SMEP success buddies

LoL OMG, I dont think I wore anything other than white underwear until I was about 20 weeks lol! Its funny how we all have the same thoughts isnt it? Haha!!

Its really up to uz when uz announce! The only reason we waited until 12 weeks this time is because when we were pregnant with Brandon we told the whole world at about 6 weeks and it was a nightmare! It made the pregnancy seem soooo much longer! But I didnt mind my family knowing this time!

Haha hoping, I think with OBEM...u either love it or hate it! My OH hates it with a passion but I think its just cos hes terrified of labour again! Everytime I mention it he goes all quiet so dont think hes looking forward to it at all! :dohh:

Aaaw happy poppyseed :cloud9: Thats so cute!! It genuinely doesnt feel that long ago my ticker said that!

Make sure you dont over do it with the workload! I know thats much easier said than done, but at least try and spread it over a few nights! Ur gonna be needing a lot of rest!

Certain, nice one having a nap!! LoL get all the sleep u can get, ur wee body needs it!

Hoping - Oh totally know what you mean about worrying about every little niggle!!!! I also remember for a while I was convinced I was having an ectopic pregnancy cuz of one type of pain I was getting. :dohh: Don't worry! You are very normal there :D Ahhh a poppy seed seems so small, but doesn't seem that long ago at all!!

I told close friends and family at about 8 weeks. I would have waited longer but it was my birthday and everyone would have guessed anyway... Just tell people when you are happy to!

Steph - That bear is so cute!! It is so sweet Brandon has made and named him for his little brother - such a great idea!!!

Hooray for OBEM tonight, my OH is out as well so I can watch it in peace. Although, my OH loves it!!! He has just gone out now and asked me if i'll wait for him to get back before I watch it - haha!

Certain - I loooovvveee napping!!!! It's probably my most favourite thing to do :D

x x x x x
Smiley, ur OH is amazing!! LoL i love how much he loves pregnancy!! :D Its lovely!

Well Ive just sat and organised all the baby clothes, just about to iron them but I took a count and EEEEEEK!!! I have a ridiculous amount!

But ah well...nothing much I can do now haha! Although, one of my favourite wee onesies, a wee Gruffalo one has a hole in it :cry: Its from my work tho so Il see if they have another one and Il swap them!

Im away to do the ironing while watching OBEM!! :happydance: xxxxxxx
Well watched obem as dh was gassing on the phone do I got control of the remote. Those forceps looked scary!!!!! However he actually came in and started watching it... Think that was when it hit him that I was pregnant as he looked bit emotional when the woman who had c section delivered the baby!
Ah OBEM was emotional last night :cry: Good though!

Hoping - Did you see last weeks? The forceps delivery from that episode is the worst!!!!!!

Getting my hair cut this evening, cannot decide what to do. My usual routine goes like this:

Get hair cut short (well, shoulder length).... grow out for about a year..... Get hair cut short again.....

It's pretty long at the moment, but my prob is when it's long I never wear it down unless I do it all properly for a night out. OH much prefers my hair longer but I think it's a waste if I always wear it up.

SO WHAT TO DO?? Hack it all off? Get a bit of a style? (A whole new bag of decisions)

Being pregnant has rendered me unable to make even the smallest of decisions, so this hair thing is going to be a problem for me. Can someone just tell me what to do please :flower:

x x x x x

Ah the age old hair decision! Its such a tough one! I never wear my hair down either! This is just my personal opinion but...(i hope this doesnt offend) shorter hair tends to make my face look chubbier so if it were me, i would wait til i had lost my pregnancy weight! But i dont mean that to sound like im saying u are fat!

Well ive had an eventful day, just out of hospital!! I fainted at work so had to go to triage! I had protein in urine but my blood pressure was low! She said she thinks im gonna be prone to fainting these last few weeks! Oh great! Im really worried abt phoning in sick tho incase they put me on mat leave!

