SMEP success buddies

Awww steph im shocked at your doctor! its no hassle for them- did you try the tears?! :haha: on the plus side its good your work are being helpful and wooo hooo :happydance: to no more work!!! Did the doc take your BP? what was it? I would keep an eye on it yourself if you can.

Smiley - such a nice day planned, i love little parties :) would be nice to have a friend to share bumps with - most of my friends now stare in horror at the bump :haha: well in shock anyway they just arent used to it. looking forward to your pic update :)

AFM -well today is terribly busy...I have watched 'homes under the hammer' (Secret love of mine), hung up a wash, put another on, had a shower...however in a mo I do have to work (shocking I know) but I am a consultant for a company (on top of my other job) and have to do telephone training so I have a hour session in a mo - its really easy money and this is my last one so not too bothered by it :) then no plans this afternoon (prob some CSI :blush:) and my friends over to watch the last OBEM this eve (Cant believe its the last :cry:).
I dont have many more pics yet -but I do want to take one of my cute moses basket soon :) I still dont know about the coming home outfit...Im tempted to buy a simba babygrow - I also bought an adorable snow suit at the weekend, its just white but is sooo soft and cute! :)
Ah Steph - What a crappy doctor!!! That's annoying! I'm so pleased your work have been understanding though, and it looks like they are going to try and help you out as much as poss to keep your original mat plans. But yeh, I would still go back to the doctors (can you see a different one?) and just say that you need a sick note! That's crazy they didn't give you one!

Either way - HOORAY!!! NO MORE WORK!!! :happydance: (I'm so jealous!)

Yeh apparently it's always been low! I didn't realise until last time I was preg and they wrote it in my notes - my OH was like - "Errrr, are u sure that's right?" So I asked and the mw just said that from my doctors records it's always been low, so as long as it stays around what's "normal" for me they wont worry.

Well everyone has left the mini party - it was really good! Even more so cuz they all played together nicely, DS shared all his toys very nicely and we had lots of cake! :D

Certain - Your day sounds great!! I love having no plans and just being able to "mooch" around.

Though, are you sure it's the last OBEM tonight??? I don't think it is! I was sure the series was gonna run up until a week or 2 before my due date... I just thought i'd seen it somewhere so remembered that! Oh I hope you are wrong, I don't know what i'll do with my Wednesday evenings if it's the last one!!

x x x x
AHHH Steph, the postman has just been!! THANK YOU!! You're so sweet for sending that, it's adorbale :cloud9: Eeeek I love it, thank you so much! :hugs:

x x x x x x x x x x
Smiley - aaaw ur welcome! I didnt think it would arrive so fast! Aw im glad u like it :-) lol i knew u would tho! I had a look for sumthin for ur DS cos i fely bad jst sending sumthin for Squiggle but there wasnt anythin Id get for Brandon, so i wasnt gettin it for ur DS!

Aaw glad the wee party went well! Its so nice when u see them all sharing together! Oh i havent taken my 34 week bump pic yet! Ooh and i can do my comparison! Might need to be 2moro i post the pics...stayin at MILs tonite so she can watch Brandon 2moro mornin while were at the scan!

Oh and Happy Honeydew :happydance:

Certain - ha ur day sounds fab! Il be lookin for tips on how to fill mine now haha! Altho im sure Brandon can help me do that lol!

Aw i wanna see ur moses basket!! Did u say it was cowprint? It sounds soooo cute! Aaaw i cant wait til u get more clothes, espesh if their simba! Apparently, Tesco have some lovely Lion Ling clothes in!

Im jst up from a 4hour nap! Ooooops! I do love OH being on holiday!

Hope we all enjoy OBEM tonight! Il be watchin it with MIL and she always bubbles haha!!


Oh...and doctor didnt take my blood pressure or anythin! He was useless!

Ahh it was lovely of you, thank you! Daaaa I can't wait to put Squiggle in it!! :happydance:

Eeek honeydew day as well!!

Wow, a 4 hour nap - AMAZING!! Glad you are able to get some rest :flower:

Ok here is my bump pic - the usual comparison one to DS1's and also one that shows the weekly bump for the past 3 weeks. I was curious as to how much bigger i've gotten (seeing as I suddenly feel HUGE and EVERYONE has been telling me I am really big) - I don't really think it looks THAT much bigger. I can see it's gotten bigger, but surely not that big to justify how massive I feel!!

(I promise I have changed clothes and bed sheets a few times in the weeks these pics were taken!!!)

Also, I weighed myself this morning and I haven't put on any weight since I was last weighed at 28 weeks. Which seems strange, will just see what the mw says next week though :shrug:

Steph - looking forward to seeing your comparison pic!! Will be interesting to see how you are looking to Brandon! :D

Certain - I would really like to see your moses basket as well!! (Haha, I just love seeing baby things :D)

Oh I also forgot to ask, did you both manage to find some RLT?

x x x x


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Oh u look smaller than ur bump with DS!! Definitely look smaller!!

