Struggling TTC#2 - A thread for Pics, Positivity, Pontificating, and POAS!


Pregnant with #2
Dec 7, 2011
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Welcome Ladies!
There's a whole forum section devoted to TTC#1.... so I thought I'd see if I could start up a thread for those of us who are TTC#2.
My DH and I had no problem with TTC#1, I think we might have even gotten lucky on the very first BD session :haha:. But TTC#2 has not been as easy and has felt so much more stressful. With #1 it was a gift whenever it would happen, for #2 - there was a certain age gap I had in my head, and every month that goes by means having to compromise on that age gap a little.... 6 months later (and counting) I'm getting pretty sick of compromising.
Anyway - I wanted to start up this thread for ladies ttc #2. A place where we can share our triumphs, tribulations, and pics of our other LOs :) My DD just turned two yesterday, and really most of the reason we are trying for #2 is because of how wonderful she is and what a wonderful big sister I know she'll be someday.


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Hey, it's lovely to hear your story and a great thread to start. I have a daughter called Amelia-Rose, she turned two in May. I'm no longer with her dad, but he's still very much involved in her life. We've both moved on and settled in new relationships now :) he has a seven month old daughter with his new partner, and me and Dan have decided to try for one of our own just recently. Dan (my OH) is in the army, he's away in the week but back for the weekends, I also have irregular cycles since having my daughter so I'm thinking it's going to be a struggle for us to get pregnant. Amelia-Rose is so good with her half sister now, I know she'd absolutely love it if I had a baby! My OH loves Amelia-Rose and treats her no differently as to how he would treat one of his own, but I think having a baby will really make us complete as a family. He will make an amazing dad!

Sending lots of baby dust to you :) x
Hey y' and OH( not ds dad) are trying to conceive # 2. My son Rj will be one in December on the took me and his dad 3 months top and here I am on cycle 4. I guess I can say I am in the stage of trying to figure out my cycles , but I feel like when I figure one thing out something else happens. I do get embarrassed from time to time because I feel like im the girl who has every symptom in the book then end up looking dumb when af shows. My OH name is Marcus and I go by Jackie.

Baby dust to us all:happydance:


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Welcome Rebecca! My daughter's name is also Amelia (we call her Mia) lol what are the chances? I actually had irregular cycles before my DD. Since she was born they are more regularly spaced, but once I started temping I found out I have short luteul phases, so I guess I'm still considered "irregular".

Best of luck to you and your OH as well :dust:
Welcome Hunni! :D
I love the pics of your son!! I can't believe he's only turning 1, he looks like such a little boy already (not a baby)!
Thanks krissy. Mia is gorgeous as well....its funny you say that because Rj is actually 36 pounds so he is definitely on the big side
Welcome Rebecca! My daughter's name is also Amelia (we call her Mia) lol what are the chances? I actually had irregular cycles before my DD. Since she was born they are more regularly spaced, but once I started temping I found out I have short luteul phases, so I guess I'm still considered "irregular".

Best of luck to you and your OH as well :dust:

We have great name taste ;) haha! Oh, you'll understand what a pain it is then, just wish I knew what was happening and when! X

Our son was 2 last weekend and we are trying for a younger sibling to be his play mate.
Good luck to everyone.
Here is a picture.


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Welcome Having! Love the picture :) And it sounds like our kids are only a few days apart.

Hunni - 36 lbs?? At 18 months my daughter still wasn't 36 lbs and she's always over the 95% in weight! And she's a little butterball - your boy looks pretty thin... He must be all must and/or super tall! Wow!
My dd turned 2 on the 10th. We have been TTC for about 6months now.


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Hi everyone, I've been ttc no 2 since a mmc at 12 weeks in January with no luck. I also wanted a 2 year age gap but my dd is already 2 now so it's growing more and more. X
Hi everyone, I've been ttc no 2 since a mmc at 12 weeks in January with no luck. I also wanted a 2 year age gap but my dd is already 2 now so it's growing more and more. X

My friend has managed the perfect 2 year gap (she is expecting her 2nd on her first sons 2nd birthday!) but I have a 2 year 10 month gap between my sister and I and we always played together.

DONT worry about the gap. I currently teach Year Reception - I don't think gaps matter. What is meant to be will be.

My son has turned two and we are trying... I'm just enjoying him being the only one and all the attention I can give him while we ttc.

Let's hope we both get our BFP soon!
I'm struggling to TTC our second too. We are now onto month 4 and nothing. I'm not bothered by the age gap though, LO is 21 months and he's keeping me busy! I'm totally thrown by the fact it hasn't happened right a way though as LO was a product of one oopsie. We weren't trying and suddenly - surprise!! :lol: So I think we thought it we'd be that easy again... But not so far.

