Hey ladies sorry I havent been around.. DH has his back surgery last Friday so Ive been taking care of him...
Meld - Congrats on being on the blue team!!!!
Csunshine- you are at the time when you are probably feeling the baby move... How cool!
DMN I hope you are doing okay!!
Wannabe - big Hello!! Hope all is well..
Mrs.N. Yay for hearing the heart beat that is quite the moment that u have the first time!!
Kelly - Exciting to see you belly actually move on the outside!! The first time my DH didnt believe me so I put the remote controller from the tv on my belly and he saw it wiggling.. It was funny!!
West - I hope you are feeling better honey..
I hope I didnt forget anyone but chances are that I did... Welcome Sugar!
Im doing good, my belly is growing and growing and Liana is kicking and kicking!! Yes we decided on Liana Grace for her name.. I love it.. Today I had a new thing happen - I have swollen ankles and Im a really skinny girl, bony ankles to begin with but now I can hardly see the bone.. So Im hanging out with my feet up!! HOpe this helps....
I havent had anymore fibriod pain which is awesome.. They thought I had that placenta previa but the placenta moved up thank god... Went for my glucose test on monday and passed that but told me that I have to take extra iron pills because my iron was really low... So I guess its always going to be something, right??
Well I hope everyone has a good weekend.!!