Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

Ahh id love a holiday! Dosnt seem to pratical any time soon though lol. OH back to work tmo, will see what sort of routine we can get into.. think housework will be behind for a few days. .... or weeks

Wish these stitches would heal! not looking forward to braving asda by myself with 2 of them tomorrow!
did someone say holiday?

bloody hell Chris is 3 weeks old!
I know. Can't believe Lily is 3 weeks old on Friday!

She's such a greedy little baby. She's now on 5oz of hungry baby milk and still demanding a feed every 2.5-3 hours!!! Sometimes it's earlier but we try to get her to hold off as long as we can. She did however drop a feed last night. I don't suspect it will stick but to have that block of sleep from 2am until 7:30am this morning was AMAZING!! As I'm usually up between 4 and 5am as well!!!

It's so warm in this house she has had to spend the last 2 days in just her vest bless her. Just dying for a thunder storm to lower the air pressure so it isn't so bloody humid anymore!!! Anyway, off to cook tea and bath, feed and bed the kids!! Got a lovely bottle of wine in the fridge. First glass since before I was looking forward to it!!! Just one glass mind lol though that still might be enough to get me hammered haha!!!
i have a little man piglet drains both boobs waits for them to refill and is back for more so having to be strict on him as abby needs me to
Oh my you breastfeeding both babies? Blimey that's good

Wish my milk was enough for my greedy boy :( oh well atleast he is still getting some

Time is going so quick it's madness!!!
lol my friends just thought i was bfing both noooooo abby never thrived on bf milk and was weaned from the bottle at 10 months. She's never handled dairy well so now has very little Chris is doing far better
I'm a bit of a mess :-(

OH met someone for sex a week after A was born. He arranged to meet her, took a condom and told me he was going to the dentist then came back acting normal.

Not the first time either. Just want to get away from him and start again on my own. I'm so angry and hurt xx
Omg stardust so so sorry to hear this! What a asehole an you deserve better
Can you go to family or friends?
I'm going to Mums in the morning. Will stay there for a month or two, enough time to save up a deposit on a little private rent of my own. God I'm so angry and stupid!!! He hasn't even apologised to my face or given an explanation. Just smirked at me and told me to ask my little friends what had happened then stormed off with MY car!

I am such a pushover, can't even be bothered confronting him and he won't talk to me. Horrible thing to say but I wish he wasn't the kids Dad and then I could cut him out my life forever and never have to look at him again.
Aw hun im sorry you have to deal with this , its hard work on its own dealing with new born an toddler not to mention a twat on top of it!

But you can do this you female you the stronger sex , you got two beautiful children that need you , the worst thing you can do to that prick is show him you can thrive without him!
Huge hugs Hun
Ahh stardust :( hope things get better, you'll be better off without him anyway xx
do you have a vice and rusty blade Star???? I'll sit on him you saw!

dirty bugger hope you can get settled at your mums for a bit might help A's digestion being happy in one place.
Ugh I hate him. I actually didn't know it was possible to feel this much disgust and hatred towards someone. I wish I could cut him out of my life forever. I looked her up on Facebook and now keep torturing myself, can't get the picture of him with her out of my head. God I hate him so much for doing this to me.

We've made a bit of progress with A. He's been diagnosed with severe reflux so on a higher dose of omeprazole and they also think he has a swallowing disorder (dysphagia?) which is why he chokes and screams on his feeds, I think it's going into his airway when he swallows. We are just waiting on a feeding therapist coming out to do an assessment on his (she's late and A is starving!) swallowing before we see the paediatrician again tomorrow. In the meantime they have given him a prescription thickener that makes his milk like gloopy custard and he can actually drink it without choking and screaming. He's gone from 1-2oz taking an hour to drink to 4oz taking 15mins in the past 2 days. And because he isn't screaming hungry all the time he's much more settled in between his feeds at night. Only thing I am finding is that lots of air gets trapped in the custardy milk cos it's so gloopy and he has been quite colicky the past couple of nights and was up from 4am straining with wind and constipation. Better than 24/7 struggling to eat and being clearly distressed though! xx
Oh my god Star that's awful. How did you find out? And I agree with Jo I would definitely be looking for something to cut his balls off with!!!

Glad little man is feeding better. Our little miss is quite colicky too. Nothing seems to be helping. She really struggles with her wind. I've tried different ways of burping her, different colic drops/gripe water, baby massage. Everything I can think of to try help but she still struggles. She's been better with the throwing up since we started using infacol but it can still take us an hour of her whinging and us burping her before she brings any wind up. She's also gotten a bit constipated over the last couple of days too. Not fun.

kmb which formula is she on? might be worth trialling another one? I seem to remember being advised for both ff and bf if they get distressed let them get a good glug down delatch then wind then try again for every ounce. didn't really work for abs beinga natural refluxer and mildly lactose intolerant. the best thing was sitting her up with her dummy after feeds she still does this now happily.

tried Chris on a 2nd dummy today Mam now not TT he won't keep any in
We've tried changing her milk she's the same on both and we pull her off every ounce to wind so you can imagine how long sometimes it can take to give her a bottle lol x
I found out cos a friend of mine had known all along. We were chatting by text and I mentioned to her me and OH were having problems and she said she had something to tell me. Then she fucked about for ages then told me. It was her best friend. I never suspected a thing, I remember posting around that time saying I thought OH was struggling to adjust to being a Dad of 2 and his nana had recently died etc.

I just texted him to tell him to pack his shit up and get out. I also added in that he is a dirty lying cheating piece of scum and I hate his f*****g guts. I have no idea why I thought I had to be the one to leave. Going out with a few folks from work tomorrow night too, I need to get extremely drunk.

He has just text back saying he'll get his stuff and go and doesn't blame me for hating him and he's sorry.
So he bloody should be. That's how I found out my ex had cheated on me...with one of my best mates!!! My other friend knew and she'd given them both a week to tell me. They didn't so she had to. It's horrible finding out that way.

MIL has just taken the kids out. First time since Lily was born I've left her with someone other than OH and that's only been when I've nipped to the shop which is directly opposite our house. She's literally just left...I WANT MY BABY BACK!! I miss her already. Hate this!!
bloody hell and they say ffing is easy? babies are just complicated SMA was way to rich for abs she ended up on C&G with a bottle aversion.
I've always been told that SMA isn't a good milk anyway. There aren't many babies that agree with it. TO be fair Lily is doing much better and she's is still taking less time to feed with bottles than she was with breast. I just wasn't able to do anything as she was constantly attached to me. Today she's been going 4 hours between feeds instead of 3 so hungry baby milk must be kicking in. She hasn't thrown up and has been burping a bit better so maybe that had something to do with it. Can't believe she's 3 weeks old tomorrow x

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