Success stories after almost 8 mo's of trying???


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
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Anyone waited this long ffor thier bundle of joy??? What did you do dif, and was there a reason y so long?

I just started opks this cycle n got my positive but this feels like theres another underlying issue since it shows I ovulate n we do it allll the time. Hubs has been wrkin far out town for few mos so sure we didnt hit it on those but hopefully this cycle we do.

I know there only like a %25 chance each time. But been waiting. Feelin hopeful still tho.... Hope bout you, did anyone have it just happen out the blue one mo?
I had given up, to be honest. Been trying on and off for around 2 and a half years but never got anywhere. So I just gave up trying, we still had sex but only once a month. So I just got my BFP and we only did it once, I am still in shock :)
Awwww that is awesome to hear congrats to you!!! I kno people took forever with there second or first.

Me n my man did it the day before I got + opk, the scond day of positive n days before so I had
sex Tuesday
sex Wednesday
+thursday opk n sex
+friday opk n sex
+sat no sex
+sunday no sex

U think that was enough?
Hope so :) good luck on ur nine mos
It took me 8 cycles of perfectly timed intercourse to conceive dd#1. I was 35 years old. I had tried a lot of things before then, but two things I did differently were to take baby aspirin and to cut caffeine out cold turkey. Also, before that, I had been drinking a little ACV everyday to get rid of a yeast infection. I took no other supplements.

I now know that while 8 months may feel like a long time, it is actually the norm for a woman in her 30's. I'm now on my 10th cycle of trying for child #2, and the things that worked the first time around aren't working this time. I started up with the baby aspirin and cutting out caffeine on my 5th or 6th cycle, but still nothing. Last month I started taking a boatload of supplements to improve egg quality. I also started back drinking a little ACV to help with digestion and so I can absorb supplements better.

I go to a FS in October to make sure nothing is wrong, but I'm hoping that it is just a waiting game. I am hopeful and terrified at the same time!
Wow that is definatly inspiring, makes me very hopeful. I actually bathe in ACV once a while helps alot with skin, maybe ill mix in my water. Im horrible with pop so today my man went got me juices to add to water, hope it helps overall. Im taking prenatals too but scared they dont open up inside tummy since there the regular tablets. Well I hope your bfp comes before u have you apnt w FS, there so many ways they can help but always better if we can on our own. Im worried I have pcos which I should chck, but my cycles arntt all over the place just kinda long n heavy, the reason I think is cuz of the 6 days of + opks I had. They neg now but so many factoors. Good luck to us, and hope this months stuck for me im gonna test if late. Thanks for advice and yeah they do say try a year but seems like forever when we always do it :). Sending good luck your way!
Hey Jenny! I though I would share my success story with you. DH and I TTC for almost 9 months. We did everything right. Timing, vitamins, pre-seed, ate organic, used all sorta of methods, OPK's, read books, practiced yoga an did tons of research. Each month got harder and harder when I would see the BFN! I cried myself to sleep a lot wondering if maybe I was one that would experience secondary infertility (this is my 2nd I have a child from previous marriage) we didn't make it known to many family or friends that we were TTC because it was just so hard. Especially when all of my friends were not even trying and would get pregnant in 1 cycle. It took a toll on me mentally and physically so bad even to that I would not even want to get out of bed to face the day at times. I knew this was not healthy. So one day after 8 months of trying, DH and I sat in bed and prayed that if it was meant for us to have a child then it was his will and we would no longer worry an just be at peace. Believe me it wasn't easy but as soon as we let go and let God a Miricale happened! 6 weeks later I was feeling a bit nauseated after dinner , so I decided to take a test the next day. I actually didn't have any tests on hand since we weren't actively trying anymore. I went to the store picked up the test and took it. I didn't think much of it as I had many false symptoms in previous months, so I walked away an started to fold my laundry. When I went back to check the result it was a clear as day BFP!! I almost passed out from the shock!! I took 4 more tests over the next 3 days. It took awhile to sink in. I know now that it was meant to be and when we turn it over to God he goes to work in amazing ways!! I am currently 14 weeks along. We only did it twice that whole month I'm not even sure when I conceived but I know this miricales happen and it can happen for you too!! Don't give up hope just be calm and be at peace. Your little Miricale will be here sooner than you can imagine! Hugs to you!!
Hey Jenny! I though I would share my success story with you. DH and I TTC for almost 9 months. We did everything right. Timing, vitamins, pre-seed, ate organic, used all sorta of methods, OPK's, read books, practiced yoga an did tons of research. Each month got harder and harder when I would see the BFN! I cried myself to sleep a lot wondering if maybe I was one that would experience secondary infertility (this is my 2nd I have a child from previous marriage) we didn't make it known to many family or friends that we were TTC because it was just so hard. Especially when all of my friends were not even trying and would get pregnant in 1 cycle. It took a toll on me mentally and physically so bad even to that I would not even want to get out of bed to face the day at times. I knew this was not healthy. So one day after 8 months of trying, DH and I sat in bed and prayed that if it was meant for us to have a child then it was his will and we would no longer worry an just be at peace. Believe me it wasn't easy but as soon as we let go and let God a Miricale happened! 6 weeks later I was feeling a bit nauseated after dinner , so I decided to take a test the next day. I actually didn't have any tests on hand since we weren't actively trying anymore. I went to the store picked up the test and took it. I didn't think much of it as I had many false symptoms in previous months, so I walked away an started to fold my laundry. When I went back to check the result it was a clear as day BFP!! I almost passed out from the shock!! I took 4 more tests over the next 3 days. It took awhile to sink in. I know now that it was meant to be and when we turn it over to God he goes to work in amazing ways!! I am currently 14 weeks along. We only did it twice that whole month I'm not even sure when I conceived but I know this miricales happen and it can happen for you too!! Don't give up hope just be calm and be at peace. Your little Miricale will be here sooner than you can imagine! Hugs to you!!

