So many questions and lots of concerns :(

Generally my doc says it's best to not be on any medications at all when pregnant, but some are safe and only your doctor and pharmacist can tell you which, though I'd also do some research yourself online (look for proper peer-reviewed studies, not just someone's say-so).

Generally putting on a bit of weight helps everyone conceive, since it's a signal to our bodies that food is plentiful and so times are good for a child. I'd definitely try to get your weight up, since the baby will need nourishment. I wouldn't worry about your size other than weight, though. I'm only an inch taller than you, and I'm quite dainty-framed, and I'm not worried. Generally I think it's about how big the opening in your hips is, which bears no relation to the size of the outer bit of your hips, the bit you can see.

Thanks hun! Ya I know for a fact that I can't be on my sleeping med if I preg...I've had to be on sleeping pills since I was 16 so that kinda sucks for me. I've done online searchings and so on...they end up being kinda depressing to me in a way so I like to hear other opinions like on here....even tho I know yall are all experts :winkwink: Ya I'm on a pill to help me gain weight called Zyprexa bc I can't even fit into a size 00 jeans! They are too big and thats SOOO depressing for me:cry: I can't wait for this pill to start kicking in to gain the weight...I will have to research this one about if I can be on it while TTC. I want to be 100% healthy before we TTC. I couldn't bare losing another baby. Lol well my hips are tinyyyyy. haha So when are you wanting to start TTC?:hugs:
To be honest I would go to your doctor for a check up, tell him or her your concerns since thats what they are there for, especially with concerns to your spine. If they are happy that you can go ahead even at the smaller weight then go for it, simply because when you're pregnant you will put on weight.
As with C-sections I have many tiny friends who have had natural births, so size doesn't really matter I think its a mixture of things, size of the baby, any complications etc. BMI is a little bit of an iffy subject, since it doesn't take into account muscle mass and the like.

:flower:Thanks for your help! I have total clearance with my ortho doc and he said I will have no problems and I will be able to have an epi...but I've also had 3 more spine surgeries since then and my entire spine is fused as ONE SOLID BONE. Don't you have to have an opening to get an epi to your spinal cord? I'm just worried that I will have to have a C-sec but be completely put under. Currently I do not have an ortho surgeon since me and my hub moved from Texas to Idaho since he is in the military BUT we are in the process of trying to move to San Antonio, Texas so I can be by the Houston Medical center where are my original docs are! So praying for that! Ya it says my BMI is like 15.2.....where is that on the scale? I know nothing about BMI or how it works.:dohh:
**ALLiS**The issue is more whether or not you can actually conceive, because being extremely underweight (BMI 15.2) is a huge factor in conception. Your body is smart, it basically knows that you probably aren't healthy enough right now for a child and you likely won't conceive. You might be looking at a more long-term TTC as being very underweight really interferes with your period and regular cycles. A lot of women miscarry for a variety of reasons (usually not a viable pregnancy) which is no fault of their own, so I wouldn't worry too much about how your MC at 17 will affect any future pregnancy. Just keep putting the weight on and hope for the best :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

I guess 15.2 isn't good:cry: Yeah I'm eating a lot all the time and I just started on my med I take to gain weight since I can't so it on my own. I've never been able to gain weight on my own. It's craziii cause I eat like a cow and then I weigh and I lost 2 lbs. Drives me nuts. I'm def hoping by sept....when me and the hub are wanting to TTC I'm at a healthy weight! Ya all I can think about is that my first baby went to heaven bc of my weight but with what you said that makes me feel a lot better so thank you so much hun!:hugs: I NEVER have normal cycles so I've been on BCP since the age of 16 and I'm almost 24 now....I'm just praying that when I gain all my weight back I can start having normal cycles so I can conceive. It scares me cause I know with this pill I prob will have to stop it b4 TTC and I'm scared to lose weight before I actually conceive. iiick. lol But I will keep putting the weight on with this pill and hope for the best! Thanks so much girl:happydance::hugs:
I think you definitely need to see your GP (or equivalent!) to discuss a lot of the questions you have, as none of us are experts, as far as I know! You are definitely a little bit too thin at the mo, but women do conceive when they have low BMIs & go on to have healthy pregnancies & babies. As soon as you are pregnant you should be referred to an obstetrician who will be the right person to speak to about mode of delivery & any other issues in pregnancy e.g. your back problems. You would most likely have an anaesthetic consultation so that they can examine your back & your history so that they can check whether or not an epidural/spinal would work for you. The last thing they want to do is try & work that out when you come in in full blown labour screaming for pain relief haha!

I think the most important thing you can do now is to relax & try & get yourself as healthy as possible & relish in the ability to eat all the yummy, tasty things that we all deny ourselves! You could also start taking some pre-natal vitamins, just to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. Good luck sweets, it'll happen for you, just give yourself time!


