SMEP success buddies

Ahhhh Certain!!! LOVE pic-fest :happydance:

Your bump is beautiful!!!! It's funny, when I look at it I see a nice girly bump :flower: (instead of my big blue bull in a china shop bump!)

Love your wall stickers as well! Your nursery is looking fab, I do love that last one with the tree in it :cloud9:

Steph - How are you today??? :hugs: Hope your feeling a bit better!

AFM - I swear overnight my bump has grown on a massive scale. It is huge!! Everyone is commenting on it today and I really feel like it is so far out now. Ohhhh my dreams of an average sized baby are fading!!

Also getting tonnes of BH - it's so strange! x x x x x
Hello!!! absolutely loving the picture fest!! Ur bump is beautiful! Its actually perfect! U dnt have any stretchmarks or anythin!! Im so jealous!

And ur nursery is just so cute! I love those stickers! The one with the tree is fab!

That'll be lovely that ur friends comin to stay! Hope u enjoy ur baby shopping :flower: u have any pix of ur new bump? Lol maybe baby has dropped and its changed the shape of ur bump?

AFM - still feel like crap!! Ive litetally slept all day so its jst as well weve been at MILs house! Everytime i stand up i start to burn up and the room starts spinning! Its no good lol! I phoned in sick for 2moro so at least thats one less thing to worry about! My next shift isnt til Tuesday so hopefully im fit enough to go back then! Sorry i was so grumpy yesterday lol! Jst had to get it out!

But to cheer me up, OH bought some baby clothes 2day...which i can honestly say is an absolute first! Hes never bought clothes for Brandon or this baby...he jst trusted me to do it lol! So needless to say, i cried haha!! Bloody hormones! Haha!

What does everyone have planned for the weekend?

Smiley...i hope ur DS has a loooovely birthday and he gets spoiled! Hope uz enjoy it too!!

I also meant to say that i seen the pics on ur fbook and you, my dear, do not have a fat face AT ALL!! U honestly couldnt tell u were pregnant!! And of course, ur DS is just theeee cutest!! He seriously is!

Hi ladies,

How were your weekends? hope you had lovely times!

Smiley - hope your DS had a lovely birthday :) what did you get up to?

Steph - how are you feeling now? if you are still rough then please skip work tomorrow! that is so cute of your OH - bless him! I have to say my DH is being amazing at the moment as well - they can come up trumps cant they? :)

AFM - Thanks for your lovely comments. I have been using biooil - working so far but still a few weeks to go!
I had a lovely weekend - on sat we went shopping and I got a load of bits for my hosp bag, boring stuff really though e.g. mat pads etc. I was wondering how many i should take to the hosp with me? I bought 3 packs of 10! me and DH also bought some snacks and treats to go in the bag...sooo tempting :)
On Sunday we relaxed and had a roast, I was exhausted!! madness! on the exciting side my sister called me at about 5pm (woke me from my nap!) to tell me she is engaged!!!! so exciting. I have to admit I did have an idea it would happen this weekend as he took her to Prague this weekend for her 'bday' pressie (which was last month) but im over the moon for them. Lots of wedding planning to come :) she said spring time so FX Eleanor will be old enough to be a flower girl!! :) :happydance:
Im still feeling pretty beat today, had really bad 'periody' pains this morn which werent nice but dont think anything is really happening. I also have a horrid feeling she may have turned again. I have my obes app again this afternoon so I will see if she can check - FX they have a final decision for me re birth today.
Hi Certain - good luck at your appointment today, let us know how you get on! That's very exciting about your sister, I love weddings :D

Steph - I hope you are feeling a bit better? But if not, stay away from work!!!

Hoping - How are you? Hope all is going well!

AFM - DS has a lovely 2nd birthday, thank you :flower: He was so very spoilt, he got so many presents. I need a whole new house just for those!! I now have another job that needs doing before baby arrives and that's ANOTHER sort out of his toys!! :dohh: Ah well, i'm just going to be ruthless and throw loads out. I wont tell OH cuz he gets all sentimental - but we just don't have the space. So I'm hoping to make a start on that this afternoon.

My spd is playing up today :nope: but I should have expected it after this weekend really.

I am pleased to be able to say that next week is my last week at work - HOORAY!!!!!! :happydance:

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend x x x x
Hello everyone :wave:

Certain - aww glad u had a good weekend!! Thats lovely news about ur sister! And how cute that already DD has an important part to play! Eek!
Id def say u have got enough mat pads! If u need more once ur home, u can always pop out and get more! But i was in for 4 dayd and think i only went thru 2 packs (altho, dnt kno if i bled less cos i had a section)

Smiley - aww glad DS had a good birthday!! Lol aw thats true about the toy situation! Lol! Aah!

Hoping - have u heard back from the docs??