I just feel rubbish!! Xxxxxx
Ah Steph - that's rubbish! I'm glad there's nothing wrong, but you should take it easy. If you need to call in sick then do it!!! As long as you're not signed off work at 36weeks they can't make you start it early... I did some more research and nowhere could I see that the rules in Scotland were diff to England!? But even so, just calling in sick for the odd couple days is not the same as being signed off for the rest of your preg??

Haha, that's so funny you say that cuz I have a fat face anyway (even without preg weight!) and I always used to say that shorter hair made me look like a cabbage patch doll. So I think you're right - avoid the short hair until i've lost baby weight :D x x x
Aww steph sorry to hear you fainted, good to know your Bp is low though. Are you going back to get it checked again soon? Take iit easy and def do sign in sick if you need to!

Smiley- I'm the same, can never decide on my hair. It's an annoying sort of curly shoulder length at the mo! I don't often wear it up but it's a bit 'meh' should do something more with it. Enjoy the treat of getting it trimmed tho. It's something on my list to do before Lo yes here too!

I enjoyed OBEM last night but it has made me panic more about forceps :( they just look so brutal!
Aah smiley! I wonder if i need to be signed off before they start my mat leave! Cos theres a difference between pulling a sickie and getting signed off! I jst kno if i go in on sat, it'll be really busy and im just gonna feel rubbish again! I just feel so tired and i jst wanna lie down! So i def think a few days rest would do me good!

Lol i didnt mean for it to sound like i think u have a fat face...i jst kno from personal experience that short hair makes my face look huge lol! My plan is, once baby weight is off, im gonna get a chunky fringe!

Yeah i know wot u mean abt OBEM! It really scares me abt foreceps! The poor wee babys eye looked really sore! But i guess, if thats the safest way to get baby out then it has to happen :-) xxxxxx
Ah if you're going to feel rubbish then you should go and get signed off :hugs: there's no point you going in and fainting again!! :flower:

Haha don't worry, you've made a v.good point about the fat face issue - helped me make a decision! x x x
Haha! Glad i could be of some assistance!! My hair really badly needs done but i think il jst wait til after baby is here and treat myself! Xxxxxxx
Steph- sorry to hear you fainted. Look after yourself and take it easy. Perhaps the fainting is a sign that your body is telling you to slow down. Can you not cut back on shifts at your work?

Smiley - No didnt see last weeks this was the first time i have watched it! DH complained but deep down i think he enjoyed it. However he was saying that he didnt know if he could handle seeing me in pain and that has him worried..... sweet i thought.... til he said maybe he should go to the pub and wait! I know he was winding me up though and yet i still took the bait, so laughing fit from him followed with glares from me!!!

As for me am feeling absolutely shattered but I have sooooooo much to do. This weekend and Next week is going to be a horror, parents evening straight after teaching, assembly to organise, a friday night sport competition as my children have one a competition. This will go on until 10 pm. I have over 100 books to mark this weekend, all my lessons to plan in addtion to going away for a hen party tomorrow and coming back Sunday. With how tired i am feeling dont know how the hell i am going to get it all done! Sorry for the moan just feel v. stressed and like i want to burst into tears. Wish i could cancel hen party but is my best friends sister and 3 have already dropped out!!!!! Have to phone doctors tomorrow for their test results. Keep panicing that they will tell me it is negative, despite my 2 different HPT. Sorry again for rant girls especially, after the day you have had Steph nut needed to get off chest and DH is not at home yet as he has parents eveing tonight and wont be back till 10 and dont think i could keep it pent up that long!!!!
Dont be silly hoping, u dnt need to apologise!! I remember just how tiring the first trimester is & i didnt have half the work u have to a hen night!! Is there no one at work that can lighten ur load? Help with planning the assembly and competition? It might still be hard for u, but help from someone else will def take the pressure off! I really feel for u!! Hopefully after these next two weeks u can relax & put ur feet up! Ul definitely deserve it!

Lol men think they r so funny dont they? My OH always 'cracks jokes' that i jst dont appreciate!

Smiley...what did u decide for the haircut?

