Morning ladies,
Update first as you are all so lovely and asking: So typical NHS...the neurologist and anesthetist hadnt got back to the obstetrician, so she couldn't make a full decision!! GRRRR they have had since Oct!! Anyway we discussed options and she said that as long as the neurologist didnt say different, they would let me labour naturally but give me an early epidural and not let me push until the very end when they will also use forceps. I feel fairly happy with that idea although it still leaves a lot of uncertainty! I have to go back in 2 weeks for the final decision! On the plus side the scan was great, Eleanor is head down and a perfect size (4lb something)...was so lovely seeing her
Steph - the gym!?!?! what you like silly lady - put your feet up

did you get any hats? I need some more too!
Beauty -

sorry to hear about your hip pain

would a softer mattress help? I really like the name Justin