:flower:Thanks for the great advice! See my thing is I eat all the yummy stuff 24/7. It amazes ppl how much I can eat and not gain any weight so thats why I am resorting to a pill I used to be on to put weight on me so I am trying to be patient to gain my weight back. Being around 84lbs and shooting for 110 is a biggg gain but I know I can do it. My patience is the issue hahaha. I actually have a brand new bottle of pre-natals and I will def start taking them! Thank you for sharing your advice!:hugs::hugs:
Check with your doctor about the epidural. Sadly, you might not know if it will/won't work until you try it.

You know, you can just go ahead without the epidural. Millions of women do it everyday, i'm sure you can too. ;)

Yea the doc said I could have one but that was before I had to have 3 MORE spine surgeries spine is fused as one solid bone from top to bottom! So doesn't there have to be an opening to get to the spinal cord? I'm from TX but have been in Idaho now since June cause my hub is in the military so I haven't found an ortho surgeon yet but we are hoping and praying to move to San Antonio, TX to be closer to the Houston Medical center with all my doctors and im allergic to It has tons of sage here so since June I've had a runny nose/ allergies/ and sinus infections all the time and since Idaho is up north it kills my back bc the cold hurts my hardware! So hoping and praying hard to get to tx. We go to get the paper work started tomorrow!!!! Lol I can take lots of pain but not too sure about not havin an epi since im so so tiny! ick. I just hope I don't have to have a c-section and be put out. worst fear. :cry: But I guess time will tell...we want to TTC in sept so praying that I'm healthy enough for that to work out!!! Thanks for being so helpful!!!!!! :hugs:
Hi. Couldn't advice about epidural and such likes as I have never been pregnant and don't really know much about that subject. Like myself you need to go on a journey to health to be able to TTC ( I am recovering from an anxiety disorder ), its not easy to go on such journeys when we want NOW, but thats the reality we have and the one we must tackle. You can ask your doctor about the sleeping meds, if you really have to take them there might be some alternatives that don't harm the baby, maybe your tablets are okay, you just need to check with doctor. The best of luck with your path towards TTC. All my best, XXX

So many women suffer miscarriages sadly enough, some have many and still have many other healthy pregnancies. There is no reason to think you would be different.
Hi. Couldn't advice about epidural and such likes as I have never been pregnant and don't really know much about that subject. Like myself you need to go on a journey to health to be able to TTC ( I am recovering from an anxiety disorder ), its not easy to go on such journeys when we want NOW, but thats the reality we have and the one we must tackle. You can ask your doctor about the sleeping meds, if you really have to take them there might be some alternatives that don't harm the baby, maybe your tablets are okay, you just need to check with doctor. The best of luck with your path towards TTC. All my best, XXX

So many women suffer miscarriages sadly enough, some have many and still have many other healthy pregnancies. There is no reason to think you would be different.

Oh goodness I've been down the anxiety road. I was put on many different meds to treat it. Are you on anything to control it? I went through meds and different therapies to help it when it started to act up. Im sorry to hear that you have to go through that. Yes I will definitely ONLY start TTC when I'm healthy enough! So we are shooting for sept. but of course...only if I'm healthy enough! :happydance:
Hey ashes, I guess you'd have to have a general anesthetic to have c-section? They use epidurals (only more of it lol) for scheduled c-sections, don't they... There might be a way around it - you never know...

My friend is like you not being able to gain weight, although she's a bit bigger than you - a size 2, about 100lbs, but she's got a bigger bone structure I think as there's absolutely no fat on her! She's ever so slim and she hates being so tiny - everyone thinks she has an eating disorder yet she eats normally like everyone else. In fact she eats like a pig!
Hi. Couldn't advice about epidural and such likes as I have never been pregnant and don't really know much about that subject. Like myself you need to go on a journey to health to be able to TTC ( I am recovering from an anxiety disorder ), its not easy to go on such journeys when we want NOW, but thats the reality we have and the one we must tackle. You can ask your doctor about the sleeping meds, if you really have to take them there might be some alternatives that don't harm the baby, maybe your tablets are okay, you just need to check with doctor. The best of luck with your path towards TTC. All my best, XXX

So many women suffer miscarriages sadly enough, some have many and still have many other healthy pregnancies. There is no reason to think you would be different.

Oh goodness I've been down the anxiety road. I was put on many different meds to treat it. Are you on anything to control it? I went through meds and different therapies to help it when it started to act up. Im sorry to hear that you have to go through that. Yes I will definitely ONLY start TTC when I'm healthy enough! So we are shooting for sept. but of course...only if I'm healthy enough! :happydance:

Hi again. I don't take any meds anymore, just me and a lot of positive energy haha. Anyway, its good to set a goal, if come the date and you haven't made it, don't worry, as long as you are advancing and achieving it doesn't matter a couple of months before or after, just make sure you keep going forward and you will get to where you want to. :hugs:
Hey ashes, I guess you'd have to have a general anesthetic to have c-section? They use epidurals (only more of it lol) for scheduled c-sections, don't they... There might be a way around it - you never know...

