Stacey Solomon Smoking whilst pregnant

She's only tried to quit since being pictured, so that's not the same as trying to quit from the start. That's why people are being hard on her
Oh, ok. I didn't know that. That's fair enough then
Far too late! Desperate attempts to not wreck her profile.
I just can't understand why you wouldn't quit. It is incredibly stressful yes but every single cigarette causes stress on the unborn child. They spend the time you are smoking struggling to breathe and panicking. They are often born stressed and agitated. It can effect prenatal bonding as they child doesn't feel as safe. I don't agree with the 'your body, your choice' argument either. It's not your body that the issue is about, it's your child's body, and it's abuse. Allowing a baby to smoke once born wouldn't be tolerated. Putting their life in danger, which smoking when pregnant undeniably is, would not be tolerated after their birth, nor would the level of stress placed upon the child. I understand how difficult it is to quit but I think it's completely unacceptable not to try until you do.

As for insulting and threatening somebody because of it, I do think that's wrong.

ETA: My OH's friend just had a still born 30 week old due to the placenta detaching from the womb due to heavy smoking. It was horrific. I can't understand how any mother could take the chance of that happening.
Oh my god emy that is horrific :(

I try to stay open minded about most things but I really really struggle to not judge women who smoke when pregnant. At the beginning, if they are trying to quit then fine - but to still be smoking at 7 months pregnant? As a previous heavy smoker myself, I just don't get it. I craved cigarettes in my pregnancy but I always knew that the guilt that I would feel after finishing the cigarette would far outweigh any satisfaction I initially got from it. I know not everyone deals with things in the same way, but I think its fucking gross and I DO judge heavily pregnant women when I see them smoking.
I didn't know that she only started trying to quit now! That is appalling.
Yup she really kicked herself in the foot as when asked on This Morning whether she'd been to her GP for help she said she hadn't as she wanted to combat it by herself..
Then she realised willpower wasn't enough:dohh: and now she's going to look into other things.
Sorry but from what I've seen of this girl she really is stupid
I just sat here and read quite alot of this thread and now i feel like ive wasted 15 minutes of my life that i wont get back! It amazes me that someone's bad decision can make so many argue! All a bit pathetic and im entitled to my opinion too!! Wise up!!!

With regard to the bit in bold, I think that is unfair thing to say..and insulting as well.

This is News and Debates, and this part of the forum was set aside specifically for people to discuss current issues and debate (not argue, DEBATE) them, regardless of whether they would directly impact our lives.

People's "BAD DECISIONS" make good topics for debate because we can all learn from them. Its not just smoking mothers who make these BAD DECISIONS, by blowing people up, terrorists make BAD DECISIONS. By invading and killing civilians, governments make BAD DECISIONS. By polluting the earth, humans make BAD DECISIONS. These are all issues that we have discussed on this forum and none of them are insignificant.

By saying "all a bit pathetic.....wise up" are implying that the people who responded are PATHETIC and DUMB? Right? (That's a rhetorical question because we all know that that is precisely what you are saying..your "right to an opinion" notwithstanding).

I do agree that you are entitled to an opinion, but your opinion is such that it seeks to prevent people from giving their own opinions because they will fear coming across as "pathetic and in need of a lesson in how to wise up".

I generally don't respond to posts like your because I feel by doing so, I lend them some legitimacy (the whole don't dignify with a response) but today I have to say something because it is UNFAIR, DISRESPECTFUL AND MEAN-SPIRITED to say someone is "PATHETIC AND DUMB" purely because they wanted to discuss an issue that appears trivial to you.
Wow Rogue, your arguments are so intelligent and mature!

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