JCM - no experience with cysts. My RE gave me femara after 6 failed cycles on clomid. I don't think I ever had any cysts or thin lining based on my first u/s with the RE. But it can cause these things in other women. I think some fertility clinics only work with femara. But mine is not one of them. When I went to my med class, there was at least one woman who was given clomid. I think it is a good drug, just not for everyone...like a lot of meds.
misaacs, sorry you are disappointed with the follicle. I too wish I had more than one on my last IUI...figured it would be good to have 2 for the boys to swim to. Good luck though...the one you have seems strong. No reason to dwell
Try to stay positive.
Floridasian, I do not chart, but if I were you, I would count 3 dpo after the latest day you think you O'd. So if you think you did on CD11, count from that day to be safe.
We were supposed to BD last night, but way too tired after the drive home. We got in around 11 which wasn't bad, but it was a long drive & to make things worse my sister totally started me out in a piss mood. She lives in Baltimore so we invited her to come eat with us on Sunday in PA...about an hour drive for us, 1 1/2 hrs for her. Mind you, we have been driving ALL WEEKEND. She never answered us with a positive answer. Then Sunday morning, only voicemail on her phone. So we leave. I had told her lunch & she made no effort. So we are just pulling in to the place & she texts me saying where are we. I was so pissed. So I am texting her after lunch saying meet us at a Kohls off the interstate. So she never textx me back until we are about 20 minutes from the Kohls. It is a 15 min drive for her. Oh I know where that is, when will you be there. I say 20 minutes. She says oh we just got in the pool. So she wants us to reroute to go to her house. I had spent my trip picking up little things for her & my little nephew. I had also bought some things for the older one I was bringing up. On my way up, I went out of my way to buy this thing I knew they wanted. So end result, I was just so mad she made no effort so I went home. I am trying so hard not to be spiteful & return the things I bought. It is not my nephews faults. But it is so typical of her. But on the flip side she continuously complain my father does not make an effort with his grandchildren. My nephews are the closest things I have to children besides my dogs...& she just doesn't care. UGH!
Anyways...BD tonight hopefully. I had more cm today. But my husband is feeling pretty awful so he is laid up on the couch when we were supposed to be doing some clean up. But I hope he feels better so we can have a nice night tonight.
Thank you to everyone for keeping hope alive. I really don't think we can do this with only femara, but who knows, right? And if we fail this month, back to IUI & it will feel much better after having taken a break.