Stardust- just pretend it hasn't started yet as your only supposed to let them know about blood in the plug if it's before 36 weeks and you're only a day off so I wouldn't worry about it hun. Symptoms of labour can start at this time and don't necessarily mean anything imminent. I lost plug with blood in it with Toby at 35 weeks and he came at 40+5 so I don't really take the plug as a sign of anything.
OH didn't get back that late at all. He came back around 11:30pm. But he came home drunk and we argued a lot and loudly. He upset me a lot and said some pretty nasty stuff. I told him he could sleep on the sofa and marched off to bed. He doesn't understand that I needed him and just thinks I was trying to control him and not let him have fun with his friends. I've been so understanding of him doing stuff with his mates. When I've felt like shit and wanted nothing more than to cuddle I've gone to bed whilst he's played online with his mates. I've sat quietly in the corner whilst he's played "clan matches" on Call Of Duty until the early hours of the morning. I've sat at home on my own whilst he's been out at the football. But thing was he was out on Saturday night too and I spent the night alone and went to bed by myself so last night I just needed him. Anyway, I ended up crying really hard and he just shut the living room door and turned the TV up so he couldn't hear me. I then got really panicky as I do when I'm feeling down and my hormones are crazy that he was gonna hate me and leave me (I'm so pathetic lol) so I came downstairs and told him I didn't want to argue and could we just forget about it. And all was fine. But he keeps making digs and it's doing my head in. He's also ridiculously hung over and throwing up so looks like I'm off to the scan by myself!! So still angry, at him and myself. Might go round to a friend's or my mum's tonight just to get away from him for a bit x