SPD Sufferers! Buddy Group

and eat my tea on the ball which is quite impressive don't you think :rofl:

...just proves it will be all worth it and you must forget the pain once the baby is in your arms?!

cant you just use a plate like normal people :rofl: and yes although the pain is the worst thing-it is one that for most people has an end and a worthwhile result good luck hun xxx

cinna- its ok hun,its great advice which fortunatley does work for some people-just unlucky for me it didnt!!:hugs:

sue-the last 3 pregnancies i was induced at 39 weeks but the pain started later in my pregnancies and was no where near as bad as it is this time!!

Tam-the scan went well thanks all is as it should be with little man!!,luckily they have had new beds so they were able to lower it right down!! The doc was lovely she also lowered the bed right down,and said dont bother lying on there just sit on the edge if its more comfortable!

I was pleased she is willing to discuss induction at my next appointment,i said to hubby today i wonder if she meant its too early to make a decision as i still have 11 weeks left and it could get much worse so i end up needing a c section rather than being able to deliver naturally-so she thinks its better to wait and assess me then rather than book an induction and have then to cancel that and book a section-possible i guess!!

I had my routine mw appointment today and she asked how the physio had gone-apparently she had tried to ring me to see how i was doing. She asked if i had been given anything for the pain, and i said i was told to just take paracetamol. She said i needed something stronger, so she went and had a word with my gp who prescribed me some codeine-i took 2 after lunch and although it didnt take much of the pain away i did have a lovely fluffy sleep this afternoon:rofl:

:hug: to everyone xx
Thanks Tam.

Such luck - but the pain has been ok today! - typical with my appointment tomorrow! I'll look like a fibber!

I didnt realise it stopped and started? Since Thursday its been terrible everyday, but today only a few niggles....

I will report back tomorrow after physio anyway!!


ididn't know this was here i posted in 3rd tri about my spd/pgp.
i had it with my 1st son and was diagnosed at around 5months but had the pain beforethat just ignored it. this time i have had the pain from around 11 weeks properly. nobody believed me/took me on at all that the pain was like spd/pgp. i seen a physio at 14weeks after midwife reffered me.

im fed up of the pain. so sick of it. i've forgot what painfree means?!
Suze - OMG if I ate my dinner on my ball, I would end up wearing it :lol: so YES I am very impressed :lol: As for the SPD pain and forgetting it once baby is in your arms, not to put a dampner on it, but I think it is fair for you to know as it knocked me for 6 as I kept being told the pain would go as soon as baby was born.....well it took months!! :( defo not as bad as when pregnant after a week or so, but it took a long time to get my fitness back up as I could only walk short distances initially. But having said that, alot of people do recover much quicker! x

Pink_Witch - lol @ fluffy sleep!! I discussed induction at 34wks as it just got too much for me then and the Doctor and Consultant could see how I was suffering so agreed to 37wks. (Which I didn't need as I went naturally :happydance:) so keep positive babe, it is probably just too early and alot of time and things could happen betwwen now and then. x

shelleylu - how did your appointment go hun? Yes you have good days and bad days with SPD, until it seems to get to a point where it is just constant, but hopefully that will not be until much later in pregancy!

MummyMummy - :wave: welcome hun!! I am sorry you are suffering so bad :hugs: It took over 3 months for me to be diagnosed last time and by that time, I was almost immobile, so I know how you feel. This time around it appeared just before 15wks I think (would have to look thru this thread) which was only days earlier than last time, but it is staying at bay this time, so I am really feeling very lucky at the mo!! Have you got a birthing ball? They seem to help quite a bit for relief for a time. x

So how are you all doing this week?!

I am still plodding along, birthing ball, pelvis floors etc etc but still staying at bay :happydance:Although I am really feeling the 15 minute school walk by the time I am nearly home - so it looks like it is a matter of time before I have to stop that. But I am taking it one week at a time and hoping that I can last out til Easter and then see where I am after that!