Have to be frank though, our sex life isn't what it used to be, haha, but we've resolved to try more this cycle. Plus I am still breastfeeding which might be the spanner in the works. Plus I have endo though never had a problem after surgery in 2010, but my periods are horrible now - painful and heavy and long - andi don't know if that might be the endo or the breastfeeding or what?

But hey, here we go!

What cycle day are you ladies? Baby dust!
We are now in our 7th cycle for No 2. Bit disheartened really thought I was preg so many symptons this month but af showed up yesterday........7 cycles I know others have been trying so much longer but we caught 3rd time with LO. Is anyone doing anything different this month apart from more sex LOL. FX for us all
Welcome Comet (love the birthday outfit!!), MrsW, Zephram, and Kitty

I guess the two-year gap is a common goal! So many recent LO birthdays :) I am loving this age so much, and it feels like every day she's learning something new - so my one silver lining is that I get to soley focus on all of her greatness right now (instead of trying to manage a new born or being to pregnant to really enjoy getting down and playing with her right now).

Zephram - I have an ultrasound this Wednesday to check for Endo. Did you have it before your LO? Are you temping at all? Part of why they suspect I might have endo is I have a short luteal phase and extremely painful periods. I had the same thing with my DD being a first attempt, and I'm now on cycle 6 (CD 6) and doing SO MUCH more extra work (temping, OPKs, supplements) than I ever imagined I'd have to do.

Kitty - Have you tried temping or using OPKs to make sure everything is timed right?
Well we're going for a big age gap :haha:, my son's 5 in Feb. Hi ladies. We're on our 5th cycle at the mo and in the dreaded tww! Fingers crossed for you all xx
Hello Ladies - I have a 13 month son, but because of my age, my DH and I feel we need to have a #2 asap. We started trying this month. It took us a long time to conceive our son (almost 2 years, with one MC at 6 weeks), and we tried Chlomid, Femara and even 2 IUIs before conceiving naturally (using Femara). I'm hoping this time around will be easier, but who knows.
Ladies, may I join you?

My daughter is 20mos and we began ntnp in June. I became pregnant quickly and had an early miscarriage, or a chemical pregnancy, last month and I've just started my first af since the loss. We'll be trying again this cycle. Like many of you, I had an age gap in mind and was really looking forward to having my March baby. Unfortunately that didn't go as planned so I'm back to ttc and hoping to get pregnant before Feb 2015. I really don't want another December baby.

It took us 9mos to conceive our first so having gotten pregnant so quickly with my second amazed me and I was relieved. Now that I've lost the baby we have to start again and I'm terrified it won't be so easy. And I really like the idea of having them close together.

I hope it all works out for all of us!
Zephram - I have an ultrasound this Wednesday to check for Endo. Did you have it before your LO? Are you temping at all? Part of why they suspect I might have endo is I have a short luteal phase and extremely painful periods. I had the same thing with my DD being a first attempt, and I'm now on cycle 6 (CD 6) and doing SO MUCH more extra work (temping, OPKs, supplements) than I ever imagined I'd have to do.

Yep, I had it before LO. I had major pelvic pain and was eventually referred for a laparoscopy in 2010. The found endo and it was excised, after which my pelvic pain was gone. My periods were really heavy as a teen, but in my 20s when I was on BC on and off, they changed to being very light, especially after the operation. It was awesome! Then I got up the duff with LO and didn't have my period for nearly two years... fast forward to now, and my periods are horrible again. :( Really heavy and painful.

Like I said I don't know what the cause could be. I'm still breastfeeding and I know it's making me feel a bit crazy and hormonal, but I guess another possibility in that the endo has reared it's ugly head again. I hope it's the breastfeeding and not the latter!

Good luck for your ultrasound, let me know how you go. I never heard of endo affecting luteal phase before though - do you have any more info on that?

ETA - I'm not temping. Mostly because I can't be bothered, :lol: but also because I still get up with LO in the night, so I'm not sure how accurate it'd be.
hi ladies!

We are also trying for baby #2.. 8 1/2 months now and two losses. Our original plan was also a 2 year age gap... but that obviously didn't work out as Iain was 2 in June. It took us a year to conceive him.

I was actually hopeful this month but had a big temp drop and started spotting pink today. My cycles were always 25 days with ov on cd 14 prior to my last mc (a MMC at 9+5 in May) but since then it has been all over the place. I am taking folic acid, prenatal, b-complex and low dose asprin. Am temping and using opks.


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