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Stress of having other children anyone?



Anyone find that their little darlings are stressing you out so much you feel dizzy?
I don't have one or two children from a previous marriage / pregnancy.
I have FIVE.
Aged, nearly 9, 7, 5 and twins are 3.

Sometimes they get along so well but sometimes, just sometimes they can be little terrors. Fighting, screaming, shouting etc.
They don't know about the baby yet - maybe I should tell them Mummies new baby doesn't need this stress? Or, perhaps word it like 'Mummies going to have a baby, shuushh baby doesn't like the noise' so they don't feel threatened...

Oh God I don't know what to do. I've had so many miscarriages I don't particularly want to tell them in case it goes belly up (excuse the pun) but then I can't handle this stress. I don't have anyone on hand to help, their ''Father'' (and I use that term extremely loosely) lives 40 miles away and the Daddy-to-be to this baby works 5 days a week, long hours to make the future better for us and currently does not live with us.

Advice please ladies, thanks in advance xx
Oh boy I have four daughters.. All under 13 and as we speak I'm cringing because my 11 flipped this morning because the shirt she wants to wear under her uniform isn't clean. I've been on bed rest and her father washed everything else. She refused to go to school, her father was late for work and the two of them have just been screaming back and forth. I can't have this stress right now. She's always been so dramatic. She always has a fit like this in the morning.
I certainly know that feeling.... my near 9 year old has autism and a few other ASD things going on - it is so blinking hard at times.
On the plus side they are all off to their ''Fathers'' at 3pm this afternoon until Monday EVENING - so what a nice break for me... Problem is, I have tonnes I need to do on my car and paperwork that needs sorting out! :(
I only have two aged 4&2 but gosh darnit the girl is a drama queen (2) and the boy is so frustrating sometimes...im a sahm and hubby works long hours so im alone with the kids alot, just had two mc in the last 6 months and so tired right now zzzzz
I have 5 kids also my new husband son is living with us my son & his son don't get on they are always arguing it does my head in I have told my kids about the baby I had a mc in aug the kids were really upset about it they were so happy when I got pregnant again I just warned them to behave as stress Is no good for me or baby this is my 2nd baby with my new husband my youngest is 16 months old I would tell your kids about the baby my kids can be sweet at times wanting to look after me :)
Mine are 3 and 1. I just wished they slept a bit better. We currently don't make it through the night without someone wanting to come and sleep in mummy's bed.
I have 5 kids also my new husband son is living with us my son & his son don't get on they are always arguing it does my head in I have told my kids about the baby I had a mc in aug the kids were really upset about it they were so happy when I got pregnant again I just warned them to behave as stress Is no good for me or baby this is my 2nd baby with my new husband my youngest is 16 months old I would tell your kids about the baby my kids can be sweet at times wanting to look after me :)

That's a good idea hun, sorry to hear about the miscarriage!
Fingers crossed they carry on behaving like that...
I doubt mine would blink two eye lids.......

Mine are 3 and 1. I just wished they slept a bit better. We currently don't make it through the night without someone wanting to come and sleep in mummy's bed.

I wish that's all I had to put up with.
My eldest is Autistic so this means he often has melt-downs, often attacks his other (younger) siblings, he often can't be reasoned with, and only 15 minutes ago I had to physically restrain him on the floor (whilst getting kicked and punched) because he was having a meltdown and attacking the others.

I've already had miscarriage after miscarriage (six in total now), I am certain under these stressful circumstances and especially the having to restrain someone whilst being kicked and punched etc - will lead to another miscarriage.

I do not know what to do.

I guess the best thing is bedtime for us because his body does not make enough Melatonin he is on tablets to help him sleep.
Do you get any official support with your oldest, family services, respite, that kind of thing?
My 9 year old had ADHD and she has finally gotten adjusted to a medication that works. Only problem is so she lost weight and isn't gaining it back so meal time is a nightmare. It usually ends with me in tears begging her to eat or eat peanutbutter and cheese and snacks before bed just to get some weight on. The supplement shakes are outrageous expensive. $12 for six small servings. We are going to have the doctor make the insurance company cover it but it's now medically necessary.

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