AFM - i dont feel any better at all! Last nite, lying in bed, my legs kept goin numb!! So i had to lie with abt 5 pillows under them haha! That was sooo comfy...not! Im not goin to work 2moro! My friend is goin into HR dept to ask them at what point they would start my maternity leave so il find out! I wish i could jst move everythin forward 2 weeks but im using 4 weeks hol at the start and i need to wait to the start of our new financial year which is 2 weeks away! And i kno i could jst add them onto the end of the mat leave but that would b in december and knowing my luck they would say i cant have the holidays cos of xmas and retail blah blah blah! So i need to play this right lol!

Certain - let us know how u get on at the appt! Xxxxx
Oooh!! I just remembered we have our scan on Thursday morning :happydance: xxxxxxx
Good Morning!

Certain - how did it all go? :hugs:

Steph - Ah, it sounds like you are having a tough time with not feeling right! How did your friend get on in HR? I hope it works out that you can just leave early now! Totally understand why you need to play it careful though - you don't want to miss out on holiday!

AFM - Well I woke up in the middle of the night (as per usual) and got up to go to the toilet and felt SO dizzy. It's not been that unusual for me to feel a bit dizzy every now and then, but this morning it's still here. Im sitting down and still feeling dizzy - it's really strange. :shrug: I'm at work now anyway, so will see how it geos for the rest of the morning.

x x x x x

Smiley- m so sorry to hear your spd is playing up again but I guess you prob pushed it a bit over the weekend. Try to take it easy hun - that is so exciting its your last week :happydance: such a relief! Im glad your DS had a good birthday - good on him being spoilt :haha:

Steph - :( so sad to hear you still arent feeling great, maybe you should see the doc or call the mw? well done for avoiding work but i understand about the holiday, mine got really complicated too due to my contract ending etc!

AFM- my appointment was a bit annoying (again) so I saw a different consultant (again) but he was nice. He checked she is still head down (she is) and had a chat about what the neurlogist had said. Basically the neurologist said that he wasnt going to say I def had to have a C sec but that I should expect to have increased symptoms during the 2nd stage of labour if "the lady decides she really must have a vaginal birth". The symptms will likely be severe headache, passing out and visual disturbances.
I got the feeling the obs was inclined to go for a c sec and said he could book me in that day for a elective at 39+2 but said that it was my decision!! I really wish they hadnt said that...Im bad enough at decisions anyway! :( so im booked in for another appointment on Monday to give my decision.....what should I do!?!? :wacko:
Good morning ladies!!

Smiley - aw god, sorry to hear abt the dizziness (i know how u feel!!) Really take it easy please!! Here are the tips i waa given: drink water constantly as dehydration can cause dizziness! Also, (this one i cant do) if u start to feel dizzy, walk about! I cant do this because everytime i try...i burn up and faint! But apparently keeping ur calf muscles moving should stop the dizziness! Could it be related to ur SPD? Do u have any other symptoms (headache or anythin) :hugs: hope u feel better!!

Certain - aah how annoying u seen another different consultant!! Its such a tough decision for u to make! I'll give u my opinion and be completely honest, but this is just MY no doctor! I would probably opt for the c-section at 39+2. Simply because, if the neurologist guy says u are very likely to pass out in 2nd stage of labour! If u do pass out, i would imagine they would emergency csection u(?) And if they did, they might put u under because ur already unconscious! I obviously do not know what they would do, thats just what i would assume! But i can totally understand ur turmoil! Id be the exaxt same! Everyone dreams of a peaceful, risk free labour and its hard to let that dream go! But i think if i was medically advised to have a csection then i would :hugs::hugs: what does ur OH think?

Hoping - have u spoken to doctor yet? Hope ur hen weekend was good!!

AFM - well, OH and I had a loooong talk last night and ive decided that im goin in to work 2moro to tell them to start my maternity leave! We went to the shops yesterday for an hour & i was burning up, had to sit down twice and nearly fainted! Then spent the rest of the day on the couch sleeping...everytime i sat up, the room was spinning! So i really am kidding myself if i think i can go back to work 2moro and stand for 8hours!! I would end up fainting again! So im just gonna go in and say that i want to take my weeks holiday now then they can stick me on maternity leave...but im gonna make them book my extra holidays that i was meant to have at the start! Im gonna make them book them for december, cos at the end of the day, i wasnt gonna be there anyway in my original plans! I am sad cod this is not the way i wanted to start my maternity leave, not gettin to say bye to anyone, but needs must! And OH was beggin me last nite, think hes a bit more worried than he lets on!

