gave it a go lol!

Good Morning!

Steph - Did you get some hats yesterday? You are v.brave for going to the gym! Good work!!

Beauty - Ah Justin is a nice name!! I hate thinking of names, it stresses me out - mainly cuz it's so hard to find names my OH likes. But hopefully we are still on Oscar or Jasper... Just not going to talk about it again now!

Certain - Hope all went well yesterday! Looking forward to hearing if you got your decision!

x x x
Morning ladies,

Update first as you are all so lovely and asking: So typical NHS...the neurologist and anesthetist hadnt got back to the obstetrician, so she couldn't make a full decision!! GRRRR they have had since Oct!! Anyway we discussed options and she said that as long as the neurologist didnt say different, they would let me labour naturally but give me an early epidural and not let me push until the very end when they will also use forceps. I feel fairly happy with that idea although it still leaves a lot of uncertainty! I have to go back in 2 weeks for the final decision! On the plus side the scan was great, Eleanor is head down and a perfect size (4lb something)...was so lovely seeing her :)

Steph - the gym!?!?! what you like silly lady - put your feet up :) did you get any hats? I need some more too!

Beauty - :hi: sorry to hear about your hip pain :( would a softer mattress help? I really like the name Justin :)

Morning ladies,

Update first as you are all so lovely and asking: So typical NHS...the neurologist and anesthetist hadnt got back to the obstetrician, so she couldn't make a full decision!! GRRRR they have had since Oct!! Anyway we discussed options and she said that as long as the neurologist didnt say different, they would let me labour naturally but give me an early epidural and not let me push until the very end when they will also use forceps. I feel fairly happy with that idea although it still leaves a lot of uncertainty! I have to go back in 2 weeks for the final decision! On the plus side the scan was great, Eleanor is head down and a perfect size (4lb something)...was so lovely seeing her :)

Steph - the gym!?!?! what you like silly lady - put your feet up :) did you get any hats? I need some more too!

Beauty - :hi: sorry to hear about your hip pain :( would a softer mattress help? I really like the name Justin :)


Ah that's a pain that there was no actual decision made, but it sounds like this is going to be the way forward - which sounds great! So glad your little lady is doing well - what a lovely weight she is, pefect! x
Good morning ladies :wave:

Certain - typical NHS!! But the plan that obstetrician made sounds good! An early epidural will make the world of difference for u! And hopefully u have a super easy labour where shes out in one wee push! Wow 4lbs already...thats brilliant!! What a really good weight!!

Its good u get to go back in 2 weeks...hopefully they give u another wee cheeky scan hehe!!

Smiley - how were the braxton hicks last nite? Hope u managed to get a good sleep! Wot r ur plans for 2day...yet another day off :-)

AFM - i did manage to get hats, thank u smiley!!! Cant believe i never thought of mothercare! I got a pack of white & then they had wee blue stripey ones in the sale so got them too! Also got baby a wee cardigan for coming home from the hospital in! It was too cute! And i had a gift card so thought...why not!! They didnt have any swimsuits tho!

Ive got my 31 week appointment at the midwife today at 15.45! Really hope she says baby has shifted position! I think he has tho cos i def dnt have as sore a back as i did!


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