steralising fluid ?


Mummy to 2 boys
Nov 16, 2007
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Ive just got some steralising fluid for charlies teethers but would i just tip it into a plasic tub with a lid and leave them in there with the lid on ?:blush:

That's what my health visitor said to do, but I don't think you need a lid as long as whatever you're sterilising is under the water.
Make sure you dilute the sterilising fuid with the right ratio of water otherwise it could be too strong and harm baby. In it's undiluted state, sterilising fluid is like careful to read the instructions and measure out the right amount of water and fluid.
Make sure you dilute the sterilising fuid with the right ratio of water otherwise it could be too strong and harm baby. In it's undiluted state, sterilising fluid is like careful to read the instructions and measure out the right amount of water and fluid.

thanks yeah ive read how much i need to dilute xx xx
I haven't been sterllising Caitlyns....... Figured she chews on her toys anyway.. :dohh:
Make sure you dilute the sterilising fuid with the right ratio of water otherwise it could be too strong and harm baby. In it's undiluted state, sterilising fluid is like careful to read the instructions and measure out the right amount of water and fluid.

thanks yeah ive read how much i need to dilute xx xx

Sorry but when I read your 1st post I thought you were just gonna pour the fluid on:rofl:
Make sure you dilute the sterilising fuid with the right ratio of water otherwise it could be too strong and harm baby. In it's undiluted state, sterilising fluid is like careful to read the instructions and measure out the right amount of water and fluid.

thanks yeah ive read how much i need to dilute xx xx

Sorry but when I read your 1st post I thought you were just gonna pour the fluid on:rofl:

oh no lol i read the instructions just didnt know what to put it all in, now ive got nothing to measure the fluid in so cant do it anyway, any ideas ? its 15 ml i need to out in xx
It takes 15 minutes for something to be sterilised in sterilising fluid. I also bought a steam steriliser at Boots which does a great job.
Make sure you dilute the sterilising fuid with the right ratio of water otherwise it could be too strong and harm baby. In it's undiluted state, sterilising fluid is like careful to read the instructions and measure out the right amount of water and fluid.

thanks yeah ive read how much i need to dilute xx xx

Sorry but when I read your 1st post I thought you were just gonna pour the fluid on:rofl:

oh no lol i read the instructions just didnt know what to put it all in, now ive got nothing to measure the fluid in so cant do it anyway, any ideas ? its 15 ml i need to out in xx

15ml is 3 Calpol spoons if that helps:rofl:. It's usually measured in the cap....look inside the cap to see if there's a measure guide line thingy inside it:hugs:
It takes 15 minutes for something to be sterilised in sterilising fluid. I also bought a steam steriliser at Boots which does a great job.

ive allready got a steam steriliser but needed the fluid for his teethers which cant go in the steam steriliser xxx

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