I do see a bit of a growth spurt in the past 3 pics in ur bump, but not a huge one that i would be commenting on how huge u are! U still look petite! I was lookin at ur pics on fbook of ur DS's party & there is a few that u could not tell u were pregnant! The ones with the fish...u have no bump!! Lol im jealous!

I will have a picture fest 2moro for u all! Bump pic, comparison pic and scan pic!
And i wouldnt worry abt the bed clothes...ive had a bloody tube of jaffa cakes in my pics since xmas haha!! Xxxxx
And i wouldnt worry abt the bed clothes...ive had a bloody tube of jaffa cakes in my pics since xmas haha!! Xxxxx


Oh i'm looking forward to your picture fest. I'm in work tomorrow so will just be on BnB waiting your updates :D Is your scan in the morning?! x
wow smiley your bump is so cute! im so jealous if you havent put on any more weight, I weighed myself yesterday morn and ive put on so much now :( (27lb!) I used to be proud of my weight gain but I have been a slob recently :(

Steph - I cant believe your doctor!?! I went in regarding something else and they still checked my BP - you should def go back again! maybe they will do it if you ask at your scan? Im so excited for you although we couldnt really see much in the 34 week one - she is just too big now :p wow 4 hours sounds lovely - and im sure you will have no problems filling your time :)

So in the end I decided to make cupcakes....:haha: ive never really tried 'proper' cupcakes before just fairy cakes so thought I would have a go. They taste yummy but the frosting is slightly squishy...not sure if its supposed to be like that!? oh well, I will take some to my last antenatal class tomorrow.

awww DD has whole belly is jumping, maybe she doesnt like cupcakes...!? :haha:
Smiley - the scan is at 9.20am! Nice and early! Then have consultant appt afterwards!

Certain - oooh yummy cupcakes! Good on u! Im gonna soooo take up baking now i have lots of spare time haha!!

Aaaw i luv it when baby has the hiccups! He literally gets them abt 3 times a day! Its so cute isnt it? Jst wait til shes here and has them!! Toooo cute!

Aw il make u feel better, ive put on 28lbs and im nearly 2 weeks behind u!! Smiley, uv done really well not to put on any weight since 28 weeks! I put on 4stone wih Brandon, so im happy to have only put on 2 stone at this stage!! Apparently 2 and a half stone is the average weight gain so were all doing well :-)

Certain - oooh cupcakes! I love making cupcakes! Sounds like an afternoon well spent!

Steph - I put on about 4 stone with DS1 as well, so I'm pleased I've not put on that much this time.... Though, I guess there is still time - haha! Will this be the consultant appointment that tells u if u can go for your water birth? Oh I hope u get what u want!

x x x x
Hiya girls - Thanks for all feedback re midwife.
Smiley - bump is beautiful I can def see a growth in last 3 weeks. Amazing that you not put on any weight in 5 weeks though. Hope i am like that. Soiunds like you had a lovely day too x My edd is between 27th Oct and 30th Oct by my calculations depending on conception day which i am not 100% sure of.
Certain - making cupcakes.... you are proper nesting!!!!! You have had my favourite type of day chilling and watching Daytyime TV.... just stay away from Jeremy Kyle, you dont want to expose your dd to the complexites and messedupness of some of the people of this world!
Steph - YOU have FINISHED work YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you have no excuse not to take it easy. You BP is very low so take it easy. Sounds like your doctor is a bit of an arse (pardon the french...) if you get concerned I would contact your midwife or go down to maternity wing of hospital they should be able to offer you better advice and care. Look after yourself hun xxx

AFM - Counting down until weekend. Can you girls advise. Were you really nervous about things going wrong in first tri. My symptoms dont really seem to be very strong. My nipples (sorry tmi) are sore, feel as if burning and a bit tired (but can't tell if that is from all the work and lack of sleep from hen party). Will be 6 weeks this friday. When did your symptoms kick in? Find keep googling and reading things which make me worry more. After all the probelsm we had conceiving am worried about sustaing the pregnancy now and keep worrying about things i read such as blighted ovum and m/c and that when i finally get scan nothing will be there. Is this normal for everyone or am i just being paranoid? Just want to know everyhting is ok and keep overanalysing every cramp as I keep feeling like I am going to start AF - did any of you feel the same?
Aaaw hoping :hugs: massive hugs to u!! Im sure i speak for all of us when i say that we went thru the same emotions as u! I remember, i had never heard of a missed miscarriage until this pregnancy and i was absolutely convinced that i would have one! Or one day i wouldnt feel as sick as the other days and id think there was a sinister reason for that! But then the next day id spend the whole day throwing up, reassuring me!

I kno u & ur OH have waited so long for this but u just need to try relax! I know this sounds terrible, but my mum said to me, u cant control anythin...if the pregnancy isnt meant to be then there was nothin i could do to control that! So just have faith in ur little bean! Once u get ur scan ul breathe a huuuge sigh of relief!