Such a beautiful and inspiring story! Congratulations.
Hey Jenny! I though I would share my success story with you. DH and I TTC for almost 9 months. We did everything right. Timing, vitamins, pre-seed, ate organic, used all sorta of methods, OPK's, read books, practiced yoga an did tons of research. Each month got harder and harder when I would see the BFN! I cried myself to sleep a lot wondering if maybe I was one that would experience secondary infertility (this is my 2nd I have a child from previous marriage) we didn't make it known to many family or friends that we were TTC because it was just so hard. Especially when all of my friends were not even trying and would get pregnant in 1 cycle. It took a toll on me mentally and physically so bad even to that I would not even want to get out of bed to face the day at times. I knew this was not healthy. So one day after 8 months of trying, DH and I sat in bed and prayed that if it was meant for us to have a child then it was his will and we would no longer worry an just be at peace. Believe me it wasn't easy but as soon as we let go and let God a Miricale happened! 6 weeks later I was feeling a bit nauseated after dinner , so I decided to take a test the next day. I actually didn't have any tests on hand since we weren't actively trying anymore. I went to the store picked up the test and took it. I didn't think much of it as I had many false symptoms in previous months, so I walked away an started to fold my laundry. When I went back to check the result it was a clear as day BFP!! I almost passed out from the shock!! I took 4 more tests over the next 3 days. It took awhile to sink in. I know now that it was meant to be and when we turn it over to God he goes to work in amazing ways!! I am currently 14 weeks along. We only did it twice that whole month I'm not even sure when I conceived but I know this miricales happen and it can happen for you too!! Don't give up hope just be calm and be at peace. Your little Miricale will be here sooner than you can imagine! Hugs to you!!

Aww thanks so much for your story its wonderful to hear!!! Gives me so much hope n I love how you and your husband were!!
The way I think of it all now is alll of us are tryn tryn n tryn tc and we cant all at once, god will give us the gift when he knows were ready n its our time!! :) im actually 1 day late now so will test tomorrow or thhe next day :) thanks sp much all, love locve love the insperation!! :) good luck in you 9 mo journeys
We were TTC/NTNP for almost 3 years & eventually got our BFP back in March. We conceived naturally after taking a break from TTC to get into a better headspace- too many BFNs.
I'm now at 32 weeks & things are going well. Pregnancy has had its ups and downs (bleeding, major anxiety, etc), it's definitely not as easy as I thought! But it's very exciting to be progressing.
I'm hoping by the looks of your ticker that this has been a good month for you. Wishing you a very happy & healthy 9 months! Message me if I can be of any help.
We were TTC/NTNP for almost 3 years & eventually got our BFP back in March. We conceived naturally after taking a break from TTC to get into a better headspace- too many BFNs.
I'm now at 32 weeks & things are going well. Pregnancy has had its ups and downs (bleeding, major anxiety, etc), it's definitely not as easy as I thought! But it's very exciting to be progressing.
I'm hoping by the looks of your ticker that this has been a good month for you. Wishing you a very happy & healthy 9 months! Message me if I can be of any help.

