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May 5, 2009
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our ds harry was born early hours tues 3rd aug by emergency c section due to pre eclampsya
he was 33+4 and weighed 3lbs 10oz .. i was quite poorly so only saw him for 15 mins the following day, they then transferred him from addenbrookes to bury which is about 40 miles from us
we were told reason he was transferred was they had more dependant babies and he was thriving well they needed his incubator
having never been exposed to anything like this before, didnt really understand what it all meant .. and when i first saw him in bury on thurs with his tubes in an incubator - i just thought this is it, we've lost him and ive been so so scared to get too attached to him (i also gave birth to a sleeping baby @ 21 weeks 2 yrs ago so am super anxious anyway)
it is only now through reading your posts and looking at all your lovely pics i feel confident there will be a positive outcome, i didnt even know the difference between nicu and scbu until cpl hours ago .. i dont know if the staff at bury just assumed we'd been told what would be happening to little harry, why he was in an incubator - mostly cot now, although may have to go back as he had short spell under lamp for jaundice
i have decided not to visit over the weekend as have a scratchy throat and caugh and want to get it checked out by gp in case an infection brewing, reading your messages and looking at pics on the introduction thread has given me the strength to get through this weekend - thank you all so so much xx
Goodluck with your little one. He was a really good gestation, so his odds are brilliant. As for your sore throat. I was told when i had a cold that i could still go near my 31 weeker because my breast milk would protect him as long as i washed my hands. Maybe speak to a midwife about your options before you commit to not seeing baby. I had suspected swine flu and couldn't go near the hospital for 4 days at one point and it ripped my heart out. All the best and we're all here if you need support :)
hi mimmy you are difenetly n the right place sorry about your prior loss, but your LO has a good gestational age and weight and their already in an open cot that is excellent, and it seems they are doing great so enjoy your lo will be home with you in no time
First of all Congratulations! Your son sounds like he's doing really well. It's so tough not being able to see them much when they are in hospital, but hopefully he won't be there long. I had an emergency c-section due to Molly too. At the time it was all a big shock, but now it seems like an age ago, I promise it gets easier :hugs:
Congratulations hun, the others have summed it up. It used to be quiet in this section but its suddenly grown, and we support each other all the way
Thinking of you mimmymoo, Congrats on your early arrival!!, sorry the hospital didn't explain everything to you, thats the hardest thing I think, not understanding what is happening. My lo was born 6 weeks early and was taken away by a baby doctor to be taken to nicu (just the ward above) but she couldn't speak english and couldn't explain why baby was going upstairs, and that was the hardest part for me. Take care! I'd call a midwife about the cold brewing too, she may have some advice for you, assuming your still on midwifery care at the minute? x
Congratulations on your new arrival, Harry shares a birthday with my daughter Amelia who was born on Aug 3rd 09. It sounds like Harry is doing so well, and you have certainly come to the right place should you need some help and support x
Congratulations on the birth of your LO. My daughter Sophie was born 13 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia. She spent 12 weeks in neonatal, is now 21 weeks old and thriving. She was 8lb 7 last time she was weighed (1lb 13 at birth).

It's absolutely amazing what they can do. I was really ill as well, and had to wait 24 hours to see Sophie and just felt completely overwhelmed when I first saw her - and quite honestly, I was scared of her - scared to touch her, scared to get too close and start loving her, just in case. But neonatal soon becomes a way of life and believe it or not, it becomes your comfort zone. We went back in the other day to hand in some hats that my granny's friend had knitted, and it's kind of like going home in a way!! Bet you can't imagine that right now...

Here are some pics of Sophie then (one day old) and now :)


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Congratulations on the birth of your LO. My daughter Sophie was born 13 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia. She spent 12 weeks in neonatal, is now 21 weeks old and thriving. She was 8lb 7 last time she was weighed (1lb 13 at birth).

It's absolutely amazing what they can do. I was really ill as well, and had to wait 24 hours to see Sophie and just felt completely overwhelmed when I first saw her - and quite honestly, I was scared of her - scared to touch her, scared to get too close and start loving her, just in case. But neonatal soon becomes a way of life and believe it or not, it becomes your comfort zone. We went back in the other day to hand in some hats that my granny's friend had knitted, and it's kind of like going home in a way!! Bet you can't imagine that right now...

Here are some pics of Sophie then (one day old) and now :)

Actually I'm talking nonsense - that first one was her at two hours old!
Hiya hun congrats on birth of your baby and welcome to this thread. Everyone's so lovely here and as others have said although its daunting at first you do get used to (in a bizarre way) being at the hospital. We've just reached 7weeks or rather 50days and potentially got another 2months. We have our time split between Wigan SCBU and St MAry's at Manchester NICU as theyre the 1s who do surgery so we see it as Ella's got 3 homes at the min and lots and lots and lots of aunties :)

Hope your LO continues to do well hugs xx
congrats hun, sounds like Harry is doing great cant wait for pics xx
thank you all so much for the warm welcome and encouraging words ..
your stories /photos are all so heartwarming and i now feel confident harry will be home with us real soon
its just been so hard for me as i was anxious anyway after loss at 21 weeks, i also suffered another 2 mc so it has been kind of a struggle for me to believe there might be a positive outcome for the pg - tbh when i first saw harry in the incubator, so small and vulnerable i felt such a rush of love for him but really tried to supress it, i was too scared to get attached
few days on, after reading lots of your stories i feel i can now really let my feelings go .. im desperate to get the all clear from my gp for this throat thing on monday so i can spend the day with him, giving him cuddles and kisses and hopefully trying breast feeding him - ive been expressing milk (struggle) and hes been taking it well, so at least i feel as if im doing something for him from a distance
thanks again everyone, you've really reassured me xx
Congratulations on your little boy. I also had my son early. He was born on 20th July 2010 at 33+5. He spent nearly three weeks in neonatal and we were finally able to bring him home yesterday. I know exactly how you are feeling and how difficult it is seeing your beautiful baby looking so vulnerable and not being able to do anything to help him. I just wanted to share my experience with you as our babies were born at very similar gestational ages so that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. As others have said, at 33+ weeks, babies have a fantastic chance and I am sure that you will be taking your little one home safe and sound in no time at all. All the best. x
Ethan wasn't anywhere near as early as your LO but wanted to wish you all the very best. Hope you get the all clear from the docs and can go spend some time with your lovely LO xxx

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