Spotting Before Period Since TTC


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2012
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I'm new to this site and don't know how to post this so that I will get readers and responses....

Since we started TTC, I have had several months (increasingly, it's every month) where I spot up to 10 days before my period starts, and then have a 5-6 day period. Also, my cycle lengths have been all over the map, between 22 and 30 days. Before TTC, I was totally regular. I'm not sure how starting to try has affected my body, but something is very different.

I have used ovulation test kits about 4 out of the 7 months we have been trying. I was using a blue line kit for a while and that always came out positive around days 11-14. I used First Response this month (pink line test), and never got solid positive...I don't know if I'm not ovulating or if these tests just suck.

I have been to an OB who said that a cortisol supplement I had been on for the first four months had effectively served as birth control...I have been off of it for three months. The only consistency is that I spot for at least a week before my period, then have a pretty heavy period that lasts about five days. I am discouraged. I never had these problems before TTC, and don't want to give up! We don't have any children yet and are still somewhat young to be trying.

Any insight would help. Thanks!
Moved to TTC from help and testing

@Lauren26 - I could have written your post myself!!

I'm 27 and we've been TTC for 7 months (this month will be 8). I was on OrthoEvra (the patch) for 6 years and stopped all BC in May 2011. My periods as a teenager were always super regular, and I never spotted. Ever since going off BC, I've been spotting--like you--a minimum of 7 days before AF, sometimes up to 10 days before. This started happening in July 2011, and for the past three months, I have spotted at exactly 7 days before AF (which is also 7dpo). I spot for a full week and then start a heavy 5-6 day AF, right on schedule. Just like you, I've been using OPKs....and I always get positives between days 11-14.

MY OB seems to be very unconcerned about the spotting. She's already run a ton of tests (at my insistence). Internal ultrasound fine. HSG fine. Full blood/hormone panel fine. I keep reading that low progesterone could be to blame....I had that tested and it came back at 14. I understand that they want to see it at at least 15 but my OB stated "14 is close enough that I'm not concerned." She's starting me on Clomid next month if no luck this month.

I'm wondering if being on hormonal BC for so long could possibly be to blame?? Were you on any BC before starting TTC??

Wow, that's super similar! Comforting to know that you've had the tests done and everything is OK. So does the 14 indicate a low or high progesterone level? I suppose I could get mine tested--I've been avoiding going back to the doc and paying the $50 copay for her to tell me to keep trying. We started in July, as well. I was not on birth control. I used it in high school for about 2 or 3 years, and never went back. I went through adrenal fatigue last summer, which could have affected my hormone levels. This last month my naturopath had me on a supplement to support reproductive organs--he said that if the body is stressed it will sometimes pull resources from the reproductive organs. It helped a little; I had spotting for only 5 days this month and started AF today. How's your stress level? Mine's been kind of through the roof for a while and I feel like that could really be the culprit. Anyway, I will probably go to the OB this month and get the progesterone checked after hearing about your test.

I have a good friend who was on the pill for upwards of 10 years and got off before her first baby, expecting it to take around a year to get pregnant after being on it. She was pregnant within the month. My sister-in-law had a similar experience. So your birth control could have affected you, but maybe not, too. My OB said that for our age everything should be a-ok and that it's normal for healthy couples to take a year. Still, every single girlfriend or family member I've had who's gotten pregnant has done so on the first try. It's discouraging, but 7 months isn't all that long, I guess.

Keep me posted!

Too similar! I spotted for 7 days and started AF yesterday too!

The progesterone test at 14 wasn't high or low I was just about borderline normal. They want to see it at at least 15, so 14 is right about there. I guess that's why my OB said she wasn't concerned.

I totally know what you mean though about trying to put off running to the OB office for every little thing....this TTC stuff is expensive!! Lately I've been calling my OB with specific questions, rather than pay to have her say "just keep trying." I really do like my OB, but sometimes I feel like she doesn't advocate for me enough because me and my husband are "young and healthy and it will happen." I'm sure she thinks I'm worrying way too much about something that will eventually work itself out. It can be so aggravating to feel like no one else gets it!!

As for stress...I've had alot of it lately. My husband is sure that the stress is totally to blame for everything. I'm hoping this month will be better on the stress-front...we just had major house renovations completed barely under deadline. And that had really been weighing on me. I'm really going to try to relax this month....make sure I stick to my exercise regimen and get to bed early every night.

