Huggies just broke my heart. Over half of all babies born are overdue I DON'T WANNA GO OVERDUE. Just got my letter confirming my consultant appointment for if I go over due. It's 5 days after my due date which is when I had my son. I will be so heartbroken if I have to go to that appointment
I havent seen a consultant this time.. providing everything goes well today, mw app isnt til 3 , im doing nothing til then. I'll be in that 50% that go over my only bitof hope is that its so soon after Connie hes just going to slipout early lol
Baby is head down and mesuring 36cms so all good. I left bella indoors when i went to mw and shes ill and has pooed all over kitchen floor its all watery and ive had to clear it up, need her back to my mums as soon as shes back from france monday! Feel sick! Its not her fault tho she went right by the back door and couldnt get out. Onething after another today
Started iron supplements yesterday, they have me on a double dose and its giving me awful tummy cramps and horrible black diarrhoea - it's like meconium LOL! On top of that I have big gloopy dollops of bloody snotty plug hanging out of me all the time 3.5weeks to go, thank goodness!
I bet you cant wait for it to be over! Has anyone else been keeping track of personalised growth charts in notes. I did it with Connie and came out spot on to the oz... and just done it nowand say hes eastimated 7.5lbs!
Lol I'm on a double dose of Iron too except it's caused me to get constipated but I agree when I do go it looks like meconium lol, it's exactly what I thought this morning. I walked to my mum's early after walking round town and I had some horrendous contractions on the way but they stopped as soon as I got there. I've been so uncomfortable all day and to top it off I itch and anything that touches me irritates me. Even my dress is irritating me. I was shouting at OH earlier just for being near me because it was making me itch it's horrible. Just got home and put Toby to bed so now am off in the shower to see if it feels any better.
And stardust I've constantly got bits of clumpy snotty plug hanging out of me too. Wish it was bloody though so I knew I was actually getting a little closer. The thought of 3-5 more weeks is killing me lol.
Me and OH are going to watch some TV tonight and I think I'm gonna spend the whole time bouncing on my ball in the hopes it'll move LO down and hopefully I can get things going in the next couple of weeks x
Not started yet just having a quick tidy in the living room because it looked like a bomb hit it. Bit better now. Off to take an EPO and then start bouncing lol x
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