Start of spd or just ache/bruising???


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Hi ladies,

Wonder if any of you can offer advice/opinions???

Yesterday I spent the day walking from about 10am-4pm with about an hours break for lunch, during this time I felt some cramps and aching in my pelvic area and did get upset :cry: partly because of the pain and partly hormones making me feel like my body is failing my baby (other niggles)

The reason for all this walking is because I run a local magazine business and part of that involves delivering the mags to peoples doors, we do have some help but still end up doing ALOT ourselves (to keep costs down unfortunately). My mum, her husband, my husband and little boy all help for free and we normally do a full Saturday between us.

Up until this month I have managed ok, just a little hotter than normal but really struggled yesterday, I expected to a bit as I did trap a nerve in my back a week ago which comes and goes and to be honest my bump is pretty big and heavy :blush:

Sorry this is so by the time I got home yesterday I was struggling to walk/get in & our of car, bend down etc and it got worse all evening, I have this ache in my pelvic area and pain in the front bone which seems worse when i stand up/walk or roll over in bed (last night i had to try and keep my legs together when rolling over). This morning I struggled to get downstairs so I have rested alot and it has eased a bit in that I can walk but only to potter around the house, do you think I could have triggered spd or am I probably just achy from the weight put on my pelvis all day???

I am worried as so far I just seem to be having one niggle/problem after another and don't want to have added to things and now I am concerned I won't be able to carry on walking/swimming to try to keep myself active and weight gain down (have gained quite alot so far).

I don't really know alot about spd so wondered what it feels like and how it started etc???

:flower: thank you xxx
I started with pain in both my side while sleeping then a popping sound when i rolled over at night :cry: being on my feet all-day made the pain unbearable at night so seen midwife and she sent me for physio :cry: which left me in even more pain and even they heard the popping sound's i can make they said its spd they have given me a band to wear under my bump and crutches to help me walk and driving is out of the question as its to painful to sit :growlmad:. I would book app with MW asap hun and have them check you over hope this help's :thumbup:
Mine started (at 27wks) with a feeling like I'd pulled an imaginary muscle that stretched between my hip bones, right across the front of my bikini line. It's now spread to feeling like I've pulled my groin on either side. I didn't do anything to start it as such, it just did.

I still go to aquanatal classes, but mainly just do the arms bit!
:nope:u should go to emergency to check ur cervix with mw or dr.....u took stress on ur body...its not good in these weeks...plz plz may not be spd ...:hugs::hugs::hugs:...but i m angry because u dont have to take such stress and dont do that much hard work plz...
Hi sweet sounds like it may well be SPD if you mw not easy to see your dr can also refer you as mine did and I got a cancellation and was seen within 2 days. MW did say if the pain was so bad to go see AandE but when i said this to PHysio wednesday she said they wouldnt have done anything there apart from given me a long weight!!

Keeping your legs together is a good one, she told me bad things to do were those things that involved twisting-pushing a trollety, vacumming etc and to potter and take it gentle. I aslo got a maternity belt which in effects holds your pelvis together and gives the muscles around the area a chance to relax so therefore easing some of the pain.

DOnt suffer though chick go see someone xxx- I know what you mean about one thing after another I have been the same- I feel like i have the checklist of things that could be wrong in pregnancy and I am working down them ticking them off!!! :D
Sounds very much like spd hun, i would go and see your mw or doc to get a referral asap for physio, i didnt do anything about mine as kept questioning it like you have and was 34 weeks and they said no point sending a referral but monitor it by doing less, eg i can manage 1 task/short outing per day before it hurts too bad, if you ring up community they should post you info on how to manage pain 1st class until you can get appointment!x
Thanks so much for replying ladies :hugs:

I do keep questioning myself as some of your descriptions sound much worse than mine, it was awful sat night/sun morning but resting has eased it a bit and since then I have done very little walking. Does SPD get progressively worse? and is it constant or does it come and go when you push yourself too much or twist funny???

Sara k - I consider myself told off :cry: I do understand what you are saying thank you and wish I didn't have to do certain things, up until this point there hadn't been any signs of pelvic problems but now I know I won't be able to do it again next month so will have to call in family to help i think.

jem_5500 i'm with you on the tick list of pregnancy niggles/symptoms - i feel a bit of a moaner but I guess this one was just not meant to run smoothly and sometimes one niggle leads to another so can't be helped! I'm completely in love with baby and grateful but feel pretty rough!!!!!

I am having my first trip out today since the pain started, I have to go shopping but will aim to keep it short and see how I get on and then can call gp/mw.

What type of support belt would you recommend?

Thanks again peeps, really appreciate the responses xxxx

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