Ladies! Update on Vitex--don't take it!! Turns out that while it may help with progesterone levels, it repressing FSH, which is the hormone (I believe) that stimulates ovulation. I am sorry for the misinformation I passed along!
My OB still wasn't concerned about spotting...she did say that it wasn't 'ideal', but didn't think it could prevent me from getting pregnant. I asked her about LPD and she said that it was a controversial topic and not all doctors believe it's an actual condition. She said that the ways to test the corpus luteum involved a uterine biopsy--which sounds ultra painful. That's something I'm going to pass on. I am going to schedule a pelvic ultrasound to see if I have a polyp or something that may be bleeding...The strange thing is that I always get spotting after ovulation. I guess it's because it's before AF?? Anyway, I didn't exactly get answers from her, but I did feel better after. Anyone else get any info on the spotting? My OB did skirt the issue when I asked whether she'd seen women with spotting go on to get pregnant etc. She said that some women who spot are conceiving and miscarrying each month, but that they would get a BFP first, so that's not what's happening to me. It's all mysterious...
Hoping this is the month for some of us!