So gonna text my manager 2day at somepoint and tell her! I dnt kno whether to see a doctor in the morning to get him to give me a sick line anyway just as proof...but as OH points out, i was wheeled out the store in a wheelchair so they know im not 'at it'! Xxxxxx
Awwww Steph :hugs::hugs::hugs: I think you are making the right decision, there is no way you would be able to go in and stand all day working if you can't even really stand up as it is! So i'm pleased you are going to just go in and say about starting it early. You are entitled to that holiday, so don't let them mess you around - take it when you want to take it. like you said, you weren't going to be there anyway so they can't argue that you can't have it off! Be firm!!!

Though, if it were me - I would probably go to the doctors and get signed off for these last 2 weeks. What sort of pay will you get when you're off sick? This way you wont have to move your mat leave start date, or mess about with holiday's - just tell them you've been signed off now and that's that. As you say - you were wheeled out in a wheel chair, so you are not trying it on.

Thank you for the tips, I'll make sure I do them! It's a horrible feeling, but doesn't sound even almost half of how you're feeling so I really feel for you :flower:

Certain - I think i'd agree with Steph. if it were me I would definitely just take the c-sec date and have it all planned. I dont know how set you were on not having a c-sec though? Do whatever you feel most comfortable with. If you think you can try to do it the vag way (haha, vag - that word always makes me laugh) and will be upset if you don't try - then go for it. As long as you know the potential outcome could be an emergancy c-sec and you're ok with that! BUT no-one would blame you if you just wanted to opt for the cs in the first place.... as I said, that is what i'd do!

Oh, my last week is next week... so still got another week to get through! but hopefully it will go quickly!!

x x x x
Steph - I think you have made the right decision. Like Smiley says, can you not just get signed off sick? if you feel like you are burning up have you taken your temp? sounds like you could have a fever :(

Smiley - I really hope you stop feeling dizzy soon - have you had your bp checked recently?

Thanks for giving your opinions re C sec - I think I am going to go for it. Im sure in the long run it is the best decision and it will all be much calmer. I really dont want to risk having an emergency one or being knocked out for it! So it looks like I will be having DD on 26/3!! this time next month I will be a mummy!! eeek

Certain - gosh that is amazing...this time next month ul have ur baby! Eek! As long as ur 100% happy with ur decision then I think its the best choice! It will definitely be more relaxed for u! :hugs:

Smiley - how u feelin now? Still dizzy? U should try get ur blood pressure checked! I posted a wee somethin down 2 u, jst as a thank u for the gro egg...but i totally forgot to put a note in to say it was from me! So when u get a random, anonymous package in the post...its from me! :dohh:

I am gonna get a doctors appt tomorro morning to get a sickline...i may as well chance it! Altho, i think work will just say that they need to put me on mat leave! I cant find my maternity paperwork but im sure it says if i get signed off after 27 weeks, i go straight on mat leave! Altho, it really depends on whether low blood pressure is classed as 'maternity related'! Hhmmm! But uz are right, id be as well giving it a go and seeing what they say!

So my question i go in to the doctors and ask for a sickline? Or do i need to see if he offers me one? Ive never had to do this before lol! Xxxxxx
Certain - Eeeeek!! That's so amazing! It's strange to think about it that now you have an actual date that your DD will be here!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Steph - Ahh you didn't have to send anything you wally!! Haha, I will be on the look out for an anonymous package though :flower:

Oh yay, i'm glad you are going to at least try the sick note route. I would just go in to the doctors - explain the situation and just say that you finish work next week anyway, but you just can't face having to go back and be on your feet for 8 hours at a time, that you dont even feel able to stand up for any amount of time without feeling terrible and that you are going to pass out etc. . . . Then just say is there any way I can get a sicknote for these last few days? Say you feel stressed and poorly even thinking about having to face work! Then if it really needs it, be prepared to cry!! Haha! To be honest, I think most doctors will sign off pregnant women for little to no reason - but you genuinely have a reason so it wont be a problem!

What time is your appointment tomorrow? x
I havent got an appointment yet, i jst need to phone at 8.30 tomorro morning & they'll give me a same day appt! Im hoping it wont be much to get him to sign me off! Im not the best at turning on the waterworks haha! But if i need to then im sure i can muster up a tear or two! Im gonna take my maternity notes so he can see im not makin it up!

At the end of the day, if i need to take my maternity leave then fine, i will! Its not as if they can say "no u need to come back to work"

OH just brought in a dominoes menu...looks like im gettin treated! Yummmm! Xxxxxx
Hey girls. Sorry been missing in actions but been so busy so...
Steph- sorry to see you not been well. But as other girls have said I think you ate making the best decision. Your babies and your own health are more important than a couple of weeks pay. Fx that you are allowed to have a sicknote although I am sure have read the same as you said that if you are signed off on the sick after a certain amount of weeks before pregnancy that they make you start it earlier. Fx this isn't the case but remember that you need to take care. The way you are feeling is your body telling you to slow down so listen to it, don't start rushing around the house doing chores... Rest and get your oh to do it!!!! X

Smiley- sorry to hear you arent well either. Hopefully it passes soon but take it easy if it doesn't. Can I ask what is possibly a silly question- what is spd?

