Hi Ladies, how is everyone doing???
I am actually on my second cycle with clomid and ovidrel.
I have PCOS, so my periods were very irregular, and I have no clue when and if I ov.
So we went to a fertility clinic, RE and the doc put me on clomid and ovidrel shot.
The clomid will make sure your body will produce good follicles with good eggs, and the ovidrel is taking after your follicles are mature, to trig the ovulation. You are supposed to ovulate 24 to 40 hours after the trigger shot!!
and it regulates you, no more late periods!!!
Im on CD 26... just trying to be patient until Monday when I go back for blood work to check if I am pregg or if cycle # 3 will start .....
Yoga and meditation must help in a way, as you relax, and take your mind of this. I wanted to do yoga, just cannot find the time