Another thing I read that can cause/affect spotting patterns is alcohol consumption. I'm not much of a drinker...usually just weekend wine with dinner...but this month I'm going to completely cut out all alcohol, just to see if it has any affect.

And as for the affect of that stupid BC...I don't know what to think. My best friend got pregnant the same month she got off BC. And I just found out last weekend that my sister-in-law is 5 weeks pregnant after stopping her BC the month before. Ahh!!! It's like they just think the word 'pregnant' and it happens!

Let me know if you get that progesterone test. Keep me posted, too :)
Hmmmmm I am starting to think that stress is huge. My AF was heavy for two days and then stopped. A little spotting. I doubt that this means that I am pregnant, since the first two days were heavy, though I've heard of it happening. If I'm not, I attribute the weird period to stress. I've never had a two day period before. Having work done on your house seems huge! Peace in the domestic environment is big for me. Even a super messy house makes me feel a little unhinged. Hopefully things will calm down for you guys now.

I have heard the same thing about alcohol consumption, and have started to wonder about coffee, too. I hate to give up coffee if I don't have to, but it does increase cortisol levels considerably, which could affect things. I have been off of alcohol for about a month now. This summer my chiropractor had me on a no caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar diet. I felt pretty amazing, and my sleep patterns were great. All of those things affect hormones and overall health. It was tough to give up all three, though.

I totally feel you on some ladies thinking the word pregnant and getting pregnant. And no one getting it! My OB, too, and a lot of my friends feel like I'm worrying over nothing and that it will happen "at the right time". It is definitely frustrating. I have been thinking of going to a different OB, too.

I'll be going to the OB again and getting the test if my period doesn't start up again and I'm still not pregnant.
Wow....these similarities are kinda starting to freak me out! I had a heavy AF for two days, then spotted for the next 3-4 days, and then that was it. I had also heard about women getting a light period but still being of course I tested.....and of course got a BFN. I'm totally with you in starting to think that this is 100% due to stress.

I have looked into getting off caffeine....although if I don't absolutely have to, I really don't want to. All the new studies basically say that 12oz. a day is fine. I figure it would probably put more stress on my body (cravings, headaches, etc.) to withdrawal off of my morning coffee, than to just limit my intake to one small cup a day. Unless my doctor says I need to get off caffeine completely, I'm not really concerned about it after everything I've researched.

Did you schedule that progesterone test?
The last 2 months ive been spotting 5-6 days prior to af always had 28 day cycles before, keeps making me think its IB... pain in the back side!!!! xx
@XfairyhopesX - I always think it's IB discouraging!! :( What do you think has been causing your spotting? Are you TTC?
Yes darling first proper cycle ( had a false alarm last month) but god knows ive never had spotting before - afterwards on occasion since coming off bc... not been back on since having aiden... xxx
Hi there! New to BnB too. I'm not sure on the spotting though I think it's probably normal? In H.S. I would have like 2week long periods and then light spotting every day that wasn't AF. Sooo frustrating for over a year. The Dr. Just wanted to put me on BC to regulate but I refused back then. I didn't want to stunt my growth. Anyways they weren't worried and eventually I got to be more regular, less spotting.

Re: the OPK tests...I used the First Response too...3 boxes worth and never got the "as dark or darker line" but I am fairly certain I ovulated on cd13. After more and more reading online I feel like FR seems to not give a lot of women true positives ever. If I need to, I might just buy the ClearBlue tests with smileys next month. Costs more but less stressful.
Hello ladies,

I am new to BnB so hope you don't mind me dropping in. My last cycle was 50 days long and when I finally got AF I had spotting on the first day then one day of normal bleeding then back to 3 days of spotting. I am starting to wonder if this was actually AF or something else (I had done an HPT and got a BFN the week before). My cycles are irregular so i really have no idea what's going on. I had a 44, 40 and then the 50 day cycle.

@sweetie888 - Been there, done that with the FR opks. I hate them! I have been using Answer opks and like them alot better. I always get 2-3 days with a positive. I've started temping the past 2 months, and the positive opks match up to my temp drop/spike. How long have you been TTC?

@wantonemore43 - I am not sure what to say about a 50-day long cycle! I have never had a cycle that long. Have you ever had a shorter, 30ish-day cycle? Did you spot then?