Yeah this is the consultant appointment where i get all the answers on my birth plan! Ive wrote down all my questions so hopefully i get the answers i want!

Off to bed now!

See uz in the moooornin!! Xxxxxxx
Good Morning!

Hoping - :hugs: I am sure we all felt exactly the same. I know I worried about everything!!! Having symptoms, not having symptoms etc etc. I definitely felt like AF would come at any moment at the begining! I would say that generally sickness etc kicks in at around 6 weeks. But I really didn't get hardly any sickness - just the very occasional wave of nausea. But really barely any solid symptoms to make me think "oh yes, i'm definitely pregnant". I worried all the time that we would go to the first scan and there would be nothing there.... but, there was! Like Steph said, try not to worry. Worrying will not change anything anyway, you just have to have faith that your little bean is meant to be :D

Steph - Good luck today!!! I hope you enjoy your scan and get lots of the right answers from your consultant! :flower: Looking forward to your update later.

Certain - Hope you have some nice plans for today!

AFM - I am going to go into town on my way into work and start to pick up some of my hospital bag things. I am having a big panic now that I don't have anything ready!!! :dohh:

x x x x x
Hello ladies :wave:

Just on our way back from appointment! Got a scan pic but cant attach it with my phone! Will do it at some point 2day!

Everythin is all good! :happydance: baby weighs 5lb 4oz already!! Cant beleve that!! Makes me feel a bit better abt the size of my bump haha! He was holding onto his foot in the scan! So cute!

I got my answers regarding my labour! Im not allowed in the midwife unit so no pool for me! But i made it clear that i dont want to be lying up on the bed the entire time & she said thats fine! Il be allowed the ball or to walk abt the room! I need to have a wee clip on babys head to monitor his heartbeat becos Brandons heart rate dipped so much last time! She also said that in my hospital 199/200 women achieve the VBAC so that fills me with hope! Hopefully im not the 1 that doesnt lol! I have an appt for 39 weeks to see how close i am to labour (altho, ive decided il have had him by this point!) And she said at this appt il get a csection date for roughly 41 weeks but she would hope il have had him by then! Lol so do i haha!

Oooh let us know what u get for ur hospital bag! I have most of my stuff...jst need to pack it now! Might do that this weekend actually!

Hope everyones havin a good day! Xxxxxx
Yay, glad everything went well. He sounds like a nice weight at the moment, I think that's a good average size is it?? Ah that's good you got a scan pic as well! Did they double check he is a he? (I want to ask when I have my scan so just wondering if they will!)

Ah boo to not being able to go to the midwife unit, but that's great news they aren't going to make you just lie on the bed the whole time. That's really positive! And those stats are great for a vbac at your hospital, I am confident for you!!

I didn't go to town in the end, just took ages to get ready - had a cup of tea, watched a bit tv and casually came to work! But i've got a list of things and i'm going to try and order them all online now :D

x x x x
Hoping - pretty much as the others have said, its very normal to feel this way and I know nothing we can say really will reassure you but take comfort that most people feel like that and have healthy pregnancies! I know I didnt start to feel ill until 7 weeks and I had ms very lightly so was always panicing! If you are ever really scared, just go to your hosp and ask for an early scan, they may let you :) the nipples are a good sign though, that was one of my main ones, that and tiredness!
You are quite right, I will stay away from Kyle!!

Steph - glad the app went well and looking forward to seeing the pics :) Its good that they have said you can get up and move about this time. FX its a much nicer experience for you! I love that you plan to have him by 39 weeks...get going on the RLT. I did get some but I dont think Im supposed to have it now that im getting a section...

Smiley - glad you had a lazy morning :) good luck ordering all your bits and bobs!

AFM -so ive just got back from my midwife appointment and my cheeky DD has moved again. I thought she had over the weekend and yesterday she was sooo uncomfortable. She is now lying transverse/oblique! The midwife said that even if I hadnt decided on a c sec they would now be discussing it - makes me feel a bit more justified in some ways :) also my bump is measuring small (really!? I feel huge!) but she said it could be to do with the way she is lying. Apart from that alls well..BP etc great so thats ok.
Smiley - did u get everythin ordered? Did u have anythin on ur list that wasnt on mine? Im scared i forget somethin lol!

Yeah 5lb 4oz is a good weight! I thought it was bloody massivr for this stage but the more i do some reading, its pretty average! I guess i just wasnt really realising how close we are to the finish line!

Hows work 2day?

Certain - aw wow has she moved? It really shows they can turn at any time! Id def be telling u to get a csectoon if u hadnt already decided lol! Cheeky wee monkey that she is lol! Glad all is well tho, its nice to get an easy wee appointment!

AFM - major achievement but i havent felt dizzy today! Woo! My blood pressure was 73/113 which is way more like my normal! And my urine came back clear so im hoping that i start to feel lots better! Typical tho, as i stop work early haha! Xxxxxx

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