Stopping the pill - chances of conceiving quickly


Aug 22, 2010
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Hi, This is my first post Put it on the wrong bord to start with as I can't say we're actively trying).....
Can anyone help me fathom this out...I just stopped the pill after 15 years on it. I took my last pill 12 days ago and had my normal break through bleed which ended 4-5 days ago. We had sex last night and I am pretty sure there is no way I could have ovulated in those 3-4 days between finishing bleeding and last night - but reading a bit now I'm not so sure? Also, if I was to ovulate within the next few days, can the sperm still be living in my system? It confuses me as I fully expect I will need to have several cycles before I truly ovulate after all the years on the pill. I suppose noone knows because everyone is different!!

Is it more likely to result in miscarriage as the body is not fully prepared?
As you said everyone is different, but it is also possible you could ov this cycle and continue to ov, or like you said could take a bit cause of being on the pill so long. The sperm stay alive for i think 48 hours, correct me someone if im wrong lol, i cant remember. The chances of a mc are no different for you than they are for any other woman. So think positive and relax. You can also if you want to see if your ov check your cm, its goes like egg white when you ov.
Hi hun, i stopped the pill on the 22 of July got my breakthrough bleed on the 30th and im now on my usual AF. I have been OV testing as my doc wants to see if being on the pill for 13 years has helped my periods at all. And i actually havent ovulated between my breakthrough bleed and my AF.

Not that im saying you havent but just giving you my experience. Also the sperm can live fot an average of 24-36 hours i think, some longer and some die sooner.

Welcome and good luck with your BFP.

With #1 I decided to TTC on day 10 of my packet, stopped taking it then. Had a bleed 7ish days later (usually bleed within 2 days of stopping a pack if I take all the pills) and conceived Abigail 13 days later.
I stopped taking my pill after 12 years and got pregnant before I had a break through bleed/period what ever it might have been! =) iv read sperm can live up to a week, but the quality deteriorates after 3-4 days. Xxx
I ovulated 3 weeks after I took my last pill, now waiting in first AF (Or BFP!)

Thanks for your replies everyone.
After so long on the pill, what are the signs of ovulation?

How early would anyone have signs of being PG?

If I don't have a period in the next week or two at what point is it right to do a PG test?

And excuse my ignorance but what does AF and BFP mean?!

The main thing is I am not "trying" to conceive. I don't want any pressure or even know if I am ready, but interested to know of other peoples' experiences. I think I would still freak out if discovered I was PG whether it is now or in 6 months time!:wacko:

I had Egg White Cervical Mucus (EWCM) which I have not had since I have been on the pill and not even sure I had it before I went on it. And pains low down, different to normal cramps.

AF = Aunt Flow - period
BFP= Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test)

Don't think anyone gets a BFP before 10DPO (days past ovulation)

I've been off BCP since May ish time and no BFP yet. However if I'm honest with myself, DH has been almost afraid to come near me until relatively recently. I think he's needed a lot of time to come to terms with the idea that maybe our family unit could happily increase by +1.

It has always been my hope to conceive around this time of the year, so I'm hopeful. But I am also of the mindset that if it doesn't happen yet, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we are happy. Afterall, if it doesn't happen yet, it will mean that I can enjoy our cruise that we're planning for next year, without being concerned about being pregnant as well.
Hi everyone, just to update the situation, it took me 8 weeks after stopping bc to get my AF. So if I had a 28 day cycle I would be expecting it right now. But so far no signs. But as I have only had one AF, I have no idea what my cycle is going to do. We DTD a couple of times around half way through the month after AF, but assume it could still take months for me to have a regular cycle, so may not have been ovulating?

But similar to you dragonhawk, my hubby is the same. He is having difficulty getting his head around the idea too. But he has been given the choice of using contraception and not taken me up on the offer! But now I am having doubts about whether I am ready/what effect it will have on my relationship/future if we do have a baby. So many people seem to really not enjoy being parents and almost "regret" making the decision. So am feeling a bit fragile. Everyone else seems so SURE they know what they want!

If I don't get AF soon, how long should I wait to test bearing in mind I don't know how long my cycle would be? I am also due my smear test and not sure what to do about booking that in....
worry worry worry!!!
I'd suggest getting some internet cheapies and testing now. If you think you can see something test with a more expensive test to confirm. If there isn't anything and still no AF test again in a week.
This is so frustrating! Tested about 5 days ago and was negative as expected. Still no sign of AF on day 41 of cycle :wacko:

The last few days I had sore boobs for 2-3 days but the feeling is now subsiding and had some sharp stabbing pains in my right side which have also gone. Does this mean I might have just ovulated? I find it very difficult to track the EWCM signs.

