So had a dr appointment today and trundled my three tests along all with obvious but faint positives, I wanted some reassurance from him that the wee bleed I had wasnt anything too serious since I have had nothing since and my lines are getting darker. He insisted on making me pee, even though I had only been 10 minutes before and did one of his own NHS three drops test, he said it was negative although there was clearly a line, showed him mine and he says he would not call them positive as they were not dark enough !!!! So he has refered me to the EPU for a scan on Monday even though my tests are darkening as he doesnt believe that I am pregnant or that I have miscarried and thats why he didnt get a line on his stupid test. Anyway I was so upset when I got out that I thought Id bite the bullet and do a digi and here it is. I tried to point out to him that the instructions for my FRER and Asda tests and even the stupid IC's that are showing lines state that it doesn't have to be as dark as the test line, but he thinks different. I could tear my hair out, so ladies with all your knowledge what do you think, am I really pregnant or not ??
So had a dr appointment today and trundled my three tests along all with obvious but faint positives, I wanted some reassurance from him that the wee bleed I had wasnt anything too serious since I have had nothing since and my lines are getting darker. He insisted on making me pee, even though I had only been 10 minutes before and did one of his own NHS three drops test, he said it was negative although there was clearly a line, showed him mine and he says he would not call them positive as they were not dark enough !!!! So he has refered me to the EPU for a scan on Monday even though my tests are darkening as he doesnt believe that I am pregnant or that I have miscarried and thats why he didnt get a line on his stupid test. Anyway I was so upset when I got out that I thought Id bite the bullet and do a digi and here it is. I tried to point out to him that the instructions for my FRER and Asda tests and even the stupid IC's that are showing lines state that it doesn't have to be as dark as the test line, but he thinks different. I could tear my hair out, so ladies with all your knowledge what do you think, am I really pregnant or not ??