So I'm crazy and want to relactate at 7 months...


Mama of 1
Jul 18, 2011
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Firstly; I can't afford a lactation consultant so that makes things hard. There is a local drop in for quick help with latch and stuff but I don't think they deal with stuff like his. So I'm looking to you ladies for advice! :) Sorry for long post.

My son is 7 months and I had to stop BF just before 1 month due to so many complications but I've SO regretted it and he has had a lot of eczema and seasonal type allergies. I've read it is possible, but never known anyone who did! I've been debating lately on pumping exclusively (too many teeth, scary lol) if I can get a supply to basically supplement formula to help with allergies and eczema. I know I likely couldn't get to 100% supply at this point especially without any real latching, but really anything would be good as an add-on to his regular food.

Does anyone know anything about domperidone with side effects? I know the old style drugs caused depression and irritability which is the last thing I want as I just finally started feeling better from severe PPD. I know it effects dopamine receptors so I'm nervous about the effect it would have on baby, even though it's only a small amount that gets through so my idea would be use it til I get a supply and toss out the milk, then switch exclusively to natural supplements like fenugreek and actually give him that milk and freeze some if possible. Am I completely insane or is it worth a try?

I figure if I can get these darn things working, I could go for a year even. The other hard part will be relearning what to avoid/what to do during BF. :wacko:
Good luck. No real help but I wish you the best
I don't have much experience with how you would go to relax rate at 7 months but I would try the herbal styles for milk supply like fenugreek or blessed thistle. At this stage to get your supply up you would have to express every hour just to built it if you were able to relactate. I hope you have a great outcome. My son also has allergies and eczema and I would be interested as to how bad it would have got if I wasn't breastfeeding now that you have said that as I didn't even know that helped. And good on you for wanting to try again.
My main worry aside from not knowing if I can get any supply at all is how reasonable it is that I would have time to pump, clean pump, store milk so often. I just regret stopping so badly and don't think I'll ever get over it, haha. But of course the real reason is for my son!!
I know that prem babies get given domperidone directly to help with sickness and reflux and I would assume the direct dose they get is more than a baby would get via your milk if breastfed while taking it. Good luck! Xx
I take domperidone, and I also have depression. I have not found it to worsen my depression, at least the dose I'm on (30 mg/2x daily.) It does seem to make me a bit more tired and foggy. But I find it a small price to pay for EBF. Also, DON'T toss out your milk! The dose your baby would get through your milk is very low, notwithstanding the fact that dom is prescribed for babies for reflux.
Ooh, thanks so much! I am so paranoid about my son developing depression because it runs in my family. But really, if he were to have it someday, it likely wouldn't be the dom anyway. I'm glad to know that. :) I'd hate to waste it.

I'm so on the fence about this but I'm going to try starting fenugreek and hand expressing to see if ANYTHING happens lol. It's going to be a big expense to have to buy a pump and eventually rebuy stuff like lanisoh, breast pads, nursing bras, etc. I can't believe I gave all mine away like a month ago.

I honestly thought it was too late after 3 months but I keep reading amazing success stories, even ones after a year or more later!!
Wow it will take a lot of work but I have also heard great things with domperidone. Can you rent a hospital grade pump? Wishing you the best!
Some women lactate without even having a baby, probably hard but doable. Like when the adopt I mean

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