I haven't bought any prem or tiny baby stuff this time either, LO was in prem for a month then tiny for another month. This one just has to be big lol.
My OH is such a twat
After being out and leaving me with LO on my own all weekend (11am Sat - midnight out with friends then 11am Sun - 5pm playing football). Then I've had all the pains and the bleeding scare last night and I am barely coping with looking after LO, just so tired which I think is down to the anaemia (started my iron today so hopefully not long). He got home tonight at 5pm, our kitchen had flooded cos I had accidentally disconnected the dishwater waste pipe :-S
So I took LO while he cleaned that and he could see how exhausted I was so I said I was going to bed once he was done and he immediately comes out with "No - you can't, I'm playing football tonight!" so I told him he better find someone else to get LOs dinner and put her to bed then since I was far too tired and sore after everything and all he said was "I can't cancel, I've already told the boys I'm playing tonight". I was in tears with being so tired and painful

So my answer was "Fine, just don't come back" and he said "Fine" and that was the end of it, he fed LO and got his football stuff ready and left at 6 without saying bye. Bloody idiot
I thought that at least after yesterday he would feel a bit of sympathy for me or want to help but it seems he's a bigger bumhole than I thought.
So I have text him (making sure it was before kick off so he read it first) to tell him what a dick he is and I meant that he shouldn't come back tonight and not to even try as he won't get in (I have taken his house keys off his keyring, locked the doors and shut the curtains), I can see what his priorities are and I'm not a doormat etc. He either hasn't bothered to read it or doesn't care cos I haven't heard back. Good job it's not an emergency.
I moved out here to his area (my family are 45mins away) because he didn't want to leave his friends etc. so I have no help from my family and this is the thanks I get all the time, I've had enough! Everything is on his terms, his priorities etc. I'm just not putting up with it anymore. He will look after LO only when he feels like it and it doesn't interfere with his mates and his football. And I am always the last person he thinks of.
Maybe I'm being hormonal and overreacting but everytime I am ill and I need him it's always the same - his football and friends come before me and it's just tough shit for me

No more!
Now I'm not actually sure what I'm going to do since I can't really leave him locked out his own house?!?! Plus he'll need work clothes for tomorrow and he has MY car and he has our joint account bank card. I can't leave either to give him a shock, I have nowhere to go, rely on him 100% for money etc. I have been thinking for a while that I need to start working on some independence - getting all my debts paid off and a little job once baby is 6months so I can start some savings, get my confidence back up and start meeting friends etc. again at least then in a year or something I will be in a better position not to be walked all over

But for now I don't know what to do and it sucks.