Take care girls :hug:x
hello ladies, im sure some of you know me from 3rd trimester, i first want to thank you for having this thread i too have found my threads get lost when i ask ?s i too am suffering spd since around 16 weeks im now 28 weeks and i find its getting worse last night i was caughing so bad that i literly felt my tail bone snapping it was so pain full my doctor has had me on a strong pain med my whole pg and even before due to knee problems when i had mentioned spd she gave me a stronger pain med which barrely helps me she says i need to rest all i can and try to not take as much i just wish they new what it felt like and that no matter how i sit stand rest our anything i have pain i wake up in pain and i have 3 lil ones i take care of i cant lay down all the time i too have had physio not much help and also i was given a belt that i cannot wear due to my body frame being so tiny that the belt the smallest they have digs into the wrong place and causes more pain , well i went to my 24 week apt last month she asked me how it was doing i told her worse and im litterly scared that its gunna get worse the bigger i get im a very small person only 5ft tall and was 94# when i got pg well she then told me she was giving me a smaller amount of pills for month and then when i go this month which this monday is my apt that i will then be put on a lower dose pain pill then 2 weeks later i will be cut off due to it being close to the end of my pg and she dont want me having the meds in me when i have the baby well this is what im terrafied of i dont deal with any pain at all iv had so much pain over the years of surgerys and my bones and the baby is getting big and im in pain all the time i know she had said once i give birth i will be put back on my pain meds after birth for my knees again which i take dailey but i also will be breastfeeding i know there safe during breast feeding then why would she cut me off so early to the end of my pg i am scared to make a fuss out of this i just wish she would relize im litterly in physical pain every day of this pg since this kicked in im so sorry to maon ladies im trying to think of how do i tell my doctor to please keep me on them i cant take the pain i understand she is looking out for me and the baby and she said she only wants them out of me when i give birth do to the baby will be fussy when he is born untill there out of his system but how does it make any sense when i will be breast feeding him and he then will get them back in him im so very confused iv tried looking up online to see if any other women have had been on pain meds untill they have given birth for the spd i cannot find anything . ladies so heres my issue should i again mention somthing to my doctor about please keeping me on them i take them very sparingly only when i have too so its not like i take them too much i see her point but i also do not want to deal wtih this pain i know all of you understand how bad it can get . our should i accept the thought of being taken off all the pain meds for the next few weeks till i give birth im due june 11th i will have a csection a week before but im so scared the pain will cause me to go into labor when i get the pelvic pain its so terrible and scares me so bad . thank ladies i know this is very long i just need somone to talk too my apt is this monday at 2pm . when i brought it up the last time she just said she was giving me less of the pills to get me by for the month and then she will cut me down for 2 weeks after this apt then i willl have no pills at all and since i cant take tylonal it dont help my body is used to the strong pain med from being on them for so long . this will be the first time in 2 years i would not have any pain meds to take for daily pain and this spd thank you ladies i realy hope you can give me some good advice i hate asking people for help i just dont know what to do any more
:wave: Hello lilmomof3 :hugs:

I would defiantely have another word with your Doctor! Tell him/her that since you have spoken about you coming off these painkillers it has been on your mind and is worrying you to bits, becasue the thought of the pain at it's full strength and trying to lead a life and look after 3 kiddies is just too much for you too bare. Tell them you are frightened and do not see why you have to be taken off of them, when you will be BF anyway?! Where is the sense there?

You need to make sure you are listened to babe and find out if there are alternatives to help you, or a compromise you can both come to with when and how you get taken off the meds.

Good Luck tomorrow hun, let us know how you get on.:hug:x
Hello,i suffered with my 1st and it started really early this time,do i just go to my MW or dr?

Usually it it your GP that refers you, but in some areas MWs can, so if you are seeing your MW very soon ask her, otherwise go see your GP! :hugs: x
Hi all,

Just been diagnosed today by my GP as suffering from SPD. I am now awaiting an appointment for a fembrace??? and a physio appointment. When I asked if the pain gets any better the doc said no it tends to just get worse!! Is this true?
hey Kat!

my mw reffered me the gp said it wasnt his job!

also the physio said they had a low sucess rate of those suport belts as they were really uncomfy to wear

on a posotive note my spd is def better with yoga and rest!