Aw congrats!! Its amazing seeing your + after so long huh? I found out im 4 wks 5 days the other day. So nervous since I had a mc 6 years ago. It didnt even grow or implant right so im so scared now that its not gonna. I am going in to get insurance on monday but need to wait to see a doc before I get it. Might go to a slidinng scale place tho till then. Im having cramps just lil ones for weeks n just a tiny tinge of brown when I wipe. Hoping it sticks good this time!! Were so excited. Couldnt believe it when I saw! U get anxiety thru pregnancy? your gettting really close!! thanks :) :) good luck to you too!! We tryd 10 months actually!!!
Congratulations! Keeping everything crossed for you. Yeah I had a lot of anxiety during pregnancy, I think mainly because it all seemed too good to be true, I kept expecting things to go wrong. I'm feeling a lot better now as I can feel the baby lots.
Hope everything goes smoothly for you! :hugs:
My full-ish story is on this thread
Congratulations! Keeping everything crossed for you. Yeah I had a lot of anxiety during pregnancy, I think mainly because it all seemed too good to be true, I kept expecting things to go wrong. I'm feeling a lot better now as I can feel the baby lots.
Hope everything goes smoothly for you! :hugs:
My full-ish story is on this thread

Thank you, you too!! Im feeling exactlly that way, not stressing but always thinkin something may be wrong. Feeling syptoms today tho sooo tired, a lil quesy and sore breasts of course. Thanks for the input. Ill be fine too once I get past the 3rd mo I think!!!! Cant wait!!
I too look forward to getting past the quesy weeks ^^ Can't look at tuna, can't smell roast chicken, can't even THINK about icky things without heaving now lol
Hey Jenny! I though I would share my success story with you. DH and I TTC for almost 9 months. We did everything right. Timing, vitamins, pre-seed, ate organic, used all sorta of methods, OPK's, read books, practiced yoga an did tons of research. Each month got harder and harder when I would see the BFN! I cried myself to sleep a lot wondering if maybe I was one that would experience secondary infertility (this is my 2nd I have a child from previous marriage) we didn't make it known to many family or friends that we were TTC because it was just so hard. Especially when all of my friends were not even trying and would get pregnant in 1 cycle. It took a toll on me mentally and physically so bad even to that I would not even want to get out of bed to face the day at times. I knew this was not healthy. So one day after 8 months of trying, DH and I sat in bed and prayed that if it was meant for us to have a child then it was his will and we would no longer worry an just be at peace. Believe me it wasn't easy but as soon as we let go and let God a Miricale happened! 6 weeks later I was feeling a bit nauseated after dinner , so I decided to take a test the next day. I actually didn't have any tests on hand since we weren't actively trying anymore. I went to the store picked up the test and took it. I didn't think much of it as I had many false symptoms in previous months, so I walked away an started to fold my laundry. When I went back to check the result it was a clear as day BFP!! I almost passed out from the shock!! I took 4 more tests over the next 3 days. It took awhile to sink in. I know now that it was meant to be and when we turn it over to God he goes to work in amazing ways!! I am currently 14 weeks along. We only did it twice that whole month I'm not even sure when I conceived but I know this miricales happen and it can happen for you too!! Don't give up hope just be calm and be at peace. Your little Miricale will be here sooner than you can imagine! Hugs to you!!

Amen! this is inspiring, thanks for sharing....we also have handed it over to God.....its not easy but children are from Him and only His will prevails at the end of it all.....Share more, it brings glory to Him!
I have to second that :) I was done with 3 kids and then I had a dream that I was in a white room, there were 4 chairs and 3 of them were empty but the last chair had a child sitting in it.

I took the hint ^^
I just got my :bfp: yesterday after trying for 2 1/2 years! It will happen ladies!! Keep your head up and have faith! Lots of baby dust!! :dust:
I have to second that :) I was done with 3 kids and then I had a dream that I was in a white room, there were 4 chairs and 3 of them were empty but the last chair had a child sitting in it.

I took the hint ^^

Aww thats definatly a sign :) :)
I just got my :bfp: yesterday after trying for 2 1/2 years! It will happen ladies!! Keep your head up and have faith! Lots of baby dust!! :dust:

Congratulations!!! Its amazing seeing those two lines after trying so long huh?? So worth the wait!! :) :) cant wait to start to show!!
Hi Ladies,
I just read your stories and all of you give me so much hope. I too have been ttc'ing for a little over a year now which is becoming frustrating, but you getting your BFP's is so inspiring. Hopefully I will be able to post some good news in the strand one day soon.:blush:

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