Hi ladies! Mind if I join you? Just read through this thread so far & I learned a few things. I had no idea the preseed was actually inserted inside. I thought it was more like regular lube used to just help get things started. haha. I also never heard of baby aspirin helping the egg stick. it's funny the things you can learn on here! Me & my DH have been TTC since Sept 2013. nothing yet & i'm expecting AF any day now. i'm actually late, but took 2 HPTs over the last 2 days & both were BFN. had some spotting tonight, so i'm guessing AF will be here tomorrow or Sunday.
babycleo - when your DF comes home, is it always for 1 night, or is he home for several nights in a row? if he's only home 1 night, I guess just try to get him to BD (if you can!). if he's home for a few days, I think they say every other night is best. also, I read an article that says if a man doesn't get off (for lack of better term. haha) after a week or so, the sperm can become damaged or dead & then the next time you BD, all of his supply is dead. So during my non-fertile phase, I usually make sure I help him in other ways if i'm not feeling particularly "frisky" or he just takes care of it himself. (tmi, I know!). but this way, there is more of a chance that every time we BD, I get all of his best swimmers!
beachy - i'm totally with you on not liking the OPK's. I tried them back in Oct. Had the hardest time waiting 4 hours to go to the bathroom! and the tests were slightly time consuming...go in a cup, dip the test trip in, let it sit for several minutes...it's not easy to do that all at work! I also didn't know until after taking them with no results for several days that on top of not being able to go to the bathroom for 4 hours, you're not supposed to drink anything either!! I can't do that. so I eventually stopped using them. never even got a smiley.
anon - that's awesome that you're getting the ewcm!! it's time for a lot of BDing for you!!! The weekend is here, so hopefully he'll be up for it. hope you have some fun
fingers crossed for you all!