Certain- sounds like you have made a decision and for what it's worth I think it's the right one. As steph said if you passed out they might have to put you under and that always carries some risk, also you font want to risk your dd getting in distress. My friend had to have an emergency c section as her labour was so long that she didn't have energy to push. She would have rather had a normal one if she had known as she said for the emergency one noone was telling her or her dh what waa going on and if anything wad wrong and she found that really harrowing and distressful. Obviously a controlled c section would hopefully avoid this stress for you. Plus I am sure you would like to be awake the minute your dd comes into the world. And yay in under a month you will be a mummy!!!

Afm- got confirmation off doctor that positive yea!!! Have to wait until next tues for a call off the midwife as she only works tues morning and she is on holiday at min. Don't know where I stand with this - is it normal to wait until I am nearly 7 weeks gone til I hear from them. I have not been given any advice on what to do or not do yet! Hen party was ok although a couple of people kept saying the knew I was preggers despite me adamantly telling them I was on strong antibiotics for a water infection!!! My best mate was trilled though. Found it hard though as was tired and heat in clubs was making me feel quite sickly. Hard when everyone around you is hammered too!!!! Got back at 4 and straight away had to start preparing for parents evening which have had last 2 days. Did a 12 and a half hour day yesterday snd 11 hour today so shattered. Going to do some marking and planning now and try to get an earlier night tonight. Xxx
Good morning :wave:

Hey hoping!! Thats such great news that ur pregnancy was confirmed by the doc!! We all knew it would be tho!

I didnt see my midwife til i was 8 weeks so yeah, id say its normal! Dont worry abt it! They tend to leave u for the first 2 months with only google as ur friend!

Glad u had a good weekend, altho, sorry to hear ur neck deep in work again! Really hope it eases off soon for u! At least it'll be the summer holidays in a few months!!

I'll let uz kno how i get on at the doctors and work! I felt really ill last nite so OH took my blood pressure (yes, we have our own monitor lol) and it was 86/52 which to my knowledge is really rather low!! Anyhooz, il let uz kno!


Hoping- wooop glad it's all confirmed but we knew it would be :) I didn't see the mw until 8 weeks too, but when I went to the docs and said I'm preg (they didn't check) I was given a pack with a load of info in, maybe you could go and ask for one? Have you got a rough EDD yet? Thank you for your support with the c sec, I think it is the best route. Please do take it easy with work if you can :hugs:

Steph- hope yiu get an app soon that is most def low blood pressure so you must get it checked, mine was 80/120 yesterday and apparently that's perfect so yours is low! No wonder you are feeling rough! :hugs: good luck with work :)
Good Morning!

Hello Hoping! Glad all went well at the docs :D I loved those first few appointments, just made it seem like it as real having someone tell me I was preg - haha! We don't see the midwife until we're 10 weeks here, so yeah - like the others said, they do just leave you for a while! Wow you are doing long days, I hope they ease up :hugs:

Steph - good luck at the docs and then good luck for breaking to news to work!!
I've just checked my BP from my last midwife visit and it was 100/50 - I've been told I tend to have lower BP than most - and you're still lower than that so yes, no wonder you are feeling crappy!!

Certain - How are you? What are your plans for today? Do you have any more pictures you can show us? :D

AFM - I've got DS's little friends coming over this morning... kind of a mini belated party, but will be nice to see everyone. I'm excited to see my friends bump (due couple days after me). Everyone yesterday kept telling me how big i've gotten suddenly.... Oh yes, that reminds me, it's bump picture day!!

x x x x x
Hello everyone :wave:

Well...the bloody doctor wouldnt give me a sick line!! He said there was no point as i only had a week left!! But went into work & he said that he has absolutely no issues with me stopping now but wants me to come in on Friday to have a meeting with my HR manager just to discuss options! He said they will do whatever they can to keep my maternity plans as they were! His wife had to stop for mat leave early due to her blood pressure so he was really sympathetic abt it! I might go to the doctors on Friday mornin tho and jst outright demand a sickline! Il say that work are asking for one! My other option is that i ask to take nxt week as unpaid leave! I wouldnt mind doin that if it means i get to keep all my plans as normal!

Sorry, im rambling! But more work for meeeee!

Smiley - ur day sounds lovely! Can we come?? Lol! Hows ur dizziness been 2day? God ur BP is normally low!! Mine is normally 110/70!

Certain - ooooh yeah, any piccies?? I wanna see everything u have baby related haha!! Do u have a 'coming home' outfit picked yet?


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