The frustrating thing is we don't have time to be doing the deed more than about once a week and some weeks it doesn't happen at all! We have never been one of those couples :nope:

So now thinking the chances will be minimal as have no idea what my cycle is gonna do :wacko:

2 psychics told me on Friday that they see a baby coming into the family soon though and it would be me!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
With Jack I stopped taking the pill (after 12/13 years of being on it) around 20th of Dec 2008, I had a withdrawal bleed and then a normal cycle with a period on the 22nd of Jan 2009, conceived on the 6th of Feb 2009 and found out I was pregnant on the 21st of Feb 2009. And Jack was born on the 23 Oct 2009. So its totally possible.

People get pregnant when they are on the pill if they miss one.

I was gobsmacked when I found out that I was pregnant on my second cycle of the pill. epecially as we hadn't even been really "trying" (I think we only did the did about 4 times lol)
Wow, that was quick. I have a friend who was the same! I think the problem is my cycle is so irregular and long that I have no idea and don't really want to miss the crucial time of the month. But I don't know when that time is! It's silly as I came off the pill saying I didn't want any pressure or anyhting to change, but actually I feel really stressed about it now! I guess I'm just aware that my age is ticking on and the longer it takes the more risks. Not that I am really that old at 33!

I need to be patient!

But also not sure whether to test again, as also did the deed about 2 weeks ago :winkwink:. I don't want to become obsessive :wacko:
Don't worry hun, it can take a while for normal cycles to resume after stopping the pill. I was quite lucky - I think I ovulated about 17 days after my withdrawal bleed, then AF arrived two weeks after that. It's possible the pains you felt were ov, or perhaps early signs of AF.

If and when AF does arrive, I recommend tracking your cycle dates using fertility friend or similar. That way you can keep an eye on your cycle lengths and estimate your fertile days.

Oh, and there is no increased risk of miscarriage after the pill - doctors used to think it might do, but no evidence has shown it to be true, so don't worry about that. :)
Oops I just answered the same post I had before! Silly me!!
Wow, that was quick. I have a friend who was the same! I think the problem is my cycle is so irregular and long that I have no idea and don't really want to miss the crucial time of the month. But I don't know when that time is! It's silly as I came off the pill saying I didn't want any pressure or anyhting to change, but actually I feel really stressed about it now! I guess I'm just aware that my age is ticking on and the longer it takes the more risks. Not that I am really that old at 33!

I need to be patient!

But also not sure whether to test again, as also did the deed about 2 weeks ago :winkwink:. I don't want to become obsessive :wacko:

were your periods irregular before the pill?
I know everyone is different but I was on the pill for 5 years, when I came off I didn't have a period for 7 months! I though I might be pregnant a few times because of all the symptoms I was having but it was just my hormones going crazy. I got pretty sick a few times with spells of vomiting after everything I ate for a couple weeks on and 6 or so weeks off. I hope you have an easier time than I did!! GOODLUCK and STICKY BABY DUST!!
Thought I'd update cycles have continued to be so irratic since I stopped the pill last august. So much so that last month I had a load of bloods taken and was found to have a borderline low thyroid and a slightly elevated FSH level of 11. I am due to have a pelvic ultrasound in a week as she wants to check for PCOS etc.

As my cycles are so long and irregular I have got used to never knowing when to expect AF. Over the months I did the odd PG test and it was always negative. Until today!! I just went into a supermarket and bought one without much thought. Came home and did it, totally expecting the usual -ve...and there was the cross. In fact I picked it up ready to throw in the bin!! I am so shocked and am convinced I have misinterpreted it. We only did the "deed" once in the last month and I had no idea when ovulation was as my cycles are so irregular!! I don;t think it's real, I will wake up tomorrow.....

No symptoms though, except I woke up last night with stomach cramp and feeling sick. Felt slightly sick today. No other symptoms which is why I don't believe it.:wacko: Yikes!
oh wow! I Hope it is in fact :bfp:

I came off birth control back in january and my own has been quite erratic and getting more erratic as the months progress. getting longer and longer.

keep us posted. I like when people come back after months of the original post and give us an update

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