Spring Lambs - March/April/May 2024 due dates!

Hey ladies hope you're all doing well, almost 21 weeks. I can't believe time is flying by so fast. I've been feeling him move a lot lately, I can't wait to feel the movements even more. I hope all of you in the United States had a very happy thanksgiving!
Time really is flying, we will all be in third tri before we know it!!!
Ugh my hips have been KILLING me lately, I can’t sleep because of the pain, it’s making me toss and turn and I can’t sit down comfortably either because of tbe pain, anyone else have this? What helps?
How many weeks are you now? I can't see tickers since the update!! Around weeks 16-20 I had problems getting comfy when sitting but I'm not so bad again now if I sit with my legs apart haha :haha:
How many weeks are you now? I can't see tickers since the update!! Around weeks 16-20 I had problems getting comfy when sitting but I'm not so bad again now if I sit with my legs apart haha :haha:
I’m 17 weeks exactly today! Ugh the hip pain is so unbearable! :(
Weirdest thing started happening to me tonight, when I clear my throat or cough my belly button pops out and back in, I’m 18 weeks. Anyone else have this?
Got a baby Doppler and can hear baby’s heartbeat now whenever I want! He was currently 135 BPM I just love hearing it!
Aw that's so cool @PinkCupcakes!! I've never had one. Are you feeling plenty of movement now? My lo is getting really strong!!
Yea it’s still pretty subtle but I can feel him! He sure is active and loves moving lol! We had to keep chasing him with the Doppler
Got a baby Doppler and can hear baby’s heartbeat now whenever I want! He was currently 135 BPM I just love hearing it!
I love the doppler! I have my first one for this lo.

I'm feeling him move so much! I can't believe we're all so far along already. My hips bother me now while sleeping, I need a body pillow so bad.
Hey @Kiwiberry been wondering where you've been at hope all is going well. I've got a growth scan on Friday looking forward to seeing baby again! I'm sure he's not going to come up small I feel huge already x

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