Starting IVF/ICSI in July/Aug

Congratulations Lizlemon!! :happydance::happydance:

Well, I also have good news. After everything I never thought i'd be able to say this - But I also got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

I am on :cloud9: - and so shocked - I was convinced it hadnt worked. I know there is a long way to go, so I am praying it all keeps going well.

Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
Congratulations lainey!!!! That is fab news, I've been waiting for your update!!!
Thats so awesome Lainey!!!! This thread is doing very well I hope the good news keeps coming and that I can be a part of it to.
Hi ladies, could I join you on this thread, i've been stalking from a distance and have been trying to keep a stiff upper lip about my whole ivf journey, but this morning everything has hit me like a ton of bricks and just need to talk to some people in the same boat.

I am currently in the dreaded tww after one grade 1 embryo was transferred back on Monday ((29th August), we originally had 15 eggs collected, 11 fertilised, 7 made it to blastocyst (one of which was "perfect" according to the embryologist and this was the one they put back), the others were cultured for another day but sadly none was suitable for freezing.

My husband has been really supportive along the whole journey, i'd been quite surprised by how easy I found all the drugs with no real side effects, but he is the eternal optimist and i am the pessimist, which is where we sometimes clash. So I keep dropping lines like "if it doesn't work this time...", he keeps getting angry with me and saying that i need to be positive, its going to work this time. I don't think that he gets its less than a 50/50 chance each cycle, even if we did have the perfect embryo. I feel like I have twice the pressure now as I have to try and be all positive, but my way of dealing with it was to try and put it out of my mind, as if I get excited it would be an even bigger fall if it hasn't worked. I feel like i've got to put on my happy face to my husband and close family that know, when inside i'm cracking up - I naively thought I would OK during the whole process.

Test day for me is still not until next Wednesday (7th September), its just seems like an eternity away. I promised myself I wouldn't symptom spot, but I just don't feel anything - did any of your ladies that have got your BFP's have any symptoms?

Sorry for the extremely long post, congrats to all you ladies that have got their BFP's.

Lainey, congratulations! woohoo!!! :happydance:

hi veban. I think what you're feeling is normal. I know it's easier said than done to say just think positive but we really have to try our best because I do believe that positive thinking helps in getting a BFP ;) I wish you all the best on Wednesday :hugs:
Veban - I had no distinct symptoms at all! Normal build up cramps to af- still got them occasionally. Boobs not sore! Only things I noticed were very hungry, more than usual 'yellow' discharge ( tmi) oh and some brown mucus on 1pt5dt which I thought was due to transfer. So really no blindingly obvious signs. This time both dh and ivwere more relaxed and had low expectation after last times dissappointment and I did not get hung up on twinges like last time. Good luck to everyone in tww xxx
The other thing we did different was we chatted to 'fresh noom' for first few days and I did meditation each evening! ( our frozen embies are named frozen nooms - noom is a nickname for our surname) so I suppose I hadley pma this time as last time I was doom and gloom!
Congratulations Lainey-that is brilliant news!

Rest up sweetie and try to relax as much as you can!
So how long does it take for your period to start after you start down regging? I've been taking my suprefact injection for a week now and I would have thought it would be here by now.
Hi Girls:flower:

Thanks for all your good wishes, it means a lot :hugs:

Still cant believe it - just trying to take it one day at a time and not thinking too far ahead

Hope everyone is well :hugs::hugs:
So how long does it take for your period to start after you start down regging? I've been taking my suprefact injection for a week now and I would have thought it would be here by now.

hi Kelly. From what I understand, your period should come as per your usual menstrual cycle. But mine came a few days late. I think it could either be because of the stress I was feeling or it's a side effect of the down regulation meds. Anyhow, the important thing is your period comes before your baseline scan because if your lining is still thick they won't start your stimming which was what happened to me last week.
Oh ok, I've heard it can come sooner, on time or a bit late. I"m not due for my period for another 2-4 days depending when I ovulated so it should start before baseline my baseline is on sept 10.
Hello ladies-Congrats to the BFP's on here!!

So I am 12dpo and 10dpt today-I just had a question for anyone on cyclogest? I was fine until Wed last week but progressively been feeling worse-crampy, teary but mostly just exhausted. I could just put my head down and just sleep. Do the pessaries kind of build up in their symptoms? I dont test until Friday but just feel really off and very much like it hasnt worked. x x x
You likely feel off cause it has worked.
I don't think that's the Cyclogest (I didn't notice any cumulative effects). It could be because it's worked hun! Fingers crossed! :hugs:
Hi ladies-thanks for you replies. I just dont know what to think. I didnt have any symptoms until last wed/thur-in fact I was telling my only friend who knows about it all on Thurs that I had been feeling a little too good for my liking but it is the tiredness that is overwhelming me-I slept until 9 am Saturday, had an hour nap in morning, hour in afternoon and fell asleep in front of tv at 10.30pm! I am just thinking that it is the progesterone building up tho as I have had no sickness and just kind of feel 'out' like it hasnt worked. I have my clinic test on Friday but kind of want to test before as I dont think I could handle public bad news IYKWIM-what day should I get a reliable result? Wed or Thur or is that still early? I am really scared to do a home test tho!! x
I was told 10dpt was good enough to test on a 5 day transfer so if you had a 5 dt I say got for it.
No, I was 2 embryo 2dt. To be honest I cant really get to a shop to buy one til wed so I may take one wed/thur just so I have an idea as to whether it will be bad news on Friday and prepare myself so its not totally public! I guess after so long of BFN's its hard to be too positive and imagine a BFP! x

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