Stopping Smoking, who's with me???


I'm an old bag!
Sep 1, 2006
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Hey girls
I am determind to quit fully and finally at long last, I thought I could either use this as my own venting journal type thing where you give me lots of support, hugs and chocolate :flower:
Or we can have it as a big group support thread.

Well I decided today that was it and I'm quitting, so i have sent off for that quitkit from the NHS.

I have decided to go and see my GP as my will power is a bag of crap, I have zero, patches bring me out in itchy lumps and I just don't like the gum, so am going to see if I can get Zyban ( champix has too many side affects).

I decided rather than going cold turkey I would just cut down, today I have had 6 cigerettes since 10am which is fab for me as I can easily smoke double that.

With Zyban you take them 1-2 weeks before quitting so I think if I cut down before then it will be easier.

I normally smoke 20 a day @£4.99 a pack , that is around £35 a week, £1821 a year :shock:
( if we do as a group I will set up ticker things for us all if I can and first page statistics)
I have lots of reasons to stop smoking obviously the main one is the kids, I don't want them following in my footsteps, but a big thing for me is to learn to drive, what I save a week would pay for Lessons.

If I can drive I can progress in my Job etc....

So wish me luck girls and join me if you want xxx:kiss:
good luck!! im the same as you. was on a pack a day but cut it down to 5-10 a day and will see where it takes me.
Just popping in to say Good Luck Jo!

I quit 9 months ago after trying so many times I finally did it the day Leo was born.

Best thing I ever did.

You can do it girl! :hugs:
Good luck. My OH has just stopped smoking too, and before he used chamix , and didnt stop though yet, but since new year he has taken the lasr of the pills and remained smoke free since then :D. First time he was smokefree for so long :D(he had numerous attempts before)
Thank you girls, that is good to hear Morri Good luck to OH too :)

Well I have had my first one of the morning about 1 1/2 hours after I usually do, I know thaht is not fantastic but is good for me.

I think it may be easier this time as I am now working, only afternoons but that is a time where I don't even think about having one, the difficult thing is that OH smokes but he has offered to go away from me and smoke completely outside.

The weird thing with me is though if I am out or in even with friends that don't smoke it just doesn't bother me, If we are out I won't nip out for a cig, I'll wait until we are moving pubs etc...
Where as Ant is worse and nips out every 5 minutes it seems :lol:

Well we will see where today takes me, I have 10 left in my packet, I'll see how many I have when I go to bed.

I can see my house being spotless just to keep myself busy

Good Luck Jo you can do it :hugs:
My dad quit with Champix but you are right he did have some bad side effects but he persisted with them- he had really bad vivid dreams which would wake him up in a cold sweat and would have him go from sleeping to sitting bolt up right in seconds.Also he was able to get to sleep but would only manage a couple of hours at a time and then would be wide awake.He's not smoked now for 6 months and can see a massive difference in his health (he has c.o.p.d so was vital he gave up) and he is now off the champix - 2 weeks now and the daily craving has gone for him.He does say every now and again he thinks 'I could just have a fag' but then that passes,its not and urge like it used to be for him.He lives with my mum and sis who are both smokers and haven't given up so he is doing so well.After 40 odd years of smoking im really pleased he has done it.

