SMEP success buddies

Oh good, glad you found some! I also got a nice little white cardigan from Mothercare as part of his going home outfit - Just want to find a nice little sleep suit type thing to go with it.... Will probable head back over to Mothercare tomorrow!

BH were ok last night actually.They aren't hurting at all, just an odd feeling of everything really tight!! My foof on the otherhand - OUCH!!!!!! It's really aching so much :cry: I just went for a walk down town with DS and I couldn't really walk that far as with every step i'm taking it's sending a shooting pain / ache down there. Only strangely on one side though - if that even makes any sense?!...:shrug:

My OH text me this morning to say that he'd had his notification on his phone for me being 30 weeks preg and from the picture it was no wonder it was aching - haha! Thanks!

x x x x x
Haha ur OH is hilarious! I love that he has an app! I had a wee read at ur journal last nite, loving the 'FAF' abbreviation! Lmao :rofl: Ive been getting the same feeling tho! And its always when im walking! Im not at the waddling stage or walking like John Wayne yet but i do really ache! And i kno exactly wot u mean abt the shooting pain!

Aw glad the BH werent too bad! I had them last nite but thats prob my body being in shock from the exercise haha!

Aww once uv chosen a going home outfit u should put a pic up! I cant decide between a Peter Rabbit suit or a Simba one! OH says he really doesnt care lol!

Im gonna start thinking about packing my bag tonight! Or maybe just babys cos that'll be more fun lol! Xxxxxx
Haha, I keep calling it my FAF to OH - Not sure he's loving that so much! I think every time he hears it he knows that sex is going to be out of the question for a while..... a long while..... :haha:

I'm actually really glad you are getting the same sort of thing though, I don't particularly want you to suffer :flower: but it's nice that it's not just an odd thing that my body is doing!! It also doesn't feel like i'm going crazy knowing that you know what I mean!

Haha - I'm not at the John Wayne waddle either yet, but I am very much looking forward to that one!

Oh I need to take a bump pic, i'll do that today and post my 30 weeker!!

Oooh your outfits both sound adorable, post pics!!! As soon as i've got his little outfit sorted i'll def post a pic - i'm really loving white so it'll probably just be something plain (not very exciting!)

I was thinking about when to pack a hospital bag as well, should really start thinking about it - at least should start buying the things to go in it!

Once you've packed yours i'll need a full run down with pics! :D x x x x
Haha! Ive made a list of things to buy but just cant be bothered going to buy it! I think i have everything for babys bag...except nappies! I have size 2 packs but i think il buy a pack of size 1s just cos they r so cute and tiny!

Il post pics tonight of my options for coming home outfit! I have a favourite outfit but it was one of Brandons that he never i dont really want to use that, cos it wasnt bought for Oliver if u know wot i mean (still feels weird calling him Oliver) lol!

Ooh yeah i wanna see ur 30 week comparison! R u feeling much the same? I think i definitely feel smaller this time! Put me into a bit of a panic that its a girl haha!

Lol my OH has been well aware for quite a while that sex is off the cards! We havent even attempted in weeks & weeks! Last time we tried it bloody hurt so i was like "nope, sorry, get off!!" I do feel bad for him but he knows its not forever lol! Think hes gutted that neither of my pregnancies have resulted in me being one of those sex mad nympho ladies haha!

Hmmm I think i'm going to need you to type your list up for me to see! I don't know why i'm finding it so difficult to think of what to pack - I think it's the amounts of stuff that i'm having trouble with!

You sounds very organised!

Yeh I know what you mean, but if Brandon never wore it then that's not the same as re-using it is it?

I think i'm bigger this time for sure, I definitely feel bigger! Haha, have you got any more scans now? I can't remember if you said you did?! I know it's totally not logical to be told boy, to see boy and still have that little worry that he might be a she!

