Alibaba we have the he/she etc mine field too

it will get easier.
My little guy has a speech delay. We noticed it really early at one and a a half. He went from saying a few words to none at all. He would just grunt and point/lead. We have had SALT input since just before his second birthday. At 3 he started with two and three word sentences and now at 5and a half he can hold a conversation. He doesn't always understand and we have to do a lot of explaining but compared to a couple years ago he is doing amazing. He can't pronounce some letters and words but always tried his obese. He's about the level of a normal three year old now. He doesn't understand clear instructions so we have to do lots of short instructions for him for example if we want him to get something we have to direct him near the object. Then tell him what he needs to get as then sometimes spend as much as twenty minutes getting him to understand what he needs even though it can be right in front of him.
Seth has other problems on top of his speech but I think even if he didn't have those he would still have his speech problems. He doesn't understand the whole he/she concept and often calls then the oposite which less to some dirty looks from people whom don't know him. He also struggles with the on/under/beside/in front/behind
Your not putting too much pressure on. We were told to encourage him saying things. But if we were to say " what does Seth say" we would ten have to add the please on so that it helps him learn the Word. He used to say "peesshh" lol so cute. Xxx