stupid stupid vet


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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the stupid vet was supposed to take paco in today, but ended up sending him home with MORE medication...that i have to pay for...i don't know what to do, seeing as i've already had to pay 650$ for a surgery that didn't even work.

they were supposed to redo it today because his ear isn't healing at all, and instead they send him home with almost 100$ worth of more medicine.

AND they told me that his ear can taqke up to 4 or 5 months to heal completely and i will have to pay for new medication everytime its needed (appr. every 2 weeks) so that will turn into around 200$ every month. :shock:

i can't afford that :!: shouldn't it be their problem? they are the ones who did his surgery wrong in the first place. AGGGH i don't know what to do about this :cry:

sorry bout the ranting xxxx :?
Awww poor you!
I think we've been so lucky... we joined the vets mum took Macca and Charley to.
And when Lulu was poorly when we got her, they looked after us really well, even though they gave her a week to live she's still here, cos of them (and us too i guess! lol!)

I'd kick their arses, considering they fucked it up in the first place!
Is there some kind of regulatory board you could contact about it?

OMG!!! I would have said it was their fault.....surely it is there incompetence that has arose to the tablets being needed?!!

I would confront them babe and take it from there, but take no prisoners.........:hugs: xx
i am going to say something to them, AND get another opinion from the vet my dad uses. but i'm going to wait because i still owe them from the 650$ from the first surgery cuz we had a payment plan. but after i pay them that then i am going to let loose on them.

they said last week that they would do this surgery (the one today they were supposed to do) for free because it was obviously something that they did wrong, but when i called the stupid vet back today he said it wouldn't help any and they were just going to keep paco on medicine which i have to pay for :shock: really hate vets lol although your's sounds good hayley...think he makes overseas visits?? :lol:
lol i don't owe them the whole 650$ tho only like 150$ so i should have it paid soon then can yell all my frustrations to them :D:D
I wouldnt even pay it at all, id just go to another vet for a different opinion.
could i do that? what if they wanted to take me to court?

oooor woooh...what if the other vet said they did a really crappy job then i could take THEM to court?!?!?! hmmm lol

am def going to call that other vet dad's gone away for the week so i will have to either wait till next week to call him, or try and see if my stepsister knows the name or something....going to call her right now actually :D:D
Hi i am a veterinary nurse, I you explain what the problem was and what he had done i might be able to help, and maybe answer some of your questions.

If you dont pay they WILL take you to court, but if you can prove that they have been negligent then you may have a case which would also be very expensive. and one vet might be reluctant to slag off another vet.
Ears are very difficult things to manage if they have infections.

might be able to give advice on alternate meds or treatment.
hi that would be really cool if you could help me out :) and i wasn't REALLY gonna take them to court lol...i think i'm just going to finish paying them the rest of the 650$ and then i think they should pay the rest (new medications) because last week they said that it was their fault and they would pay for it, and now they are changing their story :?

anyways tho...what happened was he got a hematoma in his ear, and they did the surgery, and it hasn't healed at all, they sent him home with prednisone, and clamavox and a schedule for me to keep by and cleaning stuff for his ear...they told me to bring him back the next week to take his stitches out...then after that they told me how to use the cleaner (i was already giving him the pills) and to bring him back in another week to check it...i did and it still hadn't healed....they have been seeing him weekly since then and if anything its getting worse (they left a big gash for it to drain) (the gash is whats not healing)

so last week when he went, the vet said to bring him in this week (this morning) for them to redo the surgery (at their cost cuz its their fault) so my bf brought him in today and then they looked at him and sent him home with more of the same pills, so i called them and asked them why they weren't redoing the surgery and they said that they think it will do more harm than anything which is fine whatever...

buuuut then they told me that it will probably take at least 4 months for it to heal. i don't want my dog in pain and annoyed for 4 more months, and i can't afford the medication for that long either i just want them to fix it.... they are the ones who messed it up not me or my pet...why should both of us suffer for it?? it's really annoying lol if you have any advice i would reallllly appreciate it :D:D thanks
:hugs: for you and :hugs: one for your doggie! Hope you get this sorted out.

I would make a really big big big stinkie. If all else fales, maybe they will split the bill with you or give you a credit for some of the surgery.

thanks for the hugs :D

me and my OH have decided to pay the rest of the 650$ from the first surgery...and then make a huge deal out of it because they already told us it was their friggin fault so why should i have to pay the new bills?!?!?! UGH i hate VETS lol :evil:
I know what you mean. Fortunatly, we found a very good vet for our dog Storm. She even calls herself Auntie Marsha. (She owns the clinic.) GOOD LUCK! :wink:
Haematoma - is when a blood vessel bursts in their ear and it fills with blood, it becomes very red and hot and will heal if left but can also get infected and will leave them with a very deformed ear.
They usually happen if the dog has an ear infection and is shaking and scratching the ear.

There are various ways of fixing it depending on the vet in question.
where i work they drain the ear flap with a syringe and then in ject a steroid into the ear and then bandage the ear to the head - this usually heals quite well,

Other vets will surgically cut open the ear and stitch it together using buttons, or stents to keep pressure on the ear to stop the haematoma forming again. they usually leave a small area of the ear open to drain, which i think is the bit you are on about that is not healing.
Ovbiously they would have been getting you to clean the ear twice daily.
The tablets are steroids and antibiotics,

Now if the ear has partially healed then surgery would leave you back at the beginning again, now if the vet mentioned to you that it was their fault then he is going back on his word i would certainly take this further with the vet surgery, especially if you have a witness who was with you.
I would go in to the surgery and ask to see the practice manager or the head vet and complain about the vet that did the surgery and the follow ups, and explain that why am i having to pay for drugs. and just see what you can do, if youve been with them for a long time play on how good you though they were, and how you'll be looking for another vet.

See how it goes!

The other thing you can use it magnet therapy - a magnetic dog collar can some times help healing and achy joints!
Bee Propolis tablets, manuka honey these can all help with healing.
Especially aloe vera gel place on to the wound.
I sell all of the above - so if i can help any more give me a mail.
hi... they did the surgery where they stitch it up like a quilt and then leave a big gash for it to drain.

my bf was there when they said that they would be paying for the rest, so he could be a "witness??"

and i haven't been with them long, only for this really, paco was living a few towns over with my mom for awhile. but i think thats what i'm going to do is just go into the office and talk to them and if they still try to piss me around then go to a different vet :D

thanks for your help :)
lexis_mommy said:
hi... they did the surgery where they stitch it up like a quilt and then leave a big gash for it to drain.

my bf was there when they said that they would be paying for the rest, so he could be a "witness??"

and i haven't been with them long, only for this really, paco was living a few towns over with my mom for awhile. but i think thats what i'm going to do is just go into the office and talk to them and if they still try to piss me around then go to a different vet :D

thanks for your help :)

So they didnt sew anything like buttons or bits of plastic on to the ear then?
Thats quite an old fashioned way of doing things if they just stitched it with nothing. Center/Canine Aural Hematoma.pdf

have a look at this link.
no they just stitched it like i guess cross stitched so it wouldn't swell up again :?

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