Hahahaha! That's made me laugh! Yeh - we have not even attempted sex in weeks!!! I'm defo not one of those pregnant can't get enough types either. Like you, I do feel bad for him but it is only for a little while (although I bet it feels like longer to him - ha!) x x x x
Haha! My issue with the bag packing is, do i pack for a 1 nite or 3 nite stay? I dnt kno whether to have a seperate 'incase of csection bag'! Altho, i guess OH could go home and bring up extra stuff if needed! Lol il type up my list once im back from midwife!

Yeah i have a scan on 1st of march! 22days away! Eek! I kno, its ridiculous that im even doubting its a boy! His boy parts looked right at us and practically winked haha! But people take great pleasure in telling you about their aunties cousins neighbours daughter who was told a boy and out popped a girl!

I said to my OH "if you were pregnant, theres no way ud feel like having sex" and he responded with "id have sex while in labour!!" :dohh: and hes so right, he would!! Haha!

Oh yeah, that would cause me issues as well!! Yeh maybe just keep an extra bag at home (or leave it in the car) just in case you need it, but if not i'm sure your OH will be able to go home and round some stuff up for you - though if I left my OH to do something like this who knows what he'd bring back to the hospital - haha, maybe have a list somewhere for him! :D

1st March, that's not long away is it!! :happydance:

Hahahaha, your OH is so funny!!

x x x
Ok bump pic comparison! Today on the left, DS1 on the right :D

x x x


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Aw smiley, i love ur bump! Id say u look smaller this time, from those two pics! Well...ur bump looks a different shape! It looks rounder than last time!

Yeah 3 weeks tomorrow til the scan! I cant wait!

Well, everything went well at the midwife! She was listening to the heartbeat and baby totally thumped the doppler! Lol she was like "oh my, what a strong baby" i felt like saying "u dnt need to tell me...i get that 24/7" haha! And hes shifted position!! Hes now head down and in the proper position :happydance: so hopefully he stays that way for the nxt 7 weeks (ive decided hes coming 2 weeks early!) She was speaking to me about the birth and how i was feeling & i said i was starting to get anxious as its getting closer and am worried about it resulting in another csection. But she said i look really favourable to achieve it because i got to 8cm last time! She said getting to 5cm is the hardest part so as long as baby doesnt flip back to back then i should be all set to achieve vbac! Woo hoo!
Okay!! Here are the pictures of the options for coming home outfit...

The first & second pic is the Thumper outfit that was Brandons but was never worn...

The second is the Peter Rabbit

The third is the Simba

And the last one is the wee cardigan!

Excuse the Lion King duvet in the background! Really shouldnt have taken the pics on Brandons bed lol! :dohh:

Wot do uz think is the nicest? xxxxxxx


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And while Im on the laptop and able to upload pics...

Heres my 31 week bump!!

Smiley...lookin at ur bump...u are soooo much smaller than me! My bump is massive compared to ures! is ures looking?? xxxxxxxxx


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Ugh! I don't like you cute little skinny girls with your cute little bumps!! LOL! Just kidding!! All of your bumps are so cute!!!! :hugs:

I totally forgot I had a hair appointment this evening, so had to make a bit of a dash to get ready earlier! Haha!

Steph - All those outfits are SO CUTE! I have to say I think my fave is the thumper one though :D The Peter Rabbit one is next, then the Simba one... but they are all gorgeous! Good luck picking one!!

Ah that's great your appointment went well and your mw is confident about your vbac! (Haha, I have decided that Squiggle is arriving at 38 weeks as well)

I think this pic of my bump is deceiving actually, I may have to take another one. I agree though, it seems so much more rounded that DS1's - that bump looks really pointy! :shrug: I don't think I look smaller than you though, i'm looking at my bump now and it's mega big - your 31 week bump is perfect!

Haha Beauty - I am far from being a skinny girl!

x x x x x
OMG - one born is too much tonight, I'm a mess! That poor lady, felt so awful for her!! I'm so glad they got her baby out though, seemed like forever!!


x x x

Its nearly 2am and im still up!! Im in some serious pain here! Its like, the bottom of my bump is constantly hard! Aah its bloomin sore! Im workin in the mornin...gonna be actually sooo tired lol! Ah well, just another excuse to be a grumpy moany cow!!