My friend is like you not being able to gain weight, although she's a bit bigger than you - a size 2, about 100lbs, but she's got a bigger bone structure I think as there's absolutely no fat on her! She's ever so slim and she hates being so tiny - everyone thinks she has an eating disorder yet she eats normally like everyone else. In fact she eats like a pig!

Ya deep down inside I know I will prob have to have a c-sec and be put under general anesthetics...I would hate that though.....not being able to see my baby when is born :cry: When we will TTC I know I'll be on lots of bed rest already with my back how it is and since I have osteoporosis. boo.

Ya well I got weighed today and I'm about 85 now...gained 1 lb....WOOHOO lol. It's very hard to be so tiny bc people SO judge you right off the bat and label you as an anorexic. I've struggled with ppl doing that to me for years! I hate it! Tell your friend I'm right there with her and not to worry and just let the ppl talk but to keep on smiling cause if they are putting you down thats just bc they are just JEALOUSSS! :haha: so Yah hahaha.
Hi. Couldn't advice about epidural and such likes as I have never been pregnant and don't really know much about that subject. Like myself you need to go on a journey to health to be able to TTC ( I am recovering from an anxiety disorder ), its not easy to go on such journeys when we want NOW, but thats the reality we have and the one we must tackle. You can ask your doctor about the sleeping meds, if you really have to take them there might be some alternatives that don't harm the baby, maybe your tablets are okay, you just need to check with doctor. The best of luck with your path towards TTC. All my best, XXX

So many women suffer miscarriages sadly enough, some have many and still have many other healthy pregnancies. There is no reason to think you would be different.

Oh goodness I've been down the anxiety road. I was put on many different meds to treat it. Are you on anything to control it? I went through meds and different therapies to help it when it started to act up. Im sorry to hear that you have to go through that. Yes I will definitely ONLY start TTC when I'm healthy enough! So we are shooting for sept. but of course...only if I'm healthy enough! :happydance:

Hi again. I don't take any meds anymore, just me and a lot of positive energy haha. Anyway, its good to set a goal, if come the date and you haven't made it, don't worry, as long as you are advancing and achieving it doesn't matter a couple of months before or after, just make sure you keep going forward and you will get to where you want to. :hugs:

Hey love! Well thats great that you are off meds! :happydance: Yeah well that is our goal but I was also was planning on getting a boob job now that we found out you have to wait a good amount of time for TTC if you go and have a boob job. I'm torn about the whole thing....I called my future boob surgeon today to ask how long after i get them done if I go for it now then how long do I have to wait to have a baby but of course...they were closed:cry: Anyway I will keeeeep on shooting for our goal!!! Thanks hun!:flower::thumbup:
Hey, just saw your post, but I was only 98 lbs when I got pregnant (I can't put on weight if I try and like you a eat anything all the time!) But I put on the weight just fine during the pregnancy (40 lbs!) and had a very healthy pregnancy and baby. But very soon after my son was born, I lost all the weight and I'm only 3 lbs from where I was before him. Some people are just smaller, but I'm sure if you get up to close to your goal you'll be fine...Good Luck!
Hey, just saw your post, but I was only 98 lbs when I got pregnant (I can't put on weight if I try and like you a eat anything all the time!) But I put on the weight just fine during the pregnancy (40 lbs!) and had a very healthy pregnancy and baby. But very soon after my son was born, I lost all the weight and I'm only 3 lbs from where I was before him. Some people are just smaller, but I'm sure if you get up to close to your goal you'll be fine...Good Luck!

:flower: Aw thanks sweetie! That gave me very high hopes! I'm just praying I have a normal cycle after I reach my goal weight so I can TTC. Were you having regular cycles when you were only 98lbs? I'm still on the pill and praying that I can have a cycle off of it! Fingers crossed! Thanks for the help!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey, just saw your post, but I was only 98 lbs when I got pregnant (I can't put on weight if I try and like you a eat anything all the time!) But I put on the weight just fine during the pregnancy (40 lbs!) and had a very healthy pregnancy and baby. But very soon after my son was born, I lost all the weight and I'm only 3 lbs from where I was before him. Some people are just smaller, but I'm sure if you get up to close to your goal you'll be fine...Good Luck!