Those are some super scary coincidences!! And I really do think it has to do with stress somewhat. What work do you do? Just curious. I started reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility and am about halfway through. She says that stress can delay ovulation, making your cycle lengths irregular. She also talks about spotting, and says it could be luteul phase defect, where the corpus luteum starts breaking down too early, and potentially flushes out any egg. I'm going to ask my OB about this. I have an appointment for next week--I am going to hold off on the progesterone test for now and have her do an ultrasound of my uterus and ovaries to make sure I don't have a fibroid and to make sure my ovaries are looking OK.

I used to take a supplement called Vitex for my skin, but its function is to regulate female hormones. I started taking it again, and I'll see if that helps with the spotting (I have heard it can).

I really recommend the fertility book. It's mostly about how to chart (temperature, cervical fluid, etc). I started doing it this month and it feels pretty empowering to observe bodily phenomenon down there and know what's going on (to some extent).

I am still using OPKs and not getting strong positives...that is a little concerning.

Will update after the OB visit!

Good to know that you had the same experience with FR. So frustrating! Adding unnecessary stress to an already stressful situation... Two week periods with spotting all other days?? Your gyno just wanted to put you on the Pill? Did she/he say what was going on?
I have been experiencing this for the past 6 months also. From the very first period I had after getting married! I spot for a week-although I would say it's heavier than spotting-then have a full blown week long period. I went to see my Dr. who hasn't left many hints. I was advised to get blood tests on day 21of my cycle to check if I had ovulated and to check my iron and thyroid levels. I wasn't sure if I should be counting the first day of my 'heavy spotting' or the first day of what I feel is a proper day of my period-when I get cramps etc. The Dr. advised me ti take the first day of spotting as day one initially. Well that was at the end of December so it was over a week until I got the result due to the holidays. I was told my iron and thyroid levels were fine but I had to repeat the test a week later. Well it was too late by then so I had to wait for another period. My assumption was then that the Dr. was suggesting it be done a week later in the cycle with me assuming that the day of cramps be day one.

So I went in today but the phlebotomist disagreed saying I should still be counting day one as the first signs of bleeding.

I have been trawling the internet to get some information on this exact predicament but this is the first I've read of someone experiencing it too.

I will let you know how I get on if we all share any information we get maybe we can figure it out.
@lauren- I have heard of that book. Is it written by a Heidi someone? I used to use an iPhone app for charting my periods/fertile days that was associated with that book, I think. I have heard of luteal phase defect. It worries me, because it really matches up with my spotting symptoms. Does the book say how luteal phase defect is managed or treated?? I think I will take your advice and download the book tonight.

I've been charting for the past 2 months. Totally agree with you that it's pretty cool to see "those changes" going on down there. Kinda neat when you see your body change right on schedule, just like some website or book says it will. On a side note....where can you buy Vitex? Do you need a Rx??

I'm still focused right now on trying to manage my stress. I work for the government, but I actually think most of my stress is on the home-front. I didn't realize how badly I was stressing over the house renovations until they were over and I could suddenly breathe easy. My stress has decreased very noticeably this month since all those projects wrapped up. I must admit... I did give in an have 2 glasses of wine last night. Went to bed pretty stress-free :) How are your stress levels lately?

Good luck on your US....I'm sure everything will turn out totally normal and fine! I can vouch for the fact that getting it done and knowing everything is alright is such a weight off your mind. One less thing to worry over!

Keep me posted :)
@MRSD6811- Sounds like you had the same blood/hormone panel workup that I have had done. I'm assuming that since your doctor was checking for evidence of ovulation that you were having your progesterone levels tested, as well? My doctor has always told me that day 1 of your cycle is the first day of red blood.

It sounds awful to say "I'm so glad someone else is getting weird spotting too!"... but it sure is a relief to know that there are others out there who know what we're going through! How long have you been TTC?
@sweetie888 - Been there, done that with the FR opks. I hate them! I have been using Answer opks and like them alot better. I always get 2-3 days with a positive. I've started temping the past 2 months, and the positive opks match up to my temp drop/spike. How long have you been TTC?

Beloved - Thanks for the tip! I will have to look for the Answer tests. Usually just go to Target and they have theirs, FR, and CB. I bought the dip stick Target brand one, but I think I prefer the POAS with a handle. Just easier to deal with and I can hide them in the drawer so hubby doesn't have to see and think about it (don't want him stressed out about it). Went off the pill in July and NTNP. Jan. was the first month we TTC but it was a fail. :(

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