Success after 18 months of ttc

Zoe And Bump

Active Member
Aug 4, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I have been browsing here for a while and wasn't sure whether my (what felt like a very long) journey would bore you but here goes. I realise that 18 months is nowhere near as long as some people have been trying and I hope that my story doesn't offend anyone.

We started trying for our first baby in November 2009. I was 31 and my partner was 34 and he already has a teenage son from a previous relationship but it was time for us to have our own family. As everyone does, we expected to get caught quickly and without any hiccups.

The first 6 months were ok, all I really did was take my folic acid and work out the best time of the month for rudies. It was all rather exciting! We were just concentrating on the deed so to speak :kiss:

After those first 6 months, there was a humungous baby boom around me and I started to feel a little disheartened. People were getting pregnant who I didn't even realise wanted families. My friend asked me to help at her baby shower, which I did not want to do but couldn't say no to. 4 people including my friend were sat there with big round bellies, sharing their pregnancy stories. My heart was just about to burst there and then. I realised how desperate I was to have a baby, and this was after only 6 months of trying. I wanted to be the one with a bundle of joy on the way. I wanted to sit and complain about my swollen ankles and heart burn.

I then became a bit obsessed. I bought as many books as I could lay my hands on about conceiving and google became my best friend helping me work out dates, positions, what should I NOT be eating, what SHOULD i be eating and so on.

After an unsuccessful year I took a trip to the doctors where I had all of the routine fertility blood tests. They showed that I was ovulating as normal, they showed no indication of cysts or anything that could have lead to endemetriosis or PID. She sent me away with a flea in my ear and told me to come back in 6 months if nothing had happened by then.

18 months in I was in the darkest place I have ever been. I stopped talking to my pregnant friends and cut them out of my life. It hurt too much, to see them with their bumps and hearing about a friend of a friends labour. My partner had to turn the TV over if an advert for nappies came on. Nothing else mattered. I needed a baby.

I eventually made another doctors appointment and she booked me in for an internal examination :blush: I had previously had some loop diathermy treatment which had always been in the back of my head as causing problems conceiving. Surprisingly, she said that my cervix looked very healthy. The only thing that she noted was that my uterus was tilted towards my spine and she suggested that after we had had sex, I should lie on my tummy for half an hour. This would ensure that my partners little men would atleast get to where they needed to be. She also said that my partner should go in and get checked out. This was something we had agreed not to do unless I had been given the complete all clear. His ego would take a lot more to heal than mine!

That evening, we had a long discussion. We would try for 6 more months (taking us to 2 years of ttc) then that would be it. If nothing had happened we would forget about it and concentrate on nice things, holidays, finally getting wed, basically getting a new Life Plan-B. But we were going to give those last 6 months our best shot.

I ordered ovulation kits, tens of pregnancy tests, some pre-seed and some instead soft cups. I was going to chart and check my cervical fluid and leave no stone unturned.

That week after my internal, it was the right time of the month so before my new kit arrived we tried once, and I did as the doc suggested and laid on my tummy for a while afterwards. My kit turned up and I put it in my top drawer ready to use the following month.

2 weeks later (as I did every month) I had convinced myself that we had finally done it this time. I felt pregnant (as I did every month) but we were not going to test until the day my preiod was due. So when we did one cheap test that came back positive we couldnt believe our eyes. We did one more. Then another. All 3 came back positive. OBVIOUSLY these werent enough so we raced out and got a digital test. It put me at 2 weeks pregnant. Literally within days or even hours of my last doctor appointment, we had made our very own baby. :thumbup: I did not need the kit that I had ordered and it's still currently sat in my top drawer.

We are now 15 weeks pregnant and we saw our baby for the first time 3 weeks ago. Little Jelly Bean looks healthy and we are hoping and preying that it stays that way.

As I said earlier, I realise that 18 months of ttc is nothing compared to some couples, and I do realise that we are very lucky and priveleged. I'm so sorry if this is a long post, but it's very hard to put into words what we go through when trying, without everything pouring out.

I hated when people used to say to me "Oh forget about it, relax, it will happen when it happens". Those words and that type of advice will never leave my mouth. It is impossible to forget about something so important.

I don't know if me lying on my tummy helped, or if it just was "meant to be". I have no advice, or words or wisdom. I just wish everyone the best of luck in the world, we all deserve to be mummys.

If my story can give just one person a bit of hope then my sore finger tips have been worth it. xxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations hunny, your story has really brightened my day and keeps the faith in me :) Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months! xxx
Oh, how funny! So was your uterus backwards tilted then? So is mine and Ive been told to lie on my back with legs up in the air and a cushion under my bum...but I do alternate between lying on my tummy and the legs up - looks well stupid but Im up for any acrobatics for a good cause :haha:

We are onto month 23 and to be honest I think it hurts the same whether it#s 18 months, 24 or 45 months.
Although I do get offended when friends who caught within 6 months try to compare me to them saying how desperate they were....That is a bit of a joke

Well done to you! And H&H rest of the pregnancy :flower:
Hi and thanks for the comments, I'm glad I've given a little inspiration.

Yes its pointed backwards. The way the doc described it was being an upside-down vase with the opening pointing back. If you think about it in theory, without going into too much detail, the stuff wont get in there if you lie on your back. I had been doing that for the whole time and wasting his little people :dohh:.

Good luck xx
Thank you so much for this! I NEEDED THIS!!!!!!!! <3 congrats
Congratulations, warmest wishes to you and your oh and thank you for this story. I am around the same time you were ttc and I completely agree with you about all the baby adverts etc. It's always the case when you are going through something or yearning for it so much there is that constant reminder.

Got to keep smiling, even a grimace disguised as a smile is a smile in my eyes!!

H&H 9months to you x
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm on my 12th cycle right now. My best friend just had a baby last month (she got preganant accidentally while on birth control) and yesterday i found out my sister in law is pregnant (on her 1st cycle trying). So needless to say I'm feeling pretty low, but your story has given me hope.
Zoe...first of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! After a long time, I smiled reading your success story. Thanks so much for appreciating the excruciating wait every month. We have been TTC for 7 months now and everyone says..."oh, it hasn't been that long." But to me its been like forever! My life is slowing reducing to charting, temping, watching for CM, timing BD :( I can't help myself. Yesterday, I woke up and started temping...and just for the heck of it, looked at the clock. It was 2:30 am!! Sigh! Your story gives so much hope and joy. I hope and pray we will all be able to share such wonderful stories soon!
This is an amazing story. I am so happy for you. It can be so incredibly heartbreaking, and NO ONE understands. I think you've been really brave and an inspiration to all of us who are feeling down about not being able to get pregnant. I will go to bed a little more positive tonight. XXX
Congratulations and I hope you have a very healthy 9 months and a wonderful bundle of joy at the end of it, we have been ttc for almost three years now, but I experience the exact same things as what you have done, thankyou for your success story xx
Thank you so much for sharing. I'm having a rubbish day and needed to hear this. Wishing you the happiest and healthiest of pregnancies xx
Wow - 18 months is a long time. Anything over 12 is forever i think. I am on month 16 and it is getting boring now! Thanks for sharing your story. And huge good luck for a H&H 9 months xx
Dear Zoe, congrats!! We've been trying for 13 months now. Your story keeps us going :)
Congrats, I hope the preg is going well.

Your story bought a tear to my eye, its very emotional to reflect on the heartbreak and struggle you go through to get your precious bundle. I'm on cycle 15, had IUI today and praying for success

Wishing you a very happy n healthy baby


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