:flower: Aw thanks sweetie! That gave me very high hopes! I'm just praying I have a normal cycle after I reach my goal weight so I can TTC. Were you having regular cycles when you were only 98lbs? I'm still on the pill and praying that I can have a cycle off of it! Fingers crossed! Thanks for the help!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Yes, I was having regular cycles. Some of us are just made to be tiny :shrug:
And I se your an Air Force too!
Ashes, would it be worth you coming off the BCP a few months ahead of your TTC date just to see how your body is without it? At there's no way of knowing if you'll ovulate and have proper periods, is there... Perhaps you could start taking your temperature and charting too?
Hey Hun,

Not sure i'll be of any help! - Just wanted to let you know that i'm not that much bigger than you - i only weight just under 7 stone. (my height is 5'2)

When i was having chemo etc i lost a lot of weight and ended up being way under 6 stone - they had to put me on steroids to try and build me up again ( i have a lot of trouble putting on weight) I did ask the doctors if my weight would be a concern when ttc again they said that if i could get up to nearer 7 stone than that would be a healthy weight.

I now take lots of build up shakes with milk which seem to be doing the trick as i've nearly put a stone on.

Hope everything turns out ok for you hun

Sarah x
I now take lots of build up shakes with milk which seem to be doing the trick as i've nearly put a stone on.

Hope everything turns out ok for you hun

Sarah x
My friend drinks the high calorie milkshakes and they really help. I think she makes her own with rolled oats, full fat milk, banana and a scoop of protein powder.
Hi. Couldn't advice about epidural and such likes as I have never been pregnant and don't really know much about that subject. Like myself you need to go on a journey to health to be able to TTC ( I am recovering from an anxiety disorder ), its not easy to go on such journeys when we want NOW, but thats the reality we have and the one we must tackle. You can ask your doctor about the sleeping meds, if you really have to take them there might be some alternatives that don't harm the baby, maybe your tablets are okay, you just need to check with doctor. The best of luck with your path towards TTC. All my best, XXX

So many women suffer miscarriages sadly enough, some have many and still have many other healthy pregnancies. There is no reason to think you would be different.

Oh goodness I've been down the anxiety road. I was put on many different meds to treat it. Are you on anything to control it? I went through meds and different therapies to help it when it started to act up. Im sorry to hear that you have to go through that. Yes I will definitely ONLY start TTC when I'm healthy enough! So we are shooting for sept. but of course...only if I'm healthy enough! :happydance:

I've been down the anxiety road too :cry: I was on medication last year for 6 months but I am off it now. I had councelling but to be honest it did nothing for me, its all about will power and reprogramming your responses, I found cognative bahavioural therapy worked best for me. Now instead of thinking about things and stressing myself out, I force myself into the situation, therefore forcing my brain to accept it and not fill me with the adrenalin rushed scaries! :haha: Just remember its never as bad as you think!

I'm sure you will be nice and healthy Ashes, just remember, pies are good and some people are built to be small! :happydance: and don't worry about the epi, if your doctor has said its all good then its all good! I think in a normal spine they try to aim for an opening betwee the disks to get to the spinal fluid, but there are always ways and means of doing things and well, we aren't the proffessionals here, so go with it! :kiss:
Hey, just saw your post, but I was only 98 lbs when I got pregnant (I can't put on weight if I try and like you a eat anything all the time!) But I put on the weight just fine during the pregnancy (40 lbs!) and had a very healthy pregnancy and baby. But very soon after my son was born, I lost all the weight and I'm only 3 lbs from where I was before him. Some people are just smaller, but I'm sure if you get up to close to your goal you'll be fine...Good Luck!

:flower: Aw thanks sweetie! That gave me very high hopes! I'm just praying I have a normal cycle after I reach my goal weight so I can TTC. Were you having regular cycles when you were only 98lbs? I'm still on the pill and praying that I can have a cycle off of it! Fingers crossed! Thanks for the help!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Yes, I was having regular cycles. Some of us are just made to be tiny :shrug:
And I se your an Air Force too!

Poo....I HOPE and PRAY for regular cycles! We will see. ALSO I just called my boob doc and they said it would be better to get them done NOW before I have a baby and all I have to do is wait like 3-4 months to TTC! Craziii. Sorry that was so off subject:winkwink: Ahhhh YES I see your an Airman"s wife tooo awesome!!!:happydance::happydance: Where are yall based and what does your hubby do?! I'm so excited to meet a Airman's wife!!! The transition into military life has been pretty hard on me :cry:
Ashes, would it be worth you coming off the BCP a few months ahead of your TTC date just to see how your body is without it? At there's no way of knowing if you'll ovulate and have proper periods, is there... Perhaps you could start taking your temperature and charting too?

Hey Becca....Well I would but now I'm going to be getting a boob job and they said I only have to wait 3-4 months and then I can I figured I might wait a little longer since the nurse suggested to get my bobs done FIRST before I have a baby. Idk...what do you think? I will def get off them soon when we will TTC! Can you tell me what taking your tempo and charting means? :flower:

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