I feel really rubbish but really trying to not let it show! OH has insisted we stay at MILs tonight so that when he is at work 2moro, i have someone with me at all times incase i faint again! I totally understand where he is coming from but i dnt really feel like i can be as miserable i want to be (having a pity party lol) i wanna jst cry into OHs arms but dnt feel i can do that here! Dnt get me wrong, she is a lovely lovely woman, we have a great jst not in my own house!

I def think im gonna need to slow things down! I had planned on goin out 2moro to buy everythin for my labour bag but i guess il need to give that a miss! Sorry 4 jst feeling sorry for myself! Xxxxxxxx
Hoping - Awww, don't worry - we are totally here for rants!! I remember just how tiring it was in first tri, you sound like you have a lot on your plate as well. :hugs: Like Steph said, is there anyone you can ask to give you a hand? Gosh, there just seems like so much to do!

Steph - Ahhhh :hugs::hugs::hugs: Are you ok hun? I don't think you've done a sad, feeling really rubbish post before! I completely know what you mean about not being able to be as miserable as you want, it's not the same as just being at home on your own with OH and just being able to let it all out! It's obvs in your best interest to be there, but sometimes you just want to be able to have that pity party!! And dont you say sorry either - you are more than entitled to ramble / moan / rant / have a pity paty here :flower:

You do need to slow down though, just relax and do nothing tomorrow - the hospital bag stuff can wait (for now at least!) x x x x
Can't really ask anyone as normally I wouldn't as I can handle workload snd as I am in quite a senior position would look weird me asking for help in these areas off staff I lead if that makes sense. It is already difficult enough as the week after next we are on our residential trip to lakes which I am leading ( an outdoor activity week). My boss is telling the staff I am going with that I need to stay on site as I need to be contactable to keep me doing as little as poss but had one of the girls coming crying today about doing some of the activities water related such as gorge walking as she has a phobia so am envisaging problems! To top off day found out that due to number of kids I have to share rooms with the other 2 staff coming so praying I get no ms as it will be pretty obvious what is up. Will feel really shot too as one of the girls can't have children due to damaged tubes from eptopic. As I said I have only told my boss and don't want to tell anyone else yet especially until I get confirmation off doctors etc... And I may ad well post on Facebook if one of them in particular finds out .....
Anyway done some marking and feeling slightly better so thanks girls!!!!
Steph- sorry you feel like that. Could your mil not have come to your house. Am sure your oh could get the things for you tomorrow to put your mind at rest as as he has said you are with her so are being looked after. You need to go to bed with oh and in the privacy of the bedroom have a good cry!!!
Will try to get on here over weekend in between my sober partying... Should be very interesting. Going to use the I have given up alcohol for lent or I am on antibiotics excuse!!!! Hehe.
Look after yourself girls and steph- listen to your body TAKE IT EASY! Xxx
Steph - :hugs: :hugs: you sound so down :( wish we could take you in and make you feel better rather than your MIL. Try to relax as much as you can and if you need to stop work then you must :) To cheer you up I am going to post a load of pics :)

Hoping - wow you really do have a full on time at the moment! I can remember how zonked I felt in my first few weeks so really do try to take it as easy as possible - def no absailing or cliff climbing for you! FX you dont get any MS yet, mine started aat 7 weeks but was hideable. Its great you have the lent excuse for the alcohol - brilliant idea :)

AFM- well im still enjoying my restful time but will run out of things to do soon! IM excited though as one of my best friends who i grew up with is coming to stay this weekend - havent properly seen her in ages because she is a busy vet in Cornwall - were planning bit more baby shopping tomorrow :happydance: I also need to get all my hosp bag bits - it only has a towel in there at the moment :haha:

So whos ready for a photofest? Firstly heres my up to date bump pic. 1st one is 32 weeks and the 2nd is today (34+6). See any change?
Opps they are huge sorry :( so here are some pics of my nursery decorations. The last one is my favourite as the other two arent as good quality stickers. I will post some of the whole nursery when ive tided it :p :
And finally some pics of cute outfits I own so far :)

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