Until things actually change I doubt you'll really feel better. Talking is all very well but if nothing changes so what, especially if your colleage doesn't work well with you. Sounds to me as if she likes to suck up to manager & make out she's the dogs what nots, when she probably isn't & knowing you've had a meeting with a manageer she's bricking it somewhat.
You enjoy your weekend, retail thearpy sounds good, at least you feel up to a bit of shopping, even if you can't face your friend coming round.
I couldn't go and pick my kids up from school when I was bad, I just couldn't face talking to them. I didn't even want to go out, all I wanted to was stay in. My OH had to cook too (normally when I'm at home I cook), i just couldn't face it.
Enjoy your weekend, sounds good (apart from the housework
I'm working tomorrow, followed by weekly shop in asda , then its home for tea & then getting washing sorted. Sunday morning is cleaning time, then afternoon is chill out time.
Monday we all have the dentist, which I hate, I'm actually terrified of going, although our new dentist is lovely. He made me feel quite relaxed but I'll still be a nervous wreck. I really don't know what possessed me to arrange it for my birthday
So want to phone & cancel, but if I wuss out now I'll only have to go another day, and it could be moonths before we can get another after school appt. Hey ho.
See how you feel on Monday & if you really can't face it call in sick, if needs be go see GP.
Enjoy your shopping
Will be online on Sun evening if you want any support
Caroline xx