Sugar Sugar Sugar?? advice please


Mummy and Pregnant!
Jan 22, 2012
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Just wondering if anyone else cant stop eating sugary stuff? I cant get enough of it lately? I don't think its cravings, and my friend has worried me saying it could be something wrong. its got to the stage where Im putting 5/6 sugars in my tea! I only usually ever have 4! im eating a big bar of chocolate (any chocolate as long as its sugary) in 10 minute, just scoffing it down, just eaten a big 100g bar in a matter of 8 minutes immediately after my breakfast. im not a big chocolate eater and it still makes me feel icky but I still buy it and eat it. I really don't know what this could be? is anyone else like this?
I don't usually take sugar un my tea but in happily putting 3-4 in there right now and putting jam onto toast (another thing i don't normally eat) my oh says i did the same last pregnancy so not worried
Haha, I could have wrote this myself!! I usually only have 4 sugars in my tea but lately its been 5 and a half. I can't stop thinking about daim bars so eat a 4 bar multi pack last night lol. Maybe its a girl thing ;) x
my sweet tooth just came back recently

I also want chocolates more now than ever before ... making me scared of picking up more weight as I was already overweight pre-pregnancy
I'm exactly the same, never usually touch chocolate, but been going mad for it for the past few weeks. Anything sweet I can get my hands on goes straight into my belly!!
Also craving sweets. I had lost about 80 pounds pre-pregnancy so was pretty much not eating that kind of stuff, particularly candy. Now though, loving anything sweet, candies and baked goods. Was thinking of making some oatmeal cookies today as at least they have some redeeming quality!
I am the same way, completely addicted to sweet tarts. I have been all three of my pregnancies so I don't think its bad. My boys are both perfectly fine.
Apparently craving chocolate can mean that your body needs more magnesium.
I don't know about sugar in general, though...
Well I would just be careful not to go TOO overboard with indulging the sugar cravings. Does fruit satisfy you at all or does it really need to be sugary junk? Sweetened yoghurts maybe? Porridge with honey? Protein is so important in the 2nd tri, just be careful not to overdo the sugar and neglect proper nutrition. I know, easier said than done!! But it really can't be healthy for you or the baby to have too much sugar!
i'm loving chocolate at the moment. I have to take a surgery drink with every where I go, my low blood pressure and low iron means I get dizzy and faint easily.
i'm exactly the same! i have a huge sweet tooth as it is, but it's just getting worse. even they "healthy" food i eat is full of sugar, like fruit. i'm starting to worry though b/c i went for my 20 week scan last week and they said my baby is large and are sending me for a glucose test tomorrow to rule out GD. i'm hoping i didnt bring this on myself with all the sugars i've been eating :cry:
Yep this is me! I'm still struggling to eat some days with hg but mostly all I want is butterscotch or strawberry angel delight (which ive found is fab for heartburn too!) or jam on toast! Not the healthiest I know but it's whatever stays down lol on good days I'm also loving strawberrys/raspberrys/blueberries in activia yogurt :)
Woww...5/6 sugars in ur this brown or white...i have one teaspoon of brown sugar and thats more than enough...i have no advice but was just so shocked how much sugar u ladies put in tea lol...
providing you're still eating healthy food (getting fruit and veg etc) i don't see the problem with a bit of sweet stuff :p

It might pass though...for the last two-three weeks or so i craved sugar. desperately. krispy kreme doughnuts, kit kats, anything. and today i woke up and suddenly didn't fancy it any more. I even walked past the krispy kreme shop without buying some!!

if youre anything like me though, when having a craving things like fruit or sweetened yoghurt just don't cut it. for me it HAD to be junk food
I have always had the worst sweet tooth, but since getting pregnant I lost my appetite and my sweet tooth! Sometimes I'd kill for chocolate, and if I can't eat anything else a pastry with icing will be palatable. But I'm not even wanting ice cream, and I can eat a quart of ice cream in a day or two normally. People are worried because I'm losing weight in my pregnancy...seems no one can believe healthy weight loss is possible at this time.
Yes!!! I didn't really used to have puddings or sweet things on a regular basis, I now can't go a day without having some form of pudding or unhealthy sugary snack!!! I'm concerned about gestational diabetes :(
I am really into chocolate and cheese right now, I allow myself to eat all the cheese I want but try to limit the chocolate. This post makes me want a chocolate bar!
I've just had a big chocolate muffin ha ha ha
I could be wrong, but six sugars in a cup of tea and a whole bar of chocolate right after breakfast does actually sound like a problem to me.

I understand the pregnancy sugar cravings but that seems truly excessive. I would talk to your midwife or doctor about it. It's way too much sugar to be healthy.
i'm exactly the same! i have a huge sweet tooth as it is, but it's just getting worse. even they "healthy" food i eat is full of sugar, like fruit. i'm starting to worry though b/c i went for my 20 week scan last week and they said my baby is large and are sending me for a glucose test tomorrow to rule out GD. i'm hoping i didnt bring this on myself with all the sugars i've been eating :cry:

I asked my doctor about it and he said that what you eat during pregnancy has nothing to do with getting gestational diabetes. gestational diabetes is caused by the placenta. You can have other risk factors and having a big baby could be a sign of it, but eating sugar while pregnant does not CAUSE it.

Of course eating lots of sugar is really not healthy and if we fill up on it instead of healthy food it's not good. I know, easier said than done. :)

Last pregnancy I REALLY craved sugar and I didn't have GD.

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