Smiley - the Thumper one is my favourite too! I think i might use u say, Brandon never wore it! The Peter Rabbit one was the one i originally bought for the coming home outfit but then i thot about the Simba one becos i thot it might make Brandon like the baby more haha!!

OBEM was really hard to watch 2nite! The look on the midwives faces...i genuinely didnt think the baby would make it! But then i thot they prob wouldnt show it if the baby died! But it was awful! See everytime it showed the clock my heart was racing! Im so glad the wee girl made it! I felt so bad for the woman and her husband! He must have felt so helpless! I tell u somethin tho, its a good job she'd had a spinal beforehand...the amount of hands that were up her trying to get the baby out...ouch!

Aww...and those wee cardigans are so cute arent they??

Well im off to try get some sleep! Not that it'll work lol!!

Xxxxxxx did the hair appt go? U likey?? Xxxxxx
Oh and beauty...i reeeeaalllly wouldnt use the word 'skinny' to describe me! Im def startin to puff out!!

Do u have a wee bump yet?? If so...PICTURES!! PICTURES!!

Im sooooooo sleepy! Hope everyone has a lovely thursday...i sure as hell wont!! Xxxxxx

Oh Steph - doesn't sound like you've had a good night :nope: I hope you managed to get some sleep in the end?

I was kept up by my FAF a lot of last night - so uncomfortable. I've been Dr Googling it this morning though and it could potentially be spd. Im going to sound like a right idiot, but I totally thought spd pain was in your back, just didn't really think about what it actually was!! Anyway, think I'll call my midwife today just see what she says. There's nothing can be done for it tho so prob no point!

Oh I'm still freaking out a bit after last nights obem. Can u refuse forceps?? I was just thinking if I was in that position id rather they just went straight in with a cs?! She must have been in so much pain afterwards, god knows how much she tore and whatnot..... Sorry, it just seemed so brutal and Im having a little worry about it now!!

x x x x
Hello! Just in from work! I managed *some* but not a lot of sleep! Im sure il make up for it 2nite lol!

Ah i thot SPD was pain in ur back and bum cheeks lol! Ive never read up on it tho so... Yeah u maybe should mention it to ur midwife! I think im still suffering from Thrush...nothing seems to be getting rid of it! I keep waking up scratching! Sorry, i kno, disgusting!!

Yeah last nites OBEM has stuck with me! U def can refuse forceps cos my SIL did & they jst sectioned her! Id much rather go thru a section that what that poor woman had to! Well, they cut her twice and they STILL struggled to get the baby out! It actually looked as if they had to break the babys arm...did u see it had a wee cast on in the incubator?

U never really think of that happening to u...i always just think if i go vaginally it'll be hassle free!

Awww Steph - get an early night!

Well she does think it's SPD, I didn't even mention that and once i'd told her about the pains she then gave examples of when and how it hurts - which were spot on - and said that this is what it is. I've got a doctors appointment in the morning where they'll just confirm it I spose... I said that I haven't really had back ache, but she said that pain in the back isn't always from spd. So... it feels nice to know that this pain is actually something and i'm not just going crazy / being a big old drama queen about it!

She just said that there's nothing can be done though apart from not moving and lots of rest!! Ha, I should be so lucky! She did say that the doctor might refer me to physio where I'll get some more tips on exercises to do and maybe get a support belt ... but I don't think I need one of those just yet!

Steph - have you been to the docs about the thrush? I had it really bad with DS1 and I used the Canesten Combi thing (pessary + cream) and it's brilliant. (the cream on it's own was not working that time!) But I think a doctor has to prescribe it to make sure it's safe!

Ohh I know, that poor baby as well - she had to have her shoulder broken I think it was, some bone was broken anyway, not nice! Ok, so I think that's definitely going in my birth plan - no forceps - jump straight to the section!!

x x x x

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