You can do it,will pop back and see how you are getting on x
Thank you Sarah, that must have been so hard for your dad and for him to persevere with it, with them side affects.
If you don't mind me asking what is c.o.p.d?
I'm hoping that if I can do it I can get OH, Mum and Dad to stop too, not that I will preach but I really think my dad needs to, he is knocking on a bit now :lol: and has tried before but now he is retired he smokes even more, I bet he has been smoking for about 55 yrs and that is one hard habit to break at that age I think
Yeah I would love my mum to give up too but she has no intention of giving up sadly,hopefully one day she will change her mind but she has to want to do it herself otherwise it would be a no starter.
C.O.P.D is a lung disease which can lead to emphysema and bronchitis and other bad lung problems.It affects his breathing (making it hard for him to catch his breath etc),constant wheezing and a really bad cough.He has to have 2 kinds of inhalers and steriods to try and strengthen his lungs.Im not sure whether smoking caused it tbh I think it did.He's been told the damage has already been done but by giving up he will have stopped things progressing and eleviate some of the symptoms.His breathing is already tons better which is great to see.He has to have flu/swine flu jabs because if he caught flu/swine flu its a likely hood he would end up in intensive care as his lungs wouldnt be able to cope.
Think of all that money you will be saving too,kerrrching! :)
lots and lots of luck to you honey :hugs:
my parents quit after smoking for over 20years, my father smoking probably 40-a-day, it was so hard for them, so even cutting down is a huge step for you honey :hugs: my dad found the paul mckena (sp) the best aid he ever had, so might be worth a shot :hugs:
i was actually a social smoker, but finally gave up when we were ttc, it was bloody hard, and that was just maybe 5-a-day.
Sarah that sounds horrible your poor dad, but hopefully him not smoking will have a helped some what.

Well I'm off to get some breakfast which I never eat and get a bit of ironing in before work :lol:
I just hope I don't start eating to compensate, may weigh myself at my mums later jus to make a compare in say 2 weeks time, although I am walking to and from work, so that should compensate for any crap I shove down my throat :lol:
Well I don't think I have too bad today really, I think I have had maybe 6 up until now, can't work it out with my packet as Ant has had some of them :roll:

I had a slip and bought some more earlier after I had finished work, a whole hoo haa with me trying to get a taxi home, needed to go to the bank , needed change and no taxi's about so thought I would buy 10 to see me tomorrow as well.

God this newsagent was soooo ignorant, I took a paper to the counter and asked for 10 and a lighter ( i know I know naughty Jo :) ) He just asked for 45p for paper so I asked again, he gave me 20 and no lighter FFS :roll: finally got the lighter, he was on the bloody phone I should have told him to forget it.

Anyway I have a pack of 20 but the lights, yep he gave me the wrong ones :roll:

I have had 2 of them, 1 of them walking to taxi, more like 1/2 actually and 1 after my tea.

Not fantastic but not too bad I don't think.
Good luck Jo!

I used to smoke up to 40 a day, went cold turkey about 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant and I didn't have one again until Aiden was about 2 months old. Mum had him for the day and I went and bought a pack and smoked a few....then I had 1 every night when Aiden was in bed....this lasted about a week...I then decided I hated it and didn't ever wanna do it again! Gave the rest of the pack to a mate and haven't had one since!

Quitting is such a great feeling, you realise just how strong you are and that you DO have control over your body :) And my god you soon notice the health benefits! Wishing you loads of luck :D :hugs:
How many weeks roughly do you think I should remove your mod buttons for? :shock:

BUT good luckkkkkkkk :wohoo:

Any info on what those tablets do?
How many weeks roughly do you think I should remove your mod buttons for? :shock:

BUT good luckkkkkkkk :wohoo:

Any info on what those tablets do?
I'll be good I pwomise :kiss:

Though is it possible to put a swearing filter just on me?

There is so info on the tablets in link on first post, that Champix sounds scary.
But I'll look up some more for you if you like.

Of to bed now
I would join you but I know im not ready to give up yet iykwim? I need to sort out the weight problem first and then the fags!

My mum quit with champix and raves about it to everyone! Good luck!
Good Luck hun x

I was a 20 a day smoker for 10 years. I quit with champix i took them for two weeks and i read the book the easyway to stop smoking by allen carr (totally recommend it) after reading that i quite the tablets. I stopped in June.

Dont give up, they is light at the end of the tunnel, what suprised me now is i eat a meal without thinking of a cig after, i drive the car without thinking i need to light a cig first few weeks there where always on my mind now i very rarely think of them.

I never thought id ever stop, after many failed attemps.

All the best x

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