Usually it it your GP that refers you, but in some areas MWs can, so if you are seeing your MW very soon ask her, otherwise go see your GP! :hugs: x

Hi I am going to make an appointment with the GP,as can only see MW on fridays and cant wait that long now.
update ladies, well my apt for 28 weeks went good realy fast tho u could tell doc was in a hurry well i didnt even have to ask about my pain meds she must have known i was going to she just asked me if the pills she gave me last month where enough in my script to get me by for the month i said yes then she said ok i will give you another month of them i did mention i will be breast feeding and what not but she was in a huge hurry i told her no change in the spd i have good days and i have bad days then i went to mention to her that iv been having weird pains in my eyes like needles in them and that its not like a headake just bad eye pain then i see spots and she then told me it could be a sign of pre e but since my blood pressure was fine shes not too worried but im supposed to watch it myself and if it gets worse let her know i didnt even get a chance to tell her that my feet and legs swell very bad hmmm wish she wouldnt have gone so fast with my apt but i got my rh shot and my gd test done im taking it i passed it was a week ago she said she would call only if i didnt pass and she hasnt called . any way ladies im doing ok now just waiting for my next apt next month i get to get my ultra sound to make sure bubs is growing good im deftly going to make sure i make a good point in telling her whats the diffrence in taking me off my meds at the end when i will be breast feeding him any way , thanks ladies for your support its great to have you all here with me
i have it alongside ME and fibro and am on morphine. things are very bad for me at the moment and could use a friend so you can add me to msn if you are able to

If anyone wants soliloquise MSN, please PM her. x
I've recently been diagnosed with SPD...i start physio on 14th so fingers crossed that helps coz at the moment i can't really go anywhere and by the end of the day can hardly stand up :-(

if anyone needs a chat or wants to b buddies then feel free to pm me :)
Hi Ladies,

What a fantastic idea. Can I join please, I have severe SPD - started in week 7 and I have been signed off sick since. I would love to have a buddy who understands what I am going through so that we can support each other. Anyone interested? Today is such a hellish day, I couldnt sleep due to the pain all last night, am tired and unable to move from the couch where I have been since morning. I feel sorry for my two kids 4 and 10 as they are housebound today and it is half term.
Hi Ladies,

What a fantastic idea. Can I join please, I have severe SPD - started in week 7 and I have been signed off sick since. I would love to have a buddy who understands what I am going through so that we can support each other. Anyone interested? Today is such a hellish day, I couldnt sleep due to the pain all last night, am tired and unable to move from the couch where I have been since morning. I feel sorry for my two kids 4 and 10 as they are housebound today and it is half term.

:hug: I know how you feel hun. It is the kiddies who miss out, but I am sure the older one is a bit more understanding? My 10yr old tries to help out as much as she can, although I don't like her doing too much after all, I am Mum! :D

Feel free to PM me hun or anyone for that matter x

lilmomof3 - I am sorry your appointment was rushed. I hope you are doing ok.

purple_socks - Good luck with your appointment hun, I have mine on the 16th.

:wave: kittiekat & soliloquise - I hope you are both doing as well as you can considering.

I have stopped doing the school run which has helped me no end! I have my physio appointment on the 16th, although I know there is nothing they can do, more than I am doing already, but atleast I will be under them, incase those dreaded crutches are needed.

It is starting to hurt to turn over in bed now :( but on the whole I am managing to get lots of rest and I only go out at weekends - I will do whatever it takes not have this get any worse, I was so 'down' and immobile in my last pregnancy. Having said that, we do have places planned for next week to take the kiddies, but I will just take it very easy and rest up in between.

I hope you are all well. x
Hi ladies quick question. Do you normally have to be induced/ give birth early when you have SPD?

Thanks Tam, hope you are feeling as good as possible given the problems with SPD... Babyblues I am hoping to be induced early as my SPD has just gone from bad to worse, I am having to walk around without knickers now (sorry tmi) due to the burning like pain in my pubis bone. It is awful....My OH has to literally lift me up from the couch, and believe me I am a baby elephant at the moment, poor hubby.

I have a second appointment with the consultant in about two weeks as my MW thought I should be induced at about 37 weeks so I will let you know how that goes. Have you been to see a consultant yet and if so what did they say.

Purple_Socks -hope you are alright, I have just PM'ed you
Hi ladies quick question. Do you normally have to be induced/ give birth early when you have SPD?


i have been induced at 39 weeks with my last 3 pregnancies due to the spd, and i will be discussing induction tomorrow with my mw and then my consultant at the hospital on monday-i would like them to induce me at 37 weeks i know baby will be classed as term then and the thought of another 5 weeks of this is unbearable!!

:hug: to everyone

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