I'll come on ASAP.. My appointments in the morning so I'd say by noon (my time) you'll hear something from me!
(Unless I magically go into labor
(that's 6PM for you, Becy!)
It's not just STM.. the whole teen section is just overrun with all these newbies with bad grammar and pointless subjects.. It makes me look back and go "Were we like that?
I'm trying not to be mean.. it's just like over half the threads were "Am I pregnant?" now it's all pointless ramblings from those girls.. Atleast ours were interesting to the outside public
I'm about to completely tell FOB off.. According to my cousin he's still going around acting like after I have Riley all the hormones go away and I go running back into his arms..
I'm getting so annoyed I'm about to tell him straight up I don't want him in the room when I'm in labor and I DON'T love him or want to be with him!!
Sorry a bit of a rant but if I posted it in the other STM section it would get buried with spam
I was talking to my cousin today.. She was saying about how I had a doctors appointment tomorrow and I'm like "Yeah if I'm not in labor by then" and she's like "Do you have a feeling its tomorrow?!?!" I go "No, I don't have a feeling it's any particular day.. I JUST WANT HIM OUT!!"
..She goes "Why so anxious?"
I told her.. Just wait til you're